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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 71
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-281, (November, 1987)

Editorial Board
Page i
High- and low-temperature phases of lithium boron nitride, Li3BN2: Preparation, phase relation, crystal structure, and ionic conductivity
Pages 1-11
Hisanori Yamane, Shinichi Kikkawa, Mitsue Koizumi
Structure of PbSb2O6 and its relationship to the crystal chemistry of PbO2 in antimonial lead-acid batteries
Pages 12-18
Roderick J. Hill
Layered alkali rhodium oxides AxRhO2: Topotactic solvation, exchange, and redox reactions
Pages 19-28
A. Mendiboure, H. Eickenbusch, R. Schöllhorn, G.V.Subba Rao
The structure and electrical properties of Nb8PtSe20
Pages 29-33
Steven A. Sunshine, James A. Ibers
The crystal structure of potassium dimolybdate hydrate
Pages 34-39
B.M. Gatehouse, A.J. Jozsa
Crystal structure of a new FeP4 modification
Pages 40-46
M. Evain, R. Brec, S. Fiechter, H. Tributsch
The structures of intergrowth tungsten bronzes of Ba, Sn, Pb, and Sb
Pages 47-60
M.M. Dobson, J.L. Hutchison, R.J.D. Tilley, K.A. Watts
An investigation of the low oxidation state chemistry of rhenium in the BaO-Re-Re2O7 phase diagram
Pages 61-69
A.K. Cheetham, D.M. Thomas
Preparation and properties of dispersed iron (III) oxide on rutile
Pages 70-76
J. Yu, R. Kershaw, K. Dwight, A. Wold
Synthesis, ESR investigation, and optical properties of the potential vibronic laser material LaMgAl11−xCrxO19
Pages 77-86
B. Viana, A.M. Lejus, D. Vivien, V. Ponçon, G. Boulon
Intrachain exchange energies in 1-dimensional magnetic fluoromanganates(III) as a function of Mn-F-Mn bridge angle and crystal structure of Li2MnF5
Pages 87-94
J. Pebler, W. Massa, H. Lass, B. Ziegler
Kinetics and mechanisms of iron sulfide reductions in hydrogen and in carbon monoxide
Pages 95-102
T. Wiltowski, C.C. Hinckley, G.V. Smith, T. Nishizawa, M. Saporoschenko, R.H. Shiley, J.R. Webster
Compound and solid-solution formation in the system Li2O-Nb2O5-TiO2
Pages 103-108
M.E. Villafuerte-Castrejón, A. Aragón-Piña, R. Valenzuela, A.R. West
Spectroscopic properties of trivalent chromium in the fluoride garnet Na3In2Li3F12
Pages 109-114
D. de Viry, J.P. Denis, B. Blanzat, J. Grannec
Systématique simplifiée des composés ABX4 (X = O2−, F) et evolution possible de leurs structures cristallines sous pression
Pages 115-120
J.P. Bastide
β-Zr2(PO4)2SO4: A zirconium phosphato-sulfate with a Sc2(WO4)3 structure. A comparison between garnet, nasicon, and Sc2(WO4)3 structure types
Pages 121-130
Y. Piffard, A. Verbaere, M. Kinoshita
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of a new molybdenophosphate: AgMo5P8O33
Pages 131-138
K.-H. Lii, D.C. Johnston, D.P. Goshorn, R.C. Haushalter
Multiple empty tunnels in a new Ta-P-S phase: Synthesis and structure determination of Ta2P2S11
Pages 139-153
M. Evain, S. Lee, M. Queignec, R. Brec
Crystal structure and charge compensation mechanism of β″-alumina type R+-gallate (R = K+, NH+4)
Pages 154-163
T. Tsurumi, H. Ikawa, T. Nishimura, K. Urabe, S. Udagawa
Lithium ion conduction in substituted Li5MO4, M = Al, Fe
Pages 164-171
T. Esaka, M. Greenblatt
Thermodynamic properties of solid solutions of silica in forsterite (Mg2Si1+γO4+2γ)
Pages 172-175
G. Róg, G. Borchardt
Preparation and characterization of several II-IV-V2 chalcopyrite single crystals
Pages 176-181
He-Sheng Shen, Guang-Qing Yao, Robert Kershaw, Kirby Dwight, Aaron Wold
The sodium niobate NaNb3O8: A novel lamellar oxide synthesized by soft chemistry
Pages 182-188
R. Nedjar, M.M. Borel, A. Leclaire, B. Raveau
New double chloride in the LiCl-CoCl2 system: I. Preparation, crystal structure, phase transformation, and ionic conductivity of Li6CoCl8
Pages 189-195
R. Kanno, Y. Takeda, A. Takahashi, O. Yamamoto, R. Suyama, M. Koizumi
New double chloride in the LiCl-CoCl2 system: II. Preparation, crystal structure, phase transformation, and ionic conductivity of Li2CoCl4 spinel
Pages 196-204
R. Kanno, Y. Takeda, A. Takahashi, O. Yamamoto, R. Suyama, S. Kume
A preparatory and X-ray diffraction study of the SrCl2-NdCl3 system
Pages 205-213
Stanislaw A. Hodorowicz, Monika Olejak-Chodan, Harry A. Eick
Structural and calorimetric studies of order-disorder in CdMg(CO3)2
Pages 214-223
Christopher Capobianco, Benjamin P. Burton, Paula M. Davidson, Alexandra Navrotsky
Chemical bonding topology of superconductors: I. Ternary molybdenum chalcogenides (Chevrel phases)
Pages 224-232
R.B. King
Chemical bonding topology of superconductors: II. Ternary lanthanide rhodium borides
Pages 233-236
R.B. King
Cation distribution in (M′, M)3Se4: II. (V, Ti)3Se4 and (Cr, V)3Se4
Pages 237-243
A. Hayashi, Y. Ueda, K. Kosuge, H. Murata, H. Asano, N. Watanabe, F. Izumi
Structural and electronic properties of transition metal thiophosphates
Pages 244-262
M. Evain, R. Brec, M.-H. Whangbo
Orthorhombic superconducting YBa2Cu3O7±ϵ, HREM study: I. Structure of the ordered oxygen-deficient perovskite and problems of twins and domains
Pages 263-273
M. Hervieu, B. Domengès, C. Michel, J. Provost, B. Raveau
Phase equilibrium study of the LiV2O5-V2O4-V2O5 system at 923 K: A series of lithium vanadium bronzes, LixV6nO15n−m
Pages 274-277
Eiji Takayama-Muromachi, Katsuo Kato
Variable-temperature infrared spectra of VO2
Pages 278-281
T.A. Hewston, M.P. Nadler

Issue 2, Pgs 283-623, (December, 1987)

MoP3SiO11: A silicophosphate of molybdenum(III)
Pages 283-290
A. Leclaire, B. Raveau
Dimorphism of hydrothermal synthesized copper tellurite, CuTeO3: The structure of a monoclinic representative
Pages 291-295
F. Pertlik
Energy migration in a two-dimensional Eu3+ compound: EuMgAl11O19
Pages 296-304
M. Buijs, G. Blasse
X-ray microanalysis and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy of the reduced titanium-niobium oxides
Pages 305-323
S.K.E. Forghany, A.K. Cheetham, A. Olsen
Préparation de EuLiS2 et de dérivés à valence mixte de l'europium: Magnétisme et spectroscopie Mössbauer
Pages 324-330
M. Palazzi, M. Wintenberger, J. Flahaut
Nonstoichiometry and structural intergrowth in the CaFexMn1−xO3−y (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) system
Pages 331-341
JoséM. González-Calbet, José Alonso, María Vallet-Regí
Ba2P8W32O112: Structural study in comparison with the K and Rb diphosphate tungsten bronzes with hexagonal tunnels
Pages 342-348
M. Lamire, Ph. Labbé, M. Goreaud, B. Raveau
Lithium insertion into Fe2(MO4)3 frameworks: Comparison of M = W with M = Mo
Pages 349-360
A. Manthiram, J.B. Goodenough
Investigation of structural states in the series MGaSiO4, MAlGeO4, MGaGeO4 (M = Na, K)
Pages 361-370
J. Barbier, M.E. Fleet
Crystallographic study of YCo3+1−2xCo2+xPt4+xO3 and DyCo3+1−2xCo2+xPt4+xO3
Pages 371-379
X. Liu, C.T. Prewitt
Thermodynamic, kinetic, and conductivity studies of an order-disorder transition in Li4Zn(PO4)2
Pages 380-383
G. Torres-Trevin̄o, A.R. West
Synthesis, structure, and physical properties of the new layered ternary chalcogenide NbNiTe5
Pages 384-389
Eric W. Liimatta, James A. Ibers
The crystal structure of Ba3V4O13
Pages 390-395
B.M. Gatehouse, L.W. Guddat, R.S. Roth
An EXAFS study of the luminescent Bi3+ center in LaPO4-Bi
Pages 396-402
F.B.M. Van Zon, D.C. Koningsberger, E.W.J.L. Oomen, G. Blasse
Electron microscopy study of the “cubic” perovskite phase SrFe1−xVxO2.5+x (0.05 ≤ x ≤ 0.1)
Pages 403-417
N. Nakayama, M. Takano, S. Inamura, N. Nakanishi, K. Kosuge
The crystallographic and magnetic structure of Ni2O3H
Pages 418-425
A.M. Malsbury, C. Greaves
Defect structures in the brannerite-type vanadates: VII. Preparation and study of Zn1−xØxV2−2xMo2xO6 and Zn1−x−yØxLiyV2−2x−yMo2x+yO6 solid solutions
Pages 426-440
Krzysztof Mocała, Jacek Ziółkowski
Electrical studies on CuRh2O4
Pages 441-443
K.S.R.C. Murthy, J. Ghose
The Nasicon-like copper(II) zirconium phosphate Cu0.5Zr2(PO4)3 and related compounds
Pages 444-450
A. El Jazouli, M. Alami, R. Brochu, J.M. Dance, G. Le Flem, P. Hagenmuller
Intercalation of primary diamines in the lamellar niobate HNb3O8 · H2O
Pages 451-457
R. Nedjar, M.M. Borel, B. Raveau
Reduction of praseodymium and terbium higher oxides: Chemical reactions similar to diffusionless phase transitions
Pages 458-465
C. Boulesteix, L. Eyring
Crystal structure and electrical properties of K3Bi2(VO4)3, a new potassium bismuth vanadate
Pages 466-471
M.F. Debreuille-Gresse, F. Abraham
Influence de la non stoechiométrie sur les modes de vibration, les amplitudes vibrationnelles, et les intensités infra-rouge dans les alumines β
Pages 472-489
D. Dohy, G. Lucazeau, D. Bougeard
Defect intergrowths in barium polytitanates: 1. Ba2Ti9O20
Pages 490-502
Peter K. Davies, Robert S. Roth
Defect intergrowths in barium polytitanates: 2. BaTi5O11
Pages 503-512
Peter K. Davies, Robert S. Roth
Phase relations and equilibrium copolymerization in the Se-S system
Pages 513-521
N.Z. Boctor, G. Kullerud
The effect of inert additives on the explosive mechanochemical synthesis of some metal chalcogenides
Pages 522-529
Chr. Chakurov, V. Rusanov, J. Koichev
Solid state reaction between α-naphthol and p-benzoquinone
Pages 530-539
N.B. Singh, N.N. Singh, R.K. Laidlaw
Magnetic susceptibility of FeOCl
Pages 540-542
R.S. Bannwart, J.E. Phillips, R.H. Herber
Synthèse, structure cristalline, et propriétés physiques du nouveau binaire métastable supraconducteur a clusters Mo9:O-Mo9Se11
Pages 543-551
P. Gougeon, M. Potel, J. Padiou, M. Sergent, C. Boulanger, J.M. Lecuire
Defect structures in the brannerite-type vanadates: VIII. Synthesis of the Mg1−yLiyV2−yMoyO6 and Mg1−x−yØxLiyV2−2x−yMo2x+yO6 solid solutions: Effect of strengthening the crystal lattice by substitution of monovalent ion for bivalent ion
Pages 552-558
Krzysztof Mocała, Jacek Ziółkowski
Correlation of Fermi level shift with photovoltages at ruthenium-modified CdTe surfaces
Pages 559-561
K.C. Mandal, S. Basu, D.N. Bose
Phase equilibrium diagram of the system Mn-Cr-O
Pages 562-565
Yu.V. Golikov, V.F. Balakirev
Synthesis and crystal structure of AgInO2
Pages 566-569
B.U. Köhler, M. Jansen
Optical properties of Ce1−xPrxO2 powders and their applications to the coloring of ceramics
Pages 570-573
R. Olazcuaga, G. Le Polles, A. El Kira, G. Le Flem, P. Maestro
Chemical preparation and crystal structure refinement of KBaPO4 monophosphate
Pages 574-576
R. Masse, A. Durif
A large-angle X-ray scattering study of two amorphous inorganic polymers, Ru(SPh)3 and Mo(SPh)3
Pages 577-581
Thomas Vogt, Joachim Strähle, Alain Mosset, Jean Galy
Spin glass transition in iron antimonate: The inducement by cationic ordering of localized magnetic order in a mixed metal oxide with a superlattice
Pages 582-586
Frank J. Berry, Megan I. Sarson, Amilcar Labarta, Xavier Obradors, Raul Rodriguez, Javier Tejada
Structural changes with oxygen content and ordering of defects in the high-Tc oxide YBa2Cu3O6+x
Pages 587-590
Anne Renault, Jeremy K. Burdett, Jean-Paul Pouget
Structural phase transitions in layered transition metal compounds: (Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Low Dimensional Structures, Series A: Layered Structures). Edited by K. Motizuki. Reidel (Kulwer), Dordrecht, 1986. ix + 300 pp., $94.50
Page 591
M.-H. Whangbo
Author index for volume 71
Pages 592-593
Cumulative subject index volumes 66–71
Pages 594-623