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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 85
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-179, (March, 1990)

Editorial Board
Page i
Optical luminescence of electronic and vibronic transitions in Gd2−xYx(SO4)3 · 8H2O
Pages 1-7
L.H. Brixner, M.K. Crawford, G. Blasse
Na1.7Ti6O11: A new mixed-valence nonstoichiometric sodium titanate with a tunnel structure
Pages 8-14
Junji Akimoto, Humihiko Takei
Irradiation-induced phase transition in Ba2Fe2O5
Pages 15-22
J.M. Gonza´lez-Calbet, M. Parras, M. Vallet-Regi´, J.C. Grenier
Dehydration reactions of gypsum: A neutron and X-ray diffraction study
Pages 23-30
W. Abriel, K. Reisdorf, J. Pannetier
Growth and structure analysis of nonstoichiometric single crystalNaxTiO2 (x ∼ 0.5)with the α-NaFeO2-type structure
Pages 31-37
Junji Akimoto, Humihiko Takei
The structural consequences of charge disproportionation in mixed-valence iron oxides. II. The crystal and magnetic structures of BaLaFe2O5.91 at 5 K
Pages 38-43
P.D. Battle, T.C. Gibb, P. Lightfoot, M. Matsuo
A new phase in the Srsingle bondPbsingle bondCu oxide system: The crystal structure of Sr5−xPb3+xCuyO12−δ
Pages 44-50
J.S. Kim, X.X. Tang, A. Manthiram, J.S. Swinnea, H. Steinfink
Compound formation and melting behavior in theAB compound and rare earth oxide systems
Pages 51-55
Z.K. Huang, D.S. Yan, T.S. Yen, T.Y. Tien
Vibronic coupling and single-step energy transfer in the system Na5(Gd, Eu)(WO4)4
Pages 56-64
J.P.M. Van Vliet, G. Blasse
A computer modeling study of defect and dopant states in SnO2
Pages 65-75
C.M. Freeman, C.R.A. Catlow
Nonstoichiometric phase with sillenite-type structure in the system Bi2O3single bondP2O5
Pages 76-82
Akiteru Watanabe, Hiroshi Kodama, Satoshi Takenouchi
Crystal growth and crystal structure of KTb(CrO4)2
Pages 83-87
I. Bueno, C. Parada, J.A. Hermoso, A. Vegas, M. Marti´nez-Ripoll
Structure and oxygen stoichiometry in Ln2−xSr1+xCu2O6−y (Ln = La, Nd, Sm) phases
Pages 88-99
J.R. Grasmeder, M.T. Weller
Crystal structure of Nd2Te4O11: An example of a rare earth tellurium oxide
Pages 100-107
A. Castro, R. Enjalbert, D. Lloyd, I. Rasines, J. Galy
Site potentials and valences in copper and silver oxides
Pages 108-116
M. O'Keeffe
Crystal chemistry and phase equilibria studies of theBaO(BaCO3)single bondR2O3single bondCuOsystems. IV. Crystal chemistry and subsolidus phase relationship studies of the CuO-rich region of the ternary diagrams,R =lanthanides
Pages 117-132
Winnie Wong-Ng, Boris Paretzkin, Edwin R. Fuller Jr.
Short-range order in the anion-excess fluorite-relatedCa0.68Ln0.32F2.32solid solutions: EXAFS study of theLn3+environment
Pages 133-143
J.P. Laval, A. Abaouz, B. Frit, A. Le Bail
High-pressure phase transitions in the 6H perovskitesBa3MSb2O9(M =Mg, Ni, Zn)
Pages 144-150
P.D. Battle, C.W. Jones, P. Lightfoot, R. Strange
A new structure type in mixed valence fluorinated compounds: K5Cr2+4Cr3+6F31
Pages 151-158
Y. Laligant, A. Le Bail, M. Leblanc, G. Ferey
Preparation and properties of fluorine-doped Nd2CuO4−y superconductors
Pages 159-163
M.E. Lo´pez-Morales, P.M. Grant
The crystal structure of α-SrZn2(PO4)2: A hurlbutite type
Pages 164-168
A. Hemon, G. Courbion
Effect of cation valence on thermal expansion ofMTi2P3O12 (M =Na, Ca0.5, and La0.33)compounds
Pages 169-172
S. Senbhagaraman, A.M. Umarji
Distortions in theD6hcrystal class toa × a√3 × corthorhombic lattices
Pages 173-175
H.F. Franzen
Chemically deposited semiconducting molybdenum sulfide thin films
Pages 176-179
K.C. Mandal, A. Mondal

Issue 2, Pgs 181-338, (April, 1990)

What about structure and nonstoichiometry in superconductive layered cuprates?
Pages 181-201
B. Raveau, C. Michel, M. Hervieu, D. Groult, J. Provost
A structural study of the incorporation of silica into sodiumferrites, Na1−x[Fe1−xSixO2], x = 0 to 0.20
Pages 202-219
Ian E. Grey, Bernard F. Hoskins, Ian C. Madsen
Copper-containing minerals—I. Cu3V2O7(OH)2, 2H2O: The synthetichomolog of volborthite; crystal structure determination from X-ray and neutron data; structural correlations
Pages 220-227
M.A. Lafontaine, A. Le Bail, G. Férey
Influence of the S2− = 2l substitution on the ionic conductionproperties of the Ag+ glasses inside the AgPO3-Ag2S-AgI system
Pages 228-234
J.M. Read, Liu Jun, B. Tanguy, J.J. Videau, J. Portier, P. Hagenmuller
Chemically twinned phases in the Ag2S-PbS-Bi2S3 system.Part I. Electron microscope study
Pages 235-250
A. Skowron, R.J.D. Tilley
Point defects and ion migration in PbFCl
Pages 251-261
M.S. Islam
The preparation and properties of cobalt-doped II–VI chalcogenides
Pages 262-269
C-M. Niu, R. Kershaw, K. Dwight, A. Wold
The layered borate SrBe2(BO3)2
Pages 270-274
Kathleen I. Schaffers, Douglas A. Keszler
Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a new layeredphosphate, K2Co3(P2O7)2 · 2H2O
Pages 275-282
P. Lightfoot, A.K. Cheetham, A.W. Sleight
Solid-state synthesis and X-ray diffraction studies of Na2S
Pages 283-292
M. Kizilyalli, M. Bilgin, H.M. Kizilyalli
Refinement of the crystal structure of hexagonal Al2CuLi
Pages 293-298
S. Van Smaalen, A. Meetsma, J.L. De Boer, P.M. Bronsveld
Electrical conductivity in Pb(II)- and Na(I)-Pb(II)-β″-alumina
Pages 299-314
G.S. Rohrer, G.C. Farrington
The crystal structure of Ni21In2P6
Pages 315-317
Margaretha Andersson-Söderberg, Yvonne Andersson
Refinement of the structure of lead hexaaluminate (PbAl12O19)
Pages 318-320
N. Iyi, S. Takekawa, S. Kimura
Properties of a new perovskite oxyde Sr2VO4
Pages 321-325
M. Cyrot, B. Lambert-Andron, J.L. Soubeyroux, M.J. Rey, Ph. Dehauht, F. Cyrot-Lackmann, G. Fourcaudot, J. Beille, J.L. Tholence
A vibrational spectral study of hydrated tantalum phosphate(TaPO5) phases
Pages 326-331
G.T. Stranford, R.A. Condrate Sr.
The structure of α-Mo15Se19, a binary molybdenum selenidecontaining Mo6Se8 and Mo9Se11 clusters
Pages 332-336
Barry D. Davis, William R. Robinson
Author index for volume 85
Pages 337-338