Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 February 1963
(Volume 129, Issue 4)

Structure of Liquid Mercury
R. F. Kruh, Glen T. Clayton, Charles Head, and Glen Sandlin
pp. 1479-1480 [View   PDF (319 kB) ]

Microwave Propagation through a Plasma in a Magnetic Field
Derek W. Mahaffey
pp. 1481-1488 [View   PDF (1603 kB) ]

Instabilities in a Plasma-Beam System Immersed in a Magnetic Field
Jacob Neufeld and Harvel Wright
pp. 1489-1507 [View   PDF (3728 kB) ]

Magnetoresistance of p-Type Si in the Hopping Region
M. Pollak and D. H. Watt
pp. 1508-1509 [View   PDF (374 kB) ]

Magnetoabsorption and the Band Gap of Bi
W. E. Engeler
pp. 1509-1511 [View   PDF (575 kB) ]

Lifetime of d-Band Holes in InSb
Richard D. Deslattes
pp. 1511-1512 [View   PDF (443 kB) ]

Reflection and Diffraction of Slow Electrons from Single Crystals of Tungsten
I. H. Khan, J. P. Hobson, and R. A. Armstrong
pp. 1513-1523 [View   PDF (2323 kB) ]

Investigation of Ta2C, Nb2C, and V2C for Superconductivity
A. L. Giorgi, E. G. Szklarz, E. K. Storms, and A. L. Bowman
pp. 1524-1525 [View   PDF (465 kB) ]

Modulus and Damping of Copper after Plastic Deformation at 4.2°K
L. J. Bruner and B. M. Mecs
pp. 1525-1532 [View   PDF (1795 kB) ]

Measurement of Equilibrium Concentrations of Vacancies in Copper
R. O. Simmons and R. W. Balluffi
pp. 1533-1544 [View   PDF (2605 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Saturation in Lithium
A. G. Redfield and R. J. Blume
pp. 1545-1548 [View   PDF (926 kB) ]

Size-Dependent Spin Relaxation Time
P. H. Fang
pp. 1548-1549 [View   PDF (380 kB) ]

Optical Properties of Semiconductors
H. R. Philipp and H. Ehrenreich
pp. 1550-1560 [View   PDF (1915 kB) ]

Dielectric Constant of Cr2O3 Crystals
P. H. Fang and W. S. Brower
pp. 1561 [View   PDF (212 kB) ]

Complex Dielectric Constant of KH2PO4 at 9.2 Gc/sec
I. P. Kaminow and G. O. Harding
pp. 1562-1566 [View   PDF (1025 kB) ]

Far Infrared Antiferromagnetic Resonance in MnO and NiO
A. J. Sievers and M. Tinkham
pp. 1566-1571 [View   PDF (1210 kB) ]

Hot Electrons in Indium Antimonide
M. Glicksman and W. A. Hicinbothem
pp. 1572-1577 [View   PDF (1077 kB) ]

Radiation Equilibrium of F and M Centers in KCl
E. Sonder and W. A. Sibley
pp. 1578-1582 [View   PDF (1065 kB) ]

Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constants of Cubic Ionic Compounds
A. J. Bosman and E. E. Havinga
pp. 1593-1600 [View   PDF (1580 kB) ]

Nuclear Alignment of Ce137m, Ce137, Ce139, Ce141, and Ce143
J. N. Haag, D. A. Shirley, and David H. Templeton
pp. 1601-1613 [View   PDF (2526 kB) ]

Self-Consistent Wave Functions for Ytterbium
M. W. Holm and E. L. Eichhorn
pp. 1614-1617 [View   PDF (776 kB) ]

Hyperfine-Structure Measurements on Silver-105
W. Bruce Ewbank and Howard A. Shugart
pp. 1617-1621 [View   PDF (914 kB) ]

Positron Annihilation in Metals
S. Kahana
pp. 1622-1628 [View   PDF (1326 kB) ]

Indirect Relativistic Effect on the 5f Electrons in Uranium
R. G. Boyd, A. C. Larson, and J. T. Waber
pp. 1629-1630 [View   PDF (411 kB) ]

Polarization of Optical Radiation Induced by Electron Impact on Helium
R. H. Hughes, R. B. Kay, and L. D. Weaver
pp. 1630-1637 [View   PDF (1597 kB) ]

Secondary Electron Emission from Metal Surfaces by H+, H0, He+, and He0 Bombardments
S. N. Ghosh and S. P. Khare
pp. 1638-1642 [View   PDF (813 kB) ]

Parity of the 2.13-MeV First Excited State of B11
D. H. Wilkinson, D. E. Alburger, E. K. Warburton, and R. E. Pixley
pp. 1643-1648 [View   PDF (1198 kB) ]

Virtual Electron Capture in Ni59
Marcel Schmorak
pp. 1668-1672 [View   PDF (1051 kB) ]

Slightly Inelastic Proton-Deuteron Scattering
D. G. Stairs, Richard Wilson, and P. F. Cooper
pp. 1672-1679 [View   PDF (1548 kB) ]

Theory of Inelastic Proton-Deuteron Scattering
Alan H. Cromer
pp. 1680-1688 [View   PDF (1861 kB) ]

Partial-Wave Analysis of the Inelastic Scattering of Electrons by Nuclei. II. Application to the Liquid Drop Model
D. S. Onley, T. A. Griffy, and J. T. Reynolds
pp. 1689-1690 [View   PDF (358 kB) ]

Ba131m—A New Isomer
R. S. Tilbury and L. Yaffe
pp. 1709-1712 [View   PDF (721 kB) ]

Characteristics of the Decay of Ba131m
D. J. Horen, W. H. Kelly, and L. Yaffe
pp. 1712-1715 [View   PDF (771 kB) ]

C13(p,γ)N14 Reaction and the 9.17-, 7.03-, and 6.44-MeV States in N14
F. W. Prosser, R. W. Krone, and J. J. Singh
pp. 1716-1722 [View   PDF (1620 kB) ]

Thresholds Observed in the C12(α,n)O15, Si28(α,n)S31, S32(α,n)Ar35, S34(α,n)Ar37, and Cl35(p,n)Ar35 Reactions
J. W. Nelson, E. B. Carter, G. E. Mitchell, and R. H. Davis
pp. 1723-1727 [View   PDF (825 kB) ]

Angular Distributions of (n,d) Pickup Reactions in N14, P31, and S32 at 14 MeV
M. R. Zatzick and D. R. Maxson
pp. 1728-1736 [View   PDF (1874 kB) ]

Decay of Re184 Isomers and the Level Scheme in W184
Noah R. Johnson
pp. 1737-1750 [View   PDF (3213 kB) ]

Bombardment of C12 by Li6 Ions
S. Bashkin, V. P. Hart, and W. A. Seale
pp. 1750-1751 [View   PDF (262 kB) ]

Nuclear Properties of Eu145, Eu146, Eu147, Gd146, and Gd147
A. M. Friedman, J. Milsted, and O. Skilbreid
pp. 1752-1753 [View   PDF (263 kB) ]

Isotopic and Isotonic Yields in Nuclear Fission
M. Talât-Erben and Binay Güven
pp. 1762-1764 [View   PDF (564 kB) ]

He3 Reactions on B11 and N14
A. Gallmann, D. E. Alburger, D. H. Wilkinson, and F. Hibou
pp. 1765-1770 [View   PDF (846 kB) ]

Li6 and Li7(n,2n) Cross Sections
V. J. Ashby, H. C. Catron, M. D. Goldberg, R. W. Hill, J. M. Le Blanc, L. L. Newkirk, J. P. Stoering, C. J. Taylor, and M. A. Williamson
pp. 1771 [View   PDF (152 kB) ]

Double Coulomb Excitation with Oxygen Ions
R. Graetzer and E. M. Bernstein
pp. 1772-1777 [View   PDF (1314 kB) ]

Radioactive Decay of Zn72
T. T. Thwaites
pp. 1778-1781 [View   PDF (682 kB) ]

Shape of the 0+0+ Positron Spectrum in Ga66
D. C. Camp and L. M. Langer
pp. 1782-1789 [View   PDF (1607 kB) ]

Muon Capture on Carbon
G. T. Reynolds, D. B. Scarl, R. A. Swanson, J. R. Waters, and R. A. Zdanis
pp. 1790-1794 [View   PDF (1056 kB) ]

Measurement of the Decay Parameters of the Λ0 Particle
James W. Cronin and Oliver E. Overseth
pp. 1795-1807 [View   PDF (2696 kB) ]

K* Spin and the Isovector Kaon Charge
Alberto Pignotti
pp. 1807-1808 [View   PDF (398 kB) ]

Excitation Functions and Nuclear Charge Dispersion in the Fission of Uranium by 0.1- to 6.2-GeV Protons
G. Friedlander, L. Friedman, B. Gordon, and L. Yaffe
pp. 1809-1825 [View   PDF (3457 kB) ]

Cross Section and Recoil Studies of Reactions of U238 with Protons of 0.5 to 6.2 GeV
John M. Alexander, Christiane Baltzinger, and M. Frances Gazdik
pp. 1826-1834 [View   PDF (2063 kB) ]

Experimental Investigation of Pion Electroproduction
L. N. Hand
pp. 1834-1846 [View   PDF (2833 kB) ]

Pion-Pion Interactions in the States T=0 and T=1
T. D. Spearman
pp. 1847-1857 [View   PDF (2153 kB) ]

Measurement of Spin Correlation in Proton-Proton Scattering at 400 and 450 MeV
E. Engels, T. Bowen, J. W. Cronin, R. L. McIlwain, and Lee G. Pondrom
pp. 1858-1864 [View   PDF (1208 kB) ]

Regge Trajectory in Field Theory
Lu Sun Liu and K. Tanaka
pp. 1876-1879 [View   PDF (691 kB) ]

Relaxation Phenomena in Spin and Harmonic Oscillator Systems
Jayaseetha Rau
pp. 1880-1888 [View   PDF (1532 kB) ]

Regge Poles in πN Scattering and in π+π→N+N̅
Virendra Singh
pp. 1889-1896 [View   PDF (1460 kB) ]

Simulation of the Hard Core by a Velocity Dependence
Steven A. Moszkowski
pp. 1901-1904 [View   PDF (745 kB) ]

Bounds on Momentum Dependence of Phase Shifts and Magnitude of Coupling Constants
Adam M. Bincer and Bunji Sakita
pp. 1905-1910 [View   PDF (1029 kB) ]