Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 1 March 1963
(Volume 129, Issue 5)

Saturated He4 near Its Critical Temperature
M. H. Edwards and W. C. Woodbury
pp. 1911-1918 [View   PDF (1413 kB) ]

Electron-Spin Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of Neutron-Irradiated LiF
R. Kaplan and P. J. Bray
pp. 1919-1935 [View   PDF (4464 kB) ]

Thermal Expansion of AgCl
Robert M. Nicklow and R. A. Young
pp. 1936-1943 [View   PDF (1799 kB) ]

Magnetic Properties of Superconducting Lead-Base Alloys
J. D. Livingston
pp. 1943-1949 [View   PDF (1517 kB) ]

Compression of Solid He3 and He4 to 20 000 Bars
John W. Stewart
pp. 1950-1951 [View   PDF (409 kB) ]

Characteristics of the Penetration Depth of Superconducting Indium Alloys
R. A. Connell
pp. 1952-1958 [View   PDF (1516 kB) ]

Sum Rule for Lattice Vibrations; Application to Forces in Diamond Structures
Herbert B. Rosenstock
pp. 1959-1961 [View   PDF (723 kB) ]

Electrically Induced Nuclear Quadrupole Spin Transitions in a GaAs Single Crystal
E. Brun, R. J. Mahler, H. Mahon, and W. L. Pierce
pp. 1965-1970 [View   PDF (1182 kB) ]

Phase Transformations in Uranium at High Pressures
W. Klement, A. Jayaraman, and G. C. Kennedy
pp. 1971-1975 [View   PDF (1145 kB) ]

Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Noncubic or Imperfect Cubic Crystals for I=7 / 2 or 9 / 2
D. P. Tewari and G. S. Verma
pp. 1975-1979 [View   PDF (587 kB) ]

Galvanomagnetic Effects in Cadmium Sulfide
J. David Zook and Richard N. Dexter
pp. 1980-1989 [View   PDF (2258 kB) ]

Electron Relaxation Time Anisotropy in Copper
B. C. Deaton and J. D. Gavenda
pp. 1990-1994 [View   PDF (1124 kB) ]

Far Infrared Spectra of Rare-Earth Iron Garnets
A. J. Sievers and M. Tinkham
pp. 1995-2004 [View   PDF (2283 kB) ]

Elastic Properties of β-CuZn
G. M. Mcmanus
pp. 2004-2007 [View   PDF (778 kB) ]

Magnetic Structures in the MnSb-CrSb System
W. J. Takei, D. E. Cox, and G. Shirane
pp. 2008-2018 [View   PDF (2254 kB) ]

Dynamical and Statistical Correlations in an Electron Gas
W. H. Young
pp. 2019-2023 [View   PDF (895 kB) ]

Lattice Dynamics and Specific-Heat Data for Rocksalt-Structure Alkali Halides
Arnold M. Karo and John R. Hardy
pp. 2024-2036 [View   PDF (2546 kB) ]

Interaction of Ultrasonic Waves with Electron Spins
E. H. Jacobsen and K. W. Stevens
pp. 2036-2044 [View   PDF (1660 kB) ]

de Haas-van Alphen Effect in a Zinc Alloy Exhibiting a Resistance Minimum
F. T. Hedgcock and W. B. Muir
pp. 2045-2054 [View   PDF (1664 kB) ]

Magnetoreflection in Bismuth
Richard N. Brown, John G. Mavroides, and Benjamin Lax
pp. 2055-2061 [View   PDF (1057 kB) ]

Temperature Dependence of the Dielectric Constant of Paraelectric Materials
B. D. Silverman and R. I. Joseph
pp. 2062-2068 [View   PDF (1097 kB) ]

Low-Energy Electron Scattering from Atomic Nitrogen
R. H. Neynaber, Lawrence L. Marino, Erhard W. Rothe, and S. M. Trujillo
pp. 2069-2071 [View   PDF (609 kB) ]

Theory of Indirect Exchange Interactions in Rare-Earth Metals
T. A. Kaplan and D. H. Lyons
pp. 2072-2086 [View   PDF (2831 kB) ]

Potential and Kinetic Electron Ejection from Molybdenum by Argon Ions and Neutral Atoms
D. B. Medved, P. Mahadevan, and J. K. Layton
pp. 2086-2087 [View   PDF (349 kB) ]

Net Frequency of Ionization in Oxygen
John G. Skinner and James J. Brady
pp. 2087-2090 [View   PDF (794 kB) ]

Variation in Positron Lifetime with Pressure
R. K. Wilson, P. O. Johnson, and R. Stump
pp. 2091-2095 [View   PDF (920 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Moments of W183, Os187, and Fe57
Richard R. Chasman
pp. 2113-2116 [View   PDF (716 kB) ]

Angular Correlation Perturbed by an Anisotropic Hyperfine Interaction
H. J. Leisi and R. T. Deck
pp. 2117-2129 [View   PDF (2688 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Anomalous Beta Spectrum of In114 (1+0+)
C. P. Bhalla
pp. 2130-2132 [View   PDF (544 kB) ]

Further Studies of the Prompt Neutrons from the Spontaneous Fission of Cf252
Harry R. Bowman, J. C. Milton, Stanley G. Thompson, and Wladyslaw J. Swiatecki
pp. 2133-2147 [View   PDF (2938 kB) ]

Investigation of High-Spin States in Er166
J. E. Cline and C. W. Reich
pp. 2152-2164 [View   PDF (2795 kB) ]

Intrinsic Excitation of Even-Even Nuclei
Tatuya Sasakawa
pp. 2165-2173 [View   PDF (1692 kB) ]

Proton Scattering by Ni64 and Zn64 at 9.6 and 11.7 MeV
J. Benveniste, A. C. Mitchell, and C. B. Fulmer
pp. 2173-2179 [View   PDF (1302 kB) ]

Lifetime of the Be10 3.37-MeV Level. I. Experiment
E. K. Warburton, D. E. Alburger, and D. H. Wilkinson
pp. 2180-2190 [View   PDF (2235 kB) ]

Lifetime of the Be10 3.37-MeV Level. II. Analysis
E. K. Warburton, D. E. Alburger, D. H. Wilkinson, and J. M. Soper
pp. 2191-2194 [View   PDF (799 kB) ]

Note on the Decay of Sb122m
E. Der Mateosian and M. L. Sehgal
pp. 2195-2197 [View   PDF (650 kB) ]

10-MeV Proton Reaction Cross Sections for Several Elements
Bruce D. Wilkins and George Igo
pp. 2198-2206 [View   PDF (1943 kB) ]

High-Frequency Limit of 15.1-MeV Bremsstrahlung
H. E. Hall, A. O. Hanson, and D. Jamnik
pp. 2207-2217 [View   PDF (2224 kB) ]

Gamma Rays from the Be9(α,n1)C12 Reaction
J. B. Seaborn, G. E. Mitchell, N. R. Fletcher, and R. H. Davis
pp. 2217-2219 [View   PDF (487 kB) ]

Electron Shake Off following the β- Decay of He6
T. A. Carlson, Frances Pleasonton, and C. H. Johnson
pp. 2220-2226 [View   PDF (1491 kB) ]

Decay of Sc48
Manny Hillman
pp. 2227-2230 [View   PDF (683 kB) ]

Beta-Gamma Directional Correlation Measurement in As76
H. J. Fischbeck and R. W. Newsome
pp. 2231-2238 [View   PDF (1681 kB) ]

Energetics of Charged Particle-Induced Fission Reactions
H. C. Britt, H. E. Wegner, and Judith C. Gursky
pp. 2239-2252 [View   PDF (2963 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of Alpha Particles from Helium
T. A. Tombrello and L. S. Senhouse
pp. 2252-2258 [View   PDF (1281 kB) ]

Polarization of the Proton from the γ+np- Reaction
J. R. Kenemuth and P. C. Stein
pp. 2259-2264 [View   PDF (1463 kB) ]

Low-Energy Photoproduction of Λ0 and K+ from Protons
T. K. Kuo
pp. 2264-2274 [View   PDF (1554 kB) ]

Primary Cosmic Ray and Solar Protons. II
Peter Meyer and Rochus Vogt
pp. 2275-2279 [View   PDF (1078 kB) ]

Methods for Testing the CPT Theorem
R. G. Sachs
pp. 2280-2285 [View   PDF (1315 kB) ]

K+-p and K--p Total Cross Sections in the Momentum Range 3-19 BeV/c
W. F. Baker, R. L. Cool, E. W. Jenkins, T. F. Kycia, R. H. Phillips, and A. L. Read
pp. 2285-2291 [View   PDF (1377 kB) ]

Surface Corrections to the High-Energy Optical Potential
R. E. Schenter and B. W. Downs
pp. 2292-2297 [View   PDF (1207 kB) ]

Experimental Consequences of the Majorana Theory for the Muon's Neutrino
Richard Friedberg
pp. 2298-2300 [View   PDF (610 kB) ]

π--p Elastic Scattering at 310 MeV: Differential Cross Section and Recoil-Proton Polarization
Hugo R. Rugge and Olav T. Vik
pp. 2300-2310 [View   PDF (2465 kB) ]

Pion-Nucleon Elastic Scattering at 310 MeV: Phase-Shift Analysis
Olav T. Vik and Hugo R. Rugge
pp. 2311-2322 [View   PDF (2124 kB) ]

Theory of the Process p+pd+W+
Jeremy Bernstein
pp. 2323-2325 [View   PDF (512 kB) ]

Search for the Dirac Monopole with 30-BeV Protons
Edward M. Purcell, George B. Collins, Tadao Fujii, John Hornbostel, and Frank Turkot
pp. 2326-2336 [View   PDF (2784 kB) ]

Properties and Effects of η Decays
Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin
pp. 2337-2340 [View   PDF (746 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Equivalence of the Brysk Approximation and the Determinatal Method
David S. Falk
pp. 2340-2341 [View   PDF (296 kB) ]

Formal Theory of Quantum Fluctuations from a Driven State
Melvin Lax
pp. 2342-2348 [View   PDF (1353 kB) ]

Regge Surfaces and Singularities in a Relativistic Theory
J. Challifour and R. J. Eden
pp. 2349-2353 [View   PDF (1144 kB) ]

Nonlinear Interaction of Light in a Vacuum
J. Mckenna and P. M. Platzman
pp. 2354-2360 [View   PDF (1426 kB) ]

Lower Bound for the Leading Regge Trajectory
Peter G. Freund and Reinhard Oehme
pp. 2361-2362 [View   PDF (425 kB) ]

Self-Consistent S Matrix with Regge Asymptotic Behavior
Geoffrey F. Chew
pp. 2363-2370 [View   PDF (1816 kB) ]