Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 March 1963
(Volume 129, Issue 6)

Measurement of the Transverse Doppler Effect in an Accelerated System
Walter Kündig
pp. 2371-2375 [View   PDF (980 kB) ]

Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Plasmas
Donald F. DuBois, Victor Gilinsky, and Margaret G. Kivelson
pp. 2376-2397 [View   PDF (4143 kB) ]

Linear Stark Splitting of Nuclear Spin Levels in GaAs
D. Gill and N. Bloembergen
pp. 2398-2403 [View   PDF (1298 kB) ]

Electron Ejection from Metals due to 1- to 10-keV Noble Gas Ion Bombardment. I. Polycrystalline Materials
G. D. Magnuson and C. E. Carlston
pp. 2403-2408 [View   PDF (1236 kB) ]

Electron Ejection from Metals due to 1- to 10-keV Noble Gas Ion Bombardment. II. Single Crystal
G. D. Magnuson and C. E. Carlston
pp. 2409-2412 [View   PDF (909 kB) ]

Effect of Fluxoid Quantization on Transitions of Superconducting Films
M. Tinkham
pp. 2413-2422 [View   PDF (2177 kB) ]

Threshold for Electron Radiation Damage in ZnSe
B. A. Kulp and R. M. Detweiler
pp. 2422-2424 [View   PDF (606 kB) ]

Modification of the Velocity of Sound in Metals by Magnetic Fields
G. A. Alers and P. A. Fleury
pp. 2425-2429 [View   PDF (1007 kB) ]

Direct Spin-Lattice Relaxation Processes
J. W. Culvahouse, Wesley P. Unruh, and David K. Brice
pp. 2430-2440 [View   PDF (2151 kB) ]

Experimental Study of Relaxation Processes for Divalent Cobalt Ions
Wesley P. Unruh and J. W. Culvahouse
pp. 2441-2453 [View   PDF (2411 kB) ]

Energy Dependence of Proton Damage in Silicon
G. W. Simon, J. M. Denney, and R. G. Downing
pp. 2454-2459 [View   PDF (1386 kB) ]

Specific Heat of Gadolinium and Ytterbium Metals between 0.4 and 4°K
O. V. Lounasmaa
pp. 2460-2464 [View   PDF (1032 kB) ]

Ionized-Impurity Scattering Mobility of Electrons in Silicon
Donald Long
pp. 2464-2465 [View   PDF (397 kB) ]

Effective Electron Mass in CdTe
D. T. Marple
pp. 2466-2470 [View   PDF (992 kB) ]

Electrical Properties of n-Type CdTe
B. Segall, M. R. Lorenz, and R. E. Halsted
pp. 2471-2481 [View   PDF (2434 kB) ]

Knight Shifts in Niobium-Molybdenum Alloys
S. Alexander, E. Corenzwit, B. T. Matthias, R. G. Shulman, and B. J. Wyluda
pp. 2481-2482 [View   PDF (373 kB) ]

Lattice Dynamics of White Tin
T. Wolfram, G. W. Lehman, and R. E. De Wames
pp. 2483-2489 [View   PDF (1183 kB) ]

Spin Hamiltonian Parameter D versus Axial Crystal Field for S-State Ions
W. J. Nicholson and Gerald Burns
pp. 2490-2495 [View   PDF (1273 kB) ]

Dielectric Constant of a Superconductor
Richard E. Prange
pp. 2495-2503 [View   PDF (1552 kB) ]

Electronic Structure and the Properties of Metals. I. Formulation
Walter A. Harrison
pp. 2503-2511 [View   PDF (1765 kB) ]

Electronic Structure and the Properties of Metals. II. Application to Zinc
Walter A. Harrison
pp. 2512-2524 [View   PDF (2824 kB) ]

Low-Frequency Magnetoplasma Resonance in Metals
M. T. Taylor, J. R. Merrill, and R. Bowers
pp. 2525-2529 [View   PDF (953 kB) ]

Anharmonic Contributions to the Debye-Waller Factor
A. A. Maradudin and P. A. Flinn
pp. 2529-2547 [View   PDF (2852 kB) ]

Helical Instabilities in Solid-State Plasmas
Øivin Holter
pp. 2548-2553 [View   PDF (945 kB) ]

Magnetoresistance of Silver Bromide
H. H. Tippins and Frederick C. Brown
pp. 2554-2562 [View   PDF (1786 kB) ]

Magnetoplasma Oscillations under Anomalous Skin Effect Conditions
F. W. Sheard
pp. 2563-2564 [View   PDF (402 kB) ]

Mobility of Electrons in Silver Chloride at High Electric Field
Taizo Masumi
pp. 2564-2565 [View   PDF (403 kB) ]

Experimental Limits for the Electron-Proton Charge Difference and for the Charge of the Neutron
Jens C. Zorn, George E. Chamberlain, and Vernon W. Hughes
pp. 2566-2576 [View   PDF (2323 kB) ]

"Negative" Tensor Susceptibility in Media Exhibiting Population Inversion
R. L. Fork and C. K. Patel
pp. 2577-2579 [View   PDF (548 kB) ]

Upper Limit of the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron
J. Goldemberg and Y. Torizuka
pp. 2580-2581 [View   PDF (391 kB) ]

Alternate Method of Measurement of the Polarization of Light Emitted by Helium Atoms Excited by Energetic Electrons
Robert H. McFarland and Edward A. Soltysik
pp. 2581-2582 [View   PDF (383 kB) ]

Ranges and Stopping Cross Sections of Low-Energy Tritons
R. L. Wolke, W. N. Bishop, E. Eichler, N. R. Johnson, and G. D. O'kelley
pp. 2591-2596 [View   PDF (1100 kB) ]

Studies of Decay Schemes in the Osmium-Iridium Region. III. Decay of 15.8-Hour Ir186
G. T. Emery, W. R. Kane, M. McKeown, M. L. Perlman, and G. Scharff-Goldhaber
pp. 2597-2621 [View   PDF (4948 kB) ]

Collective and Interparticle Interactions in Even-Even Nuclei. II
B. James Raz
pp. 2622-2626 [View   PDF (808 kB) ]

Beta-Decay Matrix Elements in Sb122
F. M. Pipkin, J. Sanderson, and W. Weyhmann
pp. 2626-2635 [View   PDF (1663 kB) ]

Activation Cross-Section Survey of Deuteron-Induced Reactions
Norton Baron and Bernard L. Cohen
pp. 2636-2642 [View   PDF (1409 kB) ]

Interaction Matrix Element in a Shell Model
U. Fano, F. Prats, and Z. Goldschmidt
pp. 2643-2652 [View   PDF (1315 kB) ]

Decay of Sc42m and the Levels of Ca42
Paul C. Rogers and G. E. Gordon
pp. 2653-2659 [View   PDF (1641 kB) ]

Kinetic Energy Release in 23-MeV Deuteron Fission of U238
John M. Alexander, M. F. Gazdik, A. R. Trips, and Saad Wasif
pp. 2659-2663 [View   PDF (1106 kB) ]

Lifetimes of 4+ and 2+ States in the Rotational Nuclei Dy160, Dy162, Er166, Er168, and Hf180
Angela C. Li and A. Schwarzschild
pp. 2664-2678 [View   PDF (2648 kB) ]

Neutrons from Proton Bombardment of Lithium
R. R. Borchers and C. H. Poppe
pp. 2679-2683 [View   PDF (1031 kB) ]

Overlap and Exchange Effects in Beta Decay
John N. Bahcall
pp. 2683-2694 [View   PDF (2326 kB) ]

Average Radiative Capture Cross Sections for 30- and 65-keV Neutrons
R. L. Macklin, J. H. Gibbons, and T. Inada
pp. 2695-2697 [View   PDF (550 kB) ]

Alpha-Particle Spectra Produced in the Reactions of Deuterons on Li7
P. Paul and D. Kohler
pp. 2698-2704 [View   PDF (1476 kB) ]

Fission Product Yields in Helium Ion-Induced Fission of Au197, Pb204, and Pb206 Targets
E. F. Neuzil and A. W. Fairhall
pp. 2705-2710 [View   PDF (1286 kB) ]

Angular Distribution of Fragments from Fission Induced by Heavy Ions in Gold and Bismuth
Victor E. Viola, T. Darrah Thomas, and Glenn T. Seaborg
pp. 2710-2717 [View   PDF (1572 kB) ]

Direct (p,n) Reaction in Medium A Nuclei: A Configuration-Selective Process
J. D. Anderson, C. Wong, and J. W. McClure
pp. 2718-2722 [View   PDF (909 kB) ]

Photoneutron Cross Sections of Ta181 and Ho165
R. L. Bramblett, J. T. Caldwell, G. F. Auchampaugh, and S. C. Fultz
pp. 2723-2729 [View   PDF (1335 kB) ]

Analysis of the Hypertriton in Terms of Hard-Core Potentials
B. W. Downs, D. R. Smith, and T. N. Truong
pp. 2730-2738 [View   PDF (1668 kB) ]

Propagation of the Single-Scattering Distribution in Multiple Scattering: Muon Scattering in Iron
Norris A. Nickols and Walter H. Barkas
pp. 2738-2743 [View   PDF (1102 kB) ]

Elastic K+-Proton Scattering at 970, 1170, and 1970 MeV/c
V. Cook, D. Keefe, L. T. Kerth, P. G. Murphy, W. A. Wenzel, and T. F. Zipf
pp. 2743-2754 [View   PDF (2191 kB) ]

Baryon Mass Splitting and Weak and Strong Couplings
Kalyana Mahanthappa and William Ramsay
pp. 2755-2758 [View   PDF (630 kB) ]

Scattering of 8-GeV μ Mesons on Electrons
G. Backenstoss, B. D. Hyams, G. Knop, P. C. Marin, and U. Stierlin
pp. 2759-2765 [View   PDF (1270 kB) ]

Observable Hyperfine Effects in Muon Capture by Complex Nuclei
Roland Winston
pp. 2766-2785 [View   PDF (4037 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Interactions of Neutrinos
Leonard Rosenberg
pp. 2786-2788 [View   PDF (469 kB) ]

Angular Distribution of Muons in π-μ Decay at Rest
H. Hulubei, J. S. Ausländer, E. M. Friedländer, and Ş. Ţiţeica
pp. 2789-2801 [View   PDF (2594 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Determination of the Deuteron Form Factor from Coherent π0 Photoproduction
J. I. Friedman and H. W. Kendall
pp. 2802-2807 [View   PDF (1429 kB) ]

Moderation and Absorption Times of Negative Pions in Liquid Hydrogen
J. H. Doede, R. H. Hildebrand, M. H. Israel, and Manfred R. Pyka
pp. 2808-2811 [View   PDF (781 kB) ]

Singularities in the Angular Momentum Plane
I. R. Gatland and J. W. Moffat
pp. 2812-2815 [View   PDF (661 kB) ]

Particles with Zero Mass and Particles with "Small" Mass
F. Coester
pp. 2816-2817 [View   PDF (307 kB) ]

Asymptotic Behavior of the S Matrix for High Angular Momentum
A. M. Jaffe and Y. S. Kim
pp. 2818-2823 [View   PDF (865 kB) ]

Rotational Invariance and the S Matrix in Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics
R. Fong and J. Sucher
pp. 2824-2829 [View   PDF (1039 kB) ]

Invariant Functions in Nonrelativistic Theory
M. Bolsterli
pp. 2830-2834 [View   PDF (733 kB) ]

Excitation Functions for Heavy-Ion-Induced Reactions on Aluminum-27
Inge Maria Ladenbauer-Bellis, Ivor L. Preiss, and C. E. Anderson
pp. 2835 [View   PDF (208 kB) ]

Curie Point and Origin of Weak Ferromagnetism in Hematite
A. Aharoni, E. H. Frei, and M. Schieber
pp. 2835 [View   PDF (208 kB) ]

Optical Absorption of Gallium Arsenide Between 0.6 and 2.75 eV
M. D. Sturge
pp. 2835 [View   PDF (208 kB) ]

Statistical Mechanics of the Anisotropic Linear Heisenberg Model
Shigetoshi Katsura
pp. 2835 [View   PDF (208 kB) ]

Pionic Contributions to the Magnetic Moment of the Muon
Loyal Durand
pp. 2835 [View   PDF (208 kB) ]

Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering at 1.35, 2.1, and 2.9 BeV
T. Fujii, G. B. Chadwick, G. B. Collins, P. J. Duke, N. C. Hien, M. A. Kemp, and F. Turkot
pp. 2835 [View   PDF (208 kB) ]

Hyperfine Structure of Atomic Phosphorus
R. H. Lambert and F. M. Pipkin
pp. 2836 [View   PDF (27 kB) ]