Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 1 July 1963
(Volume 131, Issue 1)

Transformations in Mercury at High Pressures
W. Klement, A. Jayaraman, and G. C. Kennedy
pp. 1-6 [View   PDF (1102 kB) ]

Collision Damping of Plasma Oscillations. I
David Gorman and David Montgomery
pp. 7-12 [View   PDF (856 kB) ]

Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Quantum and Classical Plasmas
Amiram Ron and Narkis Tzoar
pp. 12-20 [View   PDF (1110 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Theorem on Electromagnetic Backscatter
R. J. Wagner and P. J. Lynch
pp. 21-23 [View   PDF (503 kB) ]

Zeeman-Effect Magnetic Field Measurement of a High-Temperature Plasma
F. C. Jahoda, F. L. Ribe, and G. A. Sawyer
pp. 24-29 [View   PDF (1175 kB) ]

Dislocation Mobility in Germanium
M. N. Kabler
pp. 54-58 [View   PDF (1025 kB) ]

Theory of Dislocation Mobility in Semiconductors
V. Celli, M. Kabler, T. Ninomiya, and R. Thomson
pp. 58-72 [View   PDF (2425 kB) ]

Energy-Gap Function in the Theory of Superconductivity
James C. Swihart
pp. 73-78 [View   PDF (1158 kB) ]

Thomas-Fermi Approach to Impure Semiconductor Band Structure
Evan O. Kane
pp. 79-88 [View   PDF (1427 kB) ]

Mechanism of Second Harmonic Generation of Optical Maser Beams in Quartz
Robert C. Miller
pp. 95-97 [View   PDF (589 kB) ]

Fundamental Reflectivity and Band Structure of ZnTe, CdTe, and HgTe
Manuel Cardona and D. L. Greenaway
pp. 98-103 [View   PDF (985 kB) ]

Anomalous Thermoelectric Power as Evidence for Two-Valence Bands in SnTe
R. F. Brebrick and A. J. Strauss
pp. 104-110 [View   PDF (1291 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Magnetoacoustic Measurements of the Fermi Surface of Aluminum
G. N. Kamm and H. V. Bohm
pp. 111-120 [View   PDF (1720 kB) ]

Fermi Surface of Aluminum
B. Segall
pp. 121-122 [View   PDF (310 kB) ]

Hyperfine Structure in Europium Metal
P. H. Barrett and D. A. Shirley
pp. 123-127 [View   PDF (935 kB) ]

Photoluminescence of Nitrogen-Exciton Complexes in 6H SiC
D. R. Hamilton, W. J. Choyke, and Lyle Patrick
pp. 127-133 [View   PDF (1344 kB) ]

Energy for Electron-Hole Pair Generation in Silicon by α Particles
G. Fabri, E. Gatti, and V. Svelto
pp. 134-136 [View   PDF (339 kB) ]

Hall Coefficient of Alpha Plutonium
Merwyn B. Brodsky
pp. 137-140 [View   PDF (713 kB) ]

Superconductivity at High Magnetic Fields
T. G. Berlincourt and R. R. Hake
pp. 140-157 [View   PDF (3397 kB) ]

Magnetization and Electrical Resistivity of Terbium Single Crystals
D. E. Hegland, S. Legvold, and F. H. Spedding
pp. 158-162 [View   PDF (700 kB) ]

Self-Consistent Field Approximation for the Frequency Spectrum of a Disordered Chain
R. W. Davies and J. S. Langer
pp. 163-166 [View   PDF (631 kB) ]

Field Emission in a Magnetic Field
F. J. Blatt
pp. 166-169 [View   PDF (636 kB) ]

Effects of K-Capture Dealignment and Ionic Couplings on Low-Temperature Nuclear Alignment
John D. Rocers, William A. Steyert, and John R. Pellam
pp. 170-173 [View   PDF (783 kB) ]

Mössbauer Study of Hyperfine Fields and Isomer Shifts in the Fe-Rh Alloys
G. Shirane, C. W. Chen, P. A. Flinn, and R. Nathans
pp. 183-190 [View   PDF (1310 kB) ]

Multiple Scattering of Electrons and Positrons
I. B. Strong and R. R. Roy
pp. 198-202 [View   PDF (873 kB) ]

Interaction Energy between a Helium Atom and a Hydrogen Molecule
Charles S. Roberts
pp. 203-209 [View   PDF (1104 kB) ]

Čerenkov-Like Radiation by Plasma Oscillations
G. Schmidt and G. Halpern
pp. 217-218 [View   PDF (353 kB) ]

Ion Energies at the Cathode of a Glow Discharge
W. D. Davis and T. A. Vanderslice
pp. 219-228 [View   PDF (1874 kB) ]

Resonant Charge Exchange in Atomic Collisions
William Lichten
pp. 229-238 [View   PDF (1682 kB) ]

Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Hyperfine Interaction of 12-Day Ge71
W. J. Childs and L. S. Goodman
pp. 245-250 [View   PDF (1014 kB) ]

Electronic Polarizabilities and Sternheimer Shielding Factors
R. E. Watson and A. J. Freeman
pp. 250-255 [View   PDF (1154 kB) ]

Positron Mean Lives in Scandium, Yttrium, and the Rare-Earth Metals
J. L. Rodda and M. G. Stewart
pp. 255-258 [View   PDF (645 kB) ]

Pressure Broadening as a Prototype of Relaxation
U. Fano
pp. 259-268 [View   PDF (1742 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Xe129 in Solid and Liquid Xenon
W. M. Yen and R. E. Norberg
pp. 269-275 [View   PDF (1206 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation by Intermolecular Dipole-Dipole Interactions
Paul S. Hubbard
pp. 275-282 [View   PDF (1164 kB) ]

Emission of Prompt Neutrons in the Thermal Neutron Fission of U235
S. S. Kapoor, R. Ramanna, and P. N. Rao
pp. 283-296 [View   PDF (2390 kB) ]

Study of the Radiations Emitted in the Decay of Ni65
J. E. Cline and R. L. Heath
pp. 296-300 [View   PDF (788 kB) ]

Decay of Sm156
Ray Gunnink
pp. 301-304 [View   PDF (649 kB) ]

Distorted-Wave Calculations of Light Nuclei (dp) Angular Distributions
William R. Smith and Eugene V. Ivash
pp. 304-317 [View   PDF (2208 kB) ]

Parity of the 5.83-MeV State of N14
J. A. Becker
pp. 322-324 [View   PDF (458 kB) ]

Beta Decay of Fe59
D. E. Wortman and L. M. Langer
pp. 325-330 [View   PDF (992 kB) ]

O16(dn)F17 and Ca40(dn)Sc41 Reactions by Time of Flight
G. F. Knoll, J. S. King, and W. C. Parkinson
pp. 331-336 [View   PDF (760 kB) ]

Evidence for "Alpha-Particle" Clusters in Several Nuclei from the (α, 2α) Reaction at 0.91 BeV
G. Igo, L. F. Hansen, and T. J. Gooding
pp. 337-351 [View   PDF (2458 kB) ]

"Classical" Self-Consistent Nuclear Model. II
R. G. Seyler and C. H. Blanchard
pp. 355-365 [View   PDF (1689 kB) ]

Asymmetric Core Collective Model for Odd-A Nuclei with Applications to the 2s-1d Shell
B. E. Chi and J. P. Davidson
pp. 366-378 [View   PDF (1811 kB) ]

N13 and C11 Range and Angular Distributions from N14 on B10
K. S. Toth
pp. 379-383 [View   PDF (945 kB) ]

Decay of Cd115m
R. P. Sharma and H. G. Devare
pp. 384-389 [View   PDF (942 kB) ]

Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution to the Λ-Nucleon Scattering Matrix
R. Schrils and B. W. Downs
pp. 390-396 [View   PDF (1293 kB) ]

New Series for Phase Shift in Potential Scattering
S. Rosendorff and S. Tani
pp. 396-406 [View   PDF (1603 kB) ]

Opening Angles of Electron-Positron Pairs
Haakon Olsen
pp. 406-415 [View   PDF (1345 kB) ]

Structure of the He3 Nucleus
H. Collard and R. Hofstadter
pp. 416-423 [View   PDF (1174 kB) ]

Variational Principles for Electromagnetic Potential Scattering
R. J. Wagner
pp. 423-434 [View   PDF (1520 kB) ]

Gravitational Radiation from Point Masses in a Keplerian Orbit
P. C. Peters and J. Mathews
pp. 435-440 [View   PDF (742 kB) ]

Quasiparticles and the Born Series
Steven Weinberg
pp. 440-460 [View   PDF (3266 kB) ]

Effect of Overlapping Resonances in Final States
P. K. Srivastava
pp. 461-470 [View   PDF (1487 kB) ]

Interaction Energy in Geometrostatics
Dieter R. Brill and Richard W. Lindquist
pp. 471-476 [View   PDF (892 kB) ]

High-Energy Behavior of Feynman Amplitudes
George Tiktopoulos
pp. 480-490 [View   PDF (1758 kB) ]

Some Experimental Consequences of Regge Poles
William R. Frazer
pp. 491-494 [View   PDF (640 kB) ]

Classical Radiation Recoil. II
Thomas A. Morgan and Asher Peres
pp. 494 [View   PDF (127 kB) ]