Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 June 1963
(Volume 130, Issue 6)

Secondary Electron Emission Produced by Relativistic Primary Electrons
Arvid A. Schultz and Martin A. Pomerantz
pp. 2135-2141 [View   PDF (1173 kB) ]

Kinetic Equations for Fully Ionized, Inhomogeneous Plasmas
Richard K. Osborn
pp. 2142-2155 [View   PDF (2077 kB) ]

Heat Capacity of α-CuZn Alloys below 4.2°K
B. W. Veal and J. A. Rayne
pp. 2156-2159 [View   PDF (669 kB) ]

Diffusion, Solubility, and Electrical Properties of Copper in Indium Antimonide
Hans Juerg Stocker
pp. 2160-2169 [View   PDF (1760 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Coloration in KCl and KBr near the Fundamental Edge
Clifford C. Klick and David A. Patterson
pp. 2169-2176 [View   PDF (1560 kB) ]

Thermal Conductivity of Dilute Copper Alloys
M. Garber, B. W. Scott, and F. J. Blatt
pp. 2188-2192 [View   PDF (872 kB) ]

Infrared Absorption at Longitudinal Optic Frequency in Cubic Crystal Films
D. W. Berreman
pp. 2193-2198 [View   PDF (1057 kB) ]

Paramagnetic Resonance of Chromium in MgTiO3
Erhard J. Schimitschek
pp. 2199-2200 [View   PDF (281 kB) ]

Anisotropy of the Conductivity of n-Type Germanium at High Electric Fields
Marshall I. Nathan
pp. 2201-2204 [View   PDF (610 kB) ]

Optical Absorption in the Presence of a Uniform Field
K. Tharmalingam
pp. 2204-2206 [View   PDF (430 kB) ]

Spin-Wave Impurity States in Ferromagnets
Thomas Wolfram and Joseph Callaway
pp. 2207-2217 [View   PDF (1687 kB) ]

Exchange Energy of an Electron Gas in a Periodic Potential
Leonard Eyges
pp. 2218-2223 [View   PDF (1003 kB) ]

Spin-Wave Theory of Ferromagnetic Thin Films
A. Corciovei
pp. 2223-2229 [View   PDF (948 kB) ]

Magnetic and Crystal Structure of Titanium Sesquioxide
S. C. Abrahams
pp. 2230-2237 [View   PDF (1419 kB) ]

Recovery Study in Pure and Alloyed Aluminum Following Electron Irradiation
A. Sosin and L. H. Rachal
pp. 2238-2248 [View   PDF (1916 kB) ]

Infrared Reflectivities of Magnesium Silicide, Germanide, and Stannide
D. McWilliams and D. W. Lynch
pp. 2248-2252 [View   PDF (783 kB) ]

Limiting Critical Field in Thin Superconductors
N. Kusnezov
pp. 2253-2256 [View   PDF (676 kB) ]

Luminescent Decay of Localized Optical Excitations in KCl
Herbert Mahr
pp. 2257-2265 [View   PDF (1748 kB) ]

Acceleration of Molecular Excitons by an Electric Field
Arthur Bierman
pp. 2266-2270 [View   PDF (619 kB) ]

Comments on Spin-Lattice Relaxation
D. E. McCumber
pp. 2271-2276 [View   PDF (887 kB) ]

Melting and Polymorphic Transitions for Some Group II-VI Compounds at High Pressures
A. Jayaraman, W. Klement, and G. C. Kennedy
pp. 2277-2283 [View   PDF (1233 kB) ]

Magnetoconductivity and Polar Scattering in Moderately Ionic Crystals
F. Garcia-Moliner
pp. 2290-2301 [View   PDF (1979 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Xe129 in Natural Xenon
E. R. Hunt and H. Y. Carr
pp. 2302-2305 [View   PDF (795 kB) ]

Chemical Shift and Relaxation of Xe129 in Xenon Gas
H. C. Torrey
pp. 2306-2312 [View   PDF (1134 kB) ]

Rotational Excitation and Electron Relaxation in Nitrogen
Michael H. Mentzoni and Ronald V. Row
pp. 2312-2316 [View   PDF (796 kB) ]

Electron Capture by Protons Passing Through Hydrogen
T. Pradhan and D. N. Tripathy
pp. 2317-2318 [View   PDF (321 kB) ]

Balmer Emissions Induced by Proton Impact on Molecular Hydrogen
R. H. Hughes, Sabrina Lin, and L. L. Hatfield
pp. 2318-2321 [View   PDF (573 kB) ]

Positron Annihilation in Condensed Gases
D. C. Liu and W. K. Roberts
pp. 2322-2325 [View   PDF (757 kB) ]

Low-Lying Energy Levels of Lanthanide Atoms and Intermediate Coupling
J. G. Conway and B. G. Wybourne
pp. 2325-2332 [View   PDF (1312 kB) ]

Interaction Potentials from the Velocity Dependence of Total Atom-Atom Scattering Cross Sections
Erhard W. Rothe, P. K. Rol, and Richard B. Bernstein
pp. 2333-2338 [View   PDF (866 kB) ]

Effect of Nonlocal Potential on the Barrier Penetrability in Alpha Decay
Manujendra Lal Chaudhury
pp. 2339-2341 [View   PDF (563 kB) ]

(pd), (pt), and (p, α) Reactions to the Same Final States in Fe56 and in Zr90
J. B. Ball, C. B. Fulmer, and C. D. Goodman
pp. 2342-2348 [View   PDF (1286 kB) ]

Remarks on the Present Status of the Problem of the X-Ray Deficiency in μ-Mesonic Atoms
Y. Eisenberg and D. Kessler
pp. 2349-2351 [View   PDF (455 kB) ]

K--Mesonic Atoms
Y. Eisenberg and D. Kessler
pp. 2352-2360 [View   PDF (1583 kB) ]

Electron Shake-Off Following the Beta Decay of Ne23
Thomas A. Carlson
pp. 2361-2365 [View   PDF (1026 kB) ]

B11(dn)C12*4.43 (γ-n) Angular Correlations at 0.94 and 0.62 MeV
W. F. Huang and R. C. Ritter
pp. 2366-2372 [View   PDF (951 kB) ]

Comparison of the C13(d, α)B11 and B11(He3p)C13 Reactions
B. B. Marsh and O. M. Bilaniuk
pp. 2373-2380 [View   PDF (1326 kB) ]

Symmetry of Neutron-Induced U235 Fission at Individual Resonances. II
G. A. Cowan, B. P. Bayhurst, and R. J. Prestwood
pp. 2380-2383 [View   PDF (727 kB) ]

Excitation Functions for Tb149g from Reactions between Complex Nuclei
John M. Alexander and Gabriel N. Simonoff
pp. 2383-2387 [View   PDF (871 kB) ]

Half-Lives of N12 and B12
Thornton R. Fisher
pp. 2388-2390 [View   PDF (488 kB) ]

Angular Distributions from Elastic Scattering of 15-MeV Deuterons
R. K. Jolly, E. K. Lin, and B. L. Cohen
pp. 2391-2396 [View   PDF (968 kB) ]

Enhanced Excitation of T=0, S=0 States of the Ground-State Configuration in C12-C12 Scattering at 126 MeV
Gerald T. Garvey, Andrew M. Smith, and J. C. Hiebert
pp. 2397-2407 [View   PDF (1946 kB) ]

Pion Capture in Complex Nuclei
Zeev Fraenkel
pp. 2407-2416 [View   PDF (1807 kB) ]

Recoil Properties of Bi209(ppxn) Spallation Products
William R. Pierson and Nathan Sugarman
pp. 2417-2428 [View   PDF (2226 kB) ]

Positive Pion Production by Polarized X Rays between 227 and 373 MeV
R. C. Smith and R. F. Mozley
pp. 2429-2440 [View   PDF (1972 kB) ]

Radiative ρ-Meson Decay
Paul Singer
pp. 2441-2448 [View   PDF (1304 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Energy Dependence of Proton Electromagnetic Form Factors
S. H. Patil
pp. 2448-2449 [View   PDF (301 kB) ]

K-Leptonic Decay and Partially Conserved Currents
George Zweig
pp. 2449-2454 [View   PDF (884 kB) ]

Coupled Channel Approach to J=3 / 2+ Resonances in the Unitary Symmetry Model
A. W. Martin and K. C. Wali
pp. 2455-2467 [View   PDF (2252 kB) ]

μ-Mesonic X-Ray Energies and Nuclear Radii for Fourteen Elements from Z=12 to 50
H. L. Anderson, C. S. Johnson, and E. P. Hincks
pp. 2468-2480 [View   PDF (2075 kB) ]

Reaction π-+p→π-++n from 360 to 800 MeV
Janos Kirz, Joseph Schwartz, and Robert D. Tripp
pp. 2481-2484 [View   PDF (641 kB) ]

Extrapolation Methods and the Nucleon-Deuteron Breakup Reaction
I. J. Aitchison
pp. 2484-2494 [View   PDF (1712 kB) ]

Final-State Interactions in the Electrodisintegration of Deuterium
J. Nuttall and M. L. Whippman
pp. 2495-2501 [View   PDF (1060 kB) ]

e++e-→π+-0 and Overlapping Resonances
David R. Harrington
pp. 2502-2505 [View   PDF (632 kB) ]

Simplified Approach to the Ground-State Energy of an Imperfect Bose Gas
Elliott H. Lieb
pp. 2518-2528 [View   PDF (1871 kB) ]

The Quantum Theory of Optical Coherence
Roy J. Glauber
pp. 2529-2539 [View   PDF (2134 kB) ]

Statistical Mechanical Theory of Condensation
M. Coopersmith and R. Brout
pp. 2539-2559 [View   PDF (3159 kB) ]

Singularity of the Regge Amplitude
J. N. Islam, P. V. Landshoff, and J. C. Taylor
pp. 2560-2565 [View   PDF (856 kB) ]

Perturbation Theory of Scattering Amplitudes at High Energies
James D. Bjorken and Tai Tsun Wu
pp. 2566-2572 [View   PDF (885 kB) ]

Higher Random-Phase Approximations and the Theory of the Electron Gas
Giu Do Dang and Abraham Klein
pp. 2572-2579 [View   PDF (1223 kB) ]

Singularities in the Unphysical Sheets and the Isobar Model
Rudolph C. Hwa
pp. 2580-2592 [View   PDF (2302 kB) ]

Dispersive Treatment of Weak Decays and Final-State Interactions in Model Theories
Kurt Haller and Leon F. Landovitz
pp. 2593-2597 [View   PDF (623 kB) ]

Isospin Conservation and β-γ Circular-Polarization Correlation in Mixed Transition
Stewart D. Bloom, Lloyd G. Mann, and John A. Miskel
pp. 2598 [View   PDF (142 kB) ]

Flow Instability in Liquid Helium II
R. Meservey
pp. 2598 [View   PDF (142 kB) ]

Circular-Polarization Measurements in the β Decay of V48, Co56, Fe59, and Cs134
Lloyd G. Mann, Stewart D. Bloom, and R. J. Nagle
pp. 2598 [View   PDF (142 kB) ]

Harmonics in the Scattering of Light by Free Electrons
pp. 2598 [View   PDF (142 kB) ]

Neutrons from Deuteron Breakup on D, T, and He4
H. W. Lefevre, R. R. Borchers, and C. H. Poppe
pp. 2599 [View   PDF (143 kB) ]

Axially Symmetric Model for Lattice Dynamics of Metals with Application to Cu, Al, and ZrH2
G. W. Lehman, T. Wolfram, and R. E. DeWames
pp. 2599 [View   PDF (143 kB) ]

Mössbauer Effect in Metallic Iron
R. S. Preston, S. S. Hanna, and J. Heberle
pp. 2599 [View   PDF (143 kB) ]

Two-Photon Photoelectric Effect
Richard L. Smith
pp. 2599 [View   PDF (143 kB) ]

Semiempirical Approach to the Theory of Thermal Diffusion in Crystals
L. A. Girifalco
pp. 2599 [View   PDF (143 kB) ]

Properties of F20
S. S. Glickstein and R. G. Winter
pp. 2599 [View   PDF (143 kB) ]

Static Magnetoelastic Coupling in Cubic Crystals
Earl R. Callen and Herbert B. Callen
pp. 2600 [View   PDF (79 kB) ]