Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 13 April 1964
(Volume 134, Issue 1B)

Relationship Between the Optical Model and the Resonance Theory
A. P. Jain
pp. B1-B7 [View   PDF (1136 kB) ]

Remarks on the Mixed Multipole Internal Conversion Electron Correlation Parameters
L. C. Biedenharn and M. E. Rose
pp. B8-B15 [View   PDF (1152 kB) ]

Beta Decay of N17 to Bound States in O17
M. G. Silbert and J. C. Hopkins
pp. B16-B22 [View   PDF (1310 kB) ]

Alpha Decay of Even-Even Nuclei
F. C. Chang
pp. B23-B24 [View   PDF (368 kB) ]

Spin and Nuclear Moments of 2.3-Day Cd115 and of 43-Day Cd115m
M. N. McDermott, R. Novick, B. W. Perry, and E. B. Saloman
pp. B25-B29 [View   PDF (810 kB) ]

Recoil Properties of Sm142 from Nuclear Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions. I. Samarium Compound Systems
Morton Kaplan and Richard D. Fink
pp. B30-B37 [View   PDF (1525 kB) ]

Scattering of 64.3-MeV Alpha Particles from Nickel-58 and Iron-58
P. Darriulat, G. Igo, H. G. Pugh, J. M. Meriwether, and S. Yamabe
pp. B42-B67 [View   PDF (4327 kB) ]

Spin States of Neutron Resonances in Gadolinium and Europium
Alexander Stolovy
pp. B68-B74 [View   PDF (1375 kB) ]

Dissociation of Li6
R. W. Ollerhead, C. Chasman, and D. A. Bromley
pp. B74-B89 [View   PDF (2623 kB) ]

Binary Fission Studies of Helium-Ion-Induced Fission of Bi209, Ra226, and U238
J. P. Unik and J. R. Huizenga
pp. B90-B99 [View   PDF (1847 kB) ]

Comparison of Moderate Energy Proton-Proton Models. II
Peter Signell and N. R. Yoder
pp. B100-B101 [View   PDF (329 kB) ]

Negative Pion Capture From Rest on Complex Nuclei
Richard M. Spector
pp. B101-B109 [View   PDF (1382 kB) ]

B10(d, Li6)Li6 Reaction at Deuteron Energies from 8 to 13.5 MeV
D. S. Gemmell, J. R. Erskine, and J. P. Schiffer
pp. B110-B112 [View   PDF (451 kB) ]

Search for Photodeuterium from Copper
James Shannon, W. E. Stephens, and James S. O'Connell
pp. B113-B117 [View   PDF (910 kB) ]

Inelastic Proton Scattering from Nuclei with 28 Neutrons
H. O. Funsten, N. R. Roberson, and E. Rost
pp. B117-B132 [View   PDF (2131 kB) ]

Positions and Widths of O16 Levels up to 15-MeV Excitation
C. P. Browne and I. Michael
pp. B133-B141 [View   PDF (1393 kB) ]

Reaction Energies and Energy Levels from Proton and Deuteron Bombardment of the Iron Isotopes
A. Sperduto and W. W. Buechner
pp. B142-B163 [View   PDF (3265 kB) ]

Direct Interactions with Three-Particle Final States
M. M. Duncan, J. L. Duggan, and R. D. Purrington
pp. B164-B166 [View   PDF (363 kB) ]

Study of a Fragmentation Reaction by Thin-Target Recoil Techniques; Production of Na24 from Bismuth by 2.9-GeV Protons
J. B. Cumming, R. J. Cross, J. Hudis, and A. M. Poskanzer
pp. B167-B174 [View   PDF (1502 kB) ]

Pseudoscalar Charge Density of Spin-½ Particles. I. Existence
K. Hida
pp. B174-B181 [View   PDF (1182 kB) ]

Photoproduction of K Mesons at Low Energy
pp. B182-B187 [View   PDF (798 kB) ]

Branching Ratios of the Decay Modes Σ±n+e±
C. Thornton Murphy
pp. B188-B197 [View   PDF (2009 kB) ]

Some Inequalities for the Forward Scattering Amplitude
A. P. Balachandran
pp. B197-B206 [View   PDF (1236 kB) ]

Multiple-Pion Production by 2-BeV π-
P. H. Satterblom, W. D. Walker, and A. R. Erwin
pp. B207-B227 [View   PDF (2780 kB) ]

Measurements of the π+p→π+pπ0 Cross Section from 0.5 to 1.5 GeV/c
J. F. Detoeuf, Y. Ducros, J. P. Merlo, A. Stirling, B. Thevenet, L. van Rossum, and J. Zsembery
pp. B228-B235 [View   PDF (2131 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Violation of Conservation of Vector Current
pp. B235-B239 [View   PDF (862 kB) ]

New Experimental Limit on Velocity-Dependent Interactions of Clocks and Distant Matter
K. C. Turner and H. A. Hill
pp. B252-B256 [View   PDF (791 kB) ]