Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 20 April 1964
(Volume 134, Issue 2A)

Correlation between the Kinetic and Potential Energy of an Ionized Gas
O. Theimer and W. Deering
pp. A287-A295 [View   PDF (1297 kB) ]

Symmetry Relation in Relaxation Dispersions
P. H. Fang
pp. A296-A298 [View   PDF (411 kB) ]

Theory of Phonon-Terminated Optical Masers
D. E. McCumber
pp. A299-A306 [View   PDF (1581 kB) ]

Far-Infrared Absorption in Superconducting Lanthanum
J. D. Leslie, R. L. Cappelletti, D. M. Ginsberg, D. K. Finnemore, F. H. Spedding, and B. J. Beaudry
pp. A309-A311 [View   PDF (579 kB) ]

Characteristic X-Ray Production in the LIII Shell of Copper by Low-Energy (100- to 500-keV) Protons
J. M. Khan, D. L. Potter, and R. D. Worley
pp. A316-A320 [View   PDF (801 kB) ]

Theory of Spin-Orbit Coupling in Atoms. III
M. Blume, A. J. Freeman, and R. E. Watson
pp. A320-A327 [View   PDF (1430 kB) ]

Positron Annihilation in Alkali Halides
A. Bisi, A. Fiorentini, and L. Zappa
pp. A328-A331 [View   PDF (633 kB) ]

Absolute Ionization Cross Sections of the Alkali Metals
G. O. Brink
pp. A345-A346 [View   PDF (351 kB) ]

Large-Angle, Single-Collision Scattering of Argon Ions (40-80 keV) from Metals
Sheldon Datz and Cornelis Snoek
pp. A347-A355 [View   PDF (1505 kB) ]

Mobility of Electrons in the Noble Gases
Joseph C. Bowe
pp. A355-A361 [View   PDF (1280 kB) ]

Asymptotic Exchange Coupling of Two Hydrogen Atoms
Conyers Herring and Michael Flicker
pp. A362-A366 [View   PDF (792 kB) ]

Radial Distribution Functions of Fluid Argon
Ashfaq A. Khan
pp. A367-A384 [View   PDF (2436 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Heat Capacities of Gallium, Cadmium, and Copper
Norman E. Phillips
pp. A385-A391 [View   PDF (1150 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of Three Spin Systems Undergoing Hindered Rotations
Richard L. Hilt and Paul S. Hubbard
pp. A392-A398 [View   PDF (1058 kB) ]

Slow and Fast Relaxation in Magnetic Resonance in Ferrimagnetic MnFe2O4
A. J. Heeger, T. G. Blocker, and S. K. Ghosh
pp. A399-A406 [View   PDF (1439 kB) ]

Vibrations in a Cold Electroactive Dipole Lattice
Richard L. Liboff
pp. A407-A411 [View   PDF (740 kB) ]

Quantum Theory of Domain-Wall Motion
James F. Janak
pp. A411-A422 [View   PDF (1688 kB) ]

Raman Effect in the F Center
D. A. Kleinman
pp. A423-A426 [View   PDF (742 kB) ]

Effective Fields in Cubic Lattices with Extended Charges
Ralph F. Guertin and Frank Stern
pp. A427-A433 [View   PDF (1225 kB) ]

Spin-Wave Renormalization Applied to Ferromagnetic CrBr3
H. L. Davis and Albert Narath
pp. A433-A441 [View   PDF (1563 kB) ]

Electronic Transport in Strontium Titanate
H. P. Frederikse, W. R. Thurber, and W. R. Hosler
pp. A442-A445 [View   PDF (663 kB) ]

Fermi Surface of Calcium by the de Haas-van Alphen Effect
J. H. Condon and J. A. Marcus
pp. A446-A452 [View   PDF (1209 kB) ]

Study of the Shubnikov-de Haas Effect. Determination of the Fermi Surfaces in Graphite
D. E. Soule, J. W. McClure, and L. B. Smith
pp. A453-A470 [View   PDF (3455 kB) ]

Phonon Scattering in Semiconductors From Thermal Conductivity Studies
M. G. Holland
pp. A471-A480 [View   PDF (1768 kB) ]

Volume Expansion and Color Center Behavior of NaCl X-Ray Irradiated at Low Temperature
S. Mascarenhas, D. A. Wiegand, and R. Smoluchowski
pp. A481-A485 [View   PDF (958 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Annealing of the X-Ray-Induced Volume Expansion and Coloration of LiF
S. Mascarenhas, D. A. Wiegand, and R. Smoluchowski
pp. A485-A491 [View   PDF (1244 kB) ]

Diffusion of Cd in CdS
H. H. Woodbury
pp. A492-A498 [View   PDF (1441 kB) ]

Optical Double-Photon Absorption in CdS
R. Braunstein and N. Ockman
pp. A499-A507 [View   PDF (1897 kB) ]

Superconductivity in Many-Valley Semiconductors and in Semimetals
Marvin L. Cohen
pp. A511-A521 [View   PDF (1952 kB) ]

Quenching and Annealing of Zone-Refined Aluminum
M. Doyama and J. S. Koehler
pp. A522-A529 [View   PDF (1299 kB) ]

Effects of Channeling on Damage Production in Iron
J. R. Beeler and D. G. Besco
pp. A530-A532 [View   PDF (572 kB) ]

Measurement of Equilibrium Vacancy Concentrations in Dilute Aluminum-Silver Alloys
D. R. Beaman, R. W. Balluffi, and R. O. Simmons
pp. A532-A542 [View   PDF (2034 kB) ]