Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 27 April 1964
(Volume 134, Issue 2B)

Decay of Tl210 to States of Pb210
P. Weinzierl, E. Ujlaki, G. Preinreich, and G. Eder
pp. B257-B266 [View   PDF (1451 kB) ]

Application of Self-Consistent Field Methods to Rotational Motion in sd Shell Nuclei
I. Kelson and C. A. Levinson
pp. B269-B278 [View   PDF (1470 kB) ]

Eigenfunctions of the Nuclear Pairing Hamiltonian
R. R. Chasman
pp. B279-B284 [View   PDF (885 kB) ]

Dynamic Theory of the Nuclear Collective Model
Michael Danos and Walter Greiner
pp. B284-B296 [View   PDF (1870 kB) ]

Decay of Nd149 to Pm149
K. P. Gopinathan and M. C. Joshi
pp. B297-B307 [View   PDF (1290 kB) ]

Ground-State Properties and Low-Lying States of the N14 Nucleus
Nazakat Ullah and R. K. Nesbet
pp. B308-B313 [View   PDF (930 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Improved Superconductivity Approximation for the Pairing Interaction in Nuclei
Yukihisa Nogami
pp. B313-B321 [View   PDF (1513 kB) ]

Study of the Pt189Ir189Os189 Decay Chain
H. R. Lewis, R. A. Naumann, J. M. Prospero, and D. Thomas
pp. B322-B330 [View   PDF (1450 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Structure of the Giant Resonance in Oxygen-16
F. H. Lewis
pp. B331-B338 [View   PDF (1461 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Studies of Electromagnetic Transitions in N14 by Means of the C12(He3p)N14 Reaction
E. K. Warburton, J. W. Olness, D. E. Alburger, D. J. Bredin, and L. F. Chase
pp. B338-B348 [View   PDF (2144 kB) ]

Lifetimes of the N14 5.83-MeV and 6.44-MeV Levels
J. A. Becker and E. K. Warburton
pp. B349-B352 [View   PDF (734 kB) ]

Optical-Model Analysis of 15-MeV Deuteron Elastic Scattering
C. M. Perey and F. G. Perey
pp. B353-B361 [View   PDF (1262 kB) ]

Scattering of Polarized 3.25-MeV Neutrons by Medium Weight Nuclei
W. P. Bucher and D. W. Kent
pp. B361-B364 [View   PDF (682 kB) ]

Analysis of the 142-MeV Proton-Proton Scattering Data
Peter Signell and D. L. Marker
pp. B365-B373 [View   PDF (1296 kB) ]

Compound Nuclear Shell Effects in 14-MeV (n, α) Reactions
Aparesh Chatterjee
pp. B374-B377 [View   PDF (705 kB) ]

Low-Lying Sc44 Levels from the Sc45(pd)Sc44 Reaction
Edwin Kashy
pp. B378-B382 [View   PDF (683 kB) ]

Production of Strange Particles by 2.77-BeV/c π+ Mesons on Hydrogen
S. S. Yamamoto, L. Bertanza, G. C. Moneti, D. C. Rahm, and I. O. Skillicorn
pp. B383-B387 [View   PDF (903 kB) ]

Dynamical Model of the 1535-MeV Ξ* Hyperon
Jogesh C. Pati
pp. B387-B396 [View   PDF (1759 kB) ]

Bounds on Multichannel Scattering Parameters
Yukap Hahn, Thomas F. O'Malley, and Larry Spruch
pp. B397-B404 [View   PDF (1594 kB) ]

Relativistic Calculation of the Deuteron Electromagnetic Form Factor. I
Franz Gross
pp. B405-B419 [View   PDF (2149 kB) ]

Feinberg-Pais Equation for the Trace of Ladder Diagrams
J. C. Polkinghorne and J. C. Taylor
pp. B420-B423 [View   PDF (559 kB) ]

Canonical Form of the Wave Equations for Massless Particles and Their Observables
A. Sankaranarayanan
pp. B424-B427 [View   PDF (603 kB) ]

Radiative Muon Capture in Hydrogen
Geoffrey I. Opat
pp. B428-B435 [View   PDF (891 kB) ]

Asymptotic Conditions and Integral Equations for Nonrelativistic Invariant Functions
M. Bolsterli and J. F. Walker
pp. B444-B447 [View   PDF (400 kB) ]

Nonrenormalizability and the Short-Range Force in Some Field-Theoretic Models
Raymond F. Sawyer
pp. B448-B453 [View   PDF (980 kB) ]

Model for the Interaction p+pd+ in the BeV Region
Tsu Yao
pp. B454-B459 [View   PDF (805 kB) ]

Self-Consistent Sets of Mesons in a Bootstrap Model
Richard H. Capps
pp. B460-B471 [View   PDF (2429 kB) ]

Translational Inertial Spin Effect with Moving Particles
O. Costa de Beauregard
pp. B471-B475 [View   PDF (808 kB) ]

Signal Propagation in a Positive Definite Riemannian Space
C. Lanczos
pp. B476-B480 [View   PDF (869 kB) ]