Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 18 May 1964
(Volume 134, Issue 4A)

Theory of the Electronic Thermal Conductivity of Superconductors with Strong Electron-Phonon Coupling
Vinay Ambegaokar and Ludwig Tewordt
pp. A805-A815 [View   PDF (1660 kB) ]

Dissipation in Quantum Mechanics. Two-Level System. II
I. R. Senitzky
pp. A816-A823 [View   PDF (1430 kB) ]

Thomas-Fermi Theory of the Atom as a Solution of the Density-Matrix Hierarchy
Nandor L. Balazs
pp. A841-A852 [View   PDF (2210 kB) ]

Theory of Core-Electron Contributions to Hyperfine Interactions
G. D. Gaspari, Wei-Mei Shyu, and T. P. Das
pp. A852-A862 [View   PDF (1601 kB) ]

Millimeter-Wave Molecular-Beam Spectroscopy: Alkali Chlorides
Paul L. Clouser and Walter Gordy
pp. A863-A870 [View   PDF (1524 kB) ]

Inelastic Scattering of Electrons by the Hydrogen Molecule Ion
James M. Peek
pp. A877-A883 [View   PDF (1094 kB) ]

ΔS=±1 Magnetic Multipole Radiative Transitions
Masataka Mizushima
pp. A883-A888 [View   PDF (877 kB) ]

Absolute Electron Excitation Cross Sections of Helium
Robert M. John, Frank L. Miller, and Chun C. Lin
pp. A888-A897 [View   PDF (2326 kB) ]

K-Shell Photoelectric Cross Sections from 200 keV to 2 MeV
R. H. Pratt, Richard D. Levee, Robert L. Pexton, and Walter Aron
pp. A898-A915 [View   PDF (2881 kB) ]

Polarization Correlations in Atomic Photoeffect
R. H. Pratt, Richard D. Levee, Robert L. Pexton, and Walter Aron
pp. A916-A922 [View   PDF (1109 kB) ]

Effect of Correlation on the Ferromagnetism of Transition Metals
Martin C. Gutzwiller
pp. A923-A941 [View   PDF (3399 kB) ]

Magnetic Susceptibilities of Transition Elements in Host Crystals. II. Ni2+ in ZnO and CdS
William H. Brumage and Chun C. Lin
pp. A950-A957 [View   PDF (1251 kB) ]

Electronic Specific Heats of Dilute Solid Solutions
H. Jones
pp. A958-A962 [View   PDF (712 kB) ]

Motional Narrowing of Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance Lines in Manganese-Doped Lithium Fluoride
T. G. Stoebe, T. O. Ogurtani, and R. A. Huggins
pp. A963-A964 [View   PDF (315 kB) ]

Localized Mode in an Anharmonic Crystal
William M. Visscher
pp. A965-A970 [View   PDF (958 kB) ]

Energy Bands for the Iron Transition Series
L. F. Mattheiss
pp. A970-A973 [View   PDF (657 kB) ]

Fermi-Liquid Effects in Cyclotron Resonance
P. M. Platzman and K. C. Jacobs
pp. A974-A978 [View   PDF (821 kB) ]

Low-Field de Haas-van Alphen Effect in Copper
A. S. Joseph and A. C. Thorsen
pp. A979-A980 [View   PDF (280 kB) ]

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions of Strontium Titanate
R. A. Cowley
pp. A981-A997 [View   PDF (2658 kB) ]

Optical Absorption in an Electric Field
Joseph Callaway
pp. A998-A1000 [View   PDF (355 kB) ]

Electron Spin Resonance on Interacting Donors in Silicon
D. Jérome and J. M. Winter
pp. A1001-A1007 [View   PDF (1164 kB) ]

Peierls Stress and Creep of a Linear Chain
J. H. Weiner and W. T. Sanders
pp. A1007-A1015 [View   PDF (1324 kB) ]

Incoherent and Thermal Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering in Silicon
D. L. Weinberg
pp. A1016-A1018 [View   PDF (537 kB) ]

Optically Active Phonon Processes in CdS and ZnS
R. Marshall and S. S. Mitra
pp. A1019-A1025 [View   PDF (1251 kB) ]

Theory of Electron Backscattering
Roger F. Dashen
pp. A1025-A1032 [View   PDF (1463 kB) ]

Growing Helical Density Waves in Semiconductor Plasmas
C. E. Hurwitz and A. L. McWhorter
pp. A1033-A1050 [View   PDF (3516 kB) ]

Thermal Conductivity of Silicon and Germanium from 3°K to the Melting Point
C. J. Glassbrenner and Glen A. Slack
pp. A1058-A1069 [View   PDF (2002 kB) ]

Soft X-Ray Production by 1.5-MeV Protons
W. T. Ogier, G. J. Lucas, J. S. Murray, and T. E. Holzer
pp. A1070-A1072 [View   PDF (534 kB) ]

Theory of the Optical and Magnetic Properties of the Self-Trapped Hole in Lithium Fluoride
T. P. Das, A. N. Jette, and R. S. Knox
pp. A1079-A1093 [View   PDF (2495 kB) ]

Electron Tunneling Through Thin Aluminum Oxide Films
Thomas E. Hartman and Jay S. Chivian
pp. A1094-A1101 [View   PDF (1381 kB) ]

Interaction of Electron on the Donor Center with the Crystal Lattice in Germanium and Silicon
Andrzej Myszkowski and Stanisław Gómułka
pp. A1102-A1106 [View   PDF (614 kB) ]

Pressure Effect on Resistivity of Ga(As1-xPx)
G. E. Fenner
pp. A1113-A1118 [View   PDF (1013 kB) ]