Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 25 May 1964
(Volume 134, Issue 4B)

Decay Scheme of the Isomers of Te129
S. H. Devare and H. G. Devare
pp. B705-B717 [View   PDF (1724 kB) ]

Gyromagnetic Ratio of the 4+ State of Ce140
M. Schmorak, H. Wilson, P. Gatti, and L. Grodzins
pp. B718-B721 [View   PDF (617 kB) ]

Symmetry Energy and the Isotopic Spin Dependence of the Single-Particle Potential in Nuclear Matter
Keith A. Brueckner and Janusz Dabrowski
pp. B722-B730 [View   PDF (1410 kB) ]

Decay of Cd117
R. P. Sharma, K. P. Gopinathan, and S. R. Amtey
pp. B730-B739 [View   PDF (1460 kB) ]

Nuclear Energy States of In115
D. D. Bornemeier, L. D. Ellsworth, C. E. Mandeville, and V. R. Potnis
pp. B740-B742 [View   PDF (455 kB) ]

Upper and Lower Bound of the Eigenvalue of a Three-Body System
Y. C. Tang, R. C. Herndon, and E. W. Schmid
pp. B743-B747 [View   PDF (934 kB) ]

Mössbauer Effect in Tm169 and Total Internal Conversion of the 8.42-keV Transition
E. Kankeleit, F. Boehm, and R. Hager
pp. B747-B751 [View   PDF (898 kB) ]

(pd) Reactions on Nuclei from V to Ni
J. C. Legg and E. Rost
pp. B752-B764 [View   PDF (1640 kB) ]

Nuclear Size and Magnetic Effects in the Radiative Tail of Electron-Nucleus Scattering
Edward S. Ginsberg and R. H. Pratt
pp. B773-B778 [View   PDF (927 kB) ]

C12-, π-n)C11 Excitation Function
A. M. Poskanzer and L. P. Remsberg
pp. B779-B782 [View   PDF (762 kB) ]

Recoil Range Measurements of Reactions Induced in Ni58 with 46- to 68-MeV Helium Ions
Marshall Blann and Alan Ewart
pp. B783-B793 [View   PDF (2089 kB) ]

Differential Cross Sections for the Reaction C13(Li6, α)N15
J. M. Blair, Pham-Dinh-Lien, and Russell K. Hobbie
pp. B793-B795 [View   PDF (482 kB) ]

Delayed Gammas from Fast-Neutron Fission of Th232, U233, U235, U238, and Pu239
Philip C. Fisher and Leon B. Engle
pp. B796-B816 [View   PDF (3266 kB) ]

Beta Decays and Delayed Gammas from Fission Fragments
James J. Griffin
pp. B817-B823 [View   PDF (1226 kB) ]

Delayed Gamma Rays from Photofission of U238, U235, and Th232
R. B. Walton, R. E. Sund, E. Haddad, J. C. Young, and C. W. Cook
pp. B824-B832 [View   PDF (1675 kB) ]

Quantum Theory of Elementary Particles
H. C. Corben
pp. B832-B843 [View   PDF (1722 kB) ]

Weak-Coupling Limit for Scattering by Strongly Singular Potentials
George Tiktopoulos and S. B. Treiman
pp. B844-B847 [View   PDF (601 kB) ]

Inelastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering Experiments and Nucleon Structure
C. de Vries, R. Hofstadter, A. Johansson, and Robert Herman
pp. B848-B859 [View   PDF (2033 kB) ]

Mixing of Elementary Particles
Sidney Coleman and Howard J. Schnitzer
pp. B863-B872 [View   PDF (1663 kB) ]

Feynman Rules for Any Spin. II. Massless Particles
Steven Weinberg
pp. B882-B896 [View   PDF (2325 kB) ]

Possible Effects of Strong Interactions in Feinberg-Pais Theory of Weak Interactions. II
N. P. Chang and H. S. Mani
pp. B896-B900 [View   PDF (693 kB) ]

π-p Interactions at 10 GeV/c with Four Charged Secondaries
N. N. Biswas, I. Derado, N. Schmitz, and W. D. Shephard
pp. B901-B911 [View   PDF (1332 kB) ]

Improved Minimum Principle for Multichannel Scattering
Yukap Hahn, Thomas F. O'Malley, and Larry Spruch
pp. B911-B919 [View   PDF (1522 kB) ]

Measurement of Time Correlations for Quantum-Mechanical Systems
Marvin L. Goldberger and Kenneth M. Watson
pp. B919-B928 [View   PDF (1640 kB) ]