Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 22 June 1964
(Volume 134, Issue 6B)

Nucleon-Nucleon Potential in Similar Configurations
Yeshwant R. Waghmare
pp. B1185-B1190 [View   PDF (980 kB) ]

Velocity-Dependent Potentials and the Shell Model of Oxygen-18
Bruce H. McKellar
pp. B1190-B1195 [View   PDF (827 kB) ]

Theoretical Calculations of Properties of Rare-Earth Alpha Emitters
R. D. Macfarlane, J. O. Rasmussen, and M. Rho
pp. B1196-B1200 [View   PDF (794 kB) ]

Electric Quadrupole Transitions Near A=16: The Lifetimes of the First Excited States of O17 and F17
J. A. Becker and D. H. Wilkinson
pp. B1200-B1204 [View   PDF (858 kB) ]

Internal Conversion in Sn119
N. Benzcer-Koller
pp. B1205-B1210 [View   PDF (876 kB) ]

(ppd) Reaction
Y. Sakamoto
pp. B1211-B1218 [View   PDF (1358 kB) ]

Tritium Produced During Spontaneous Fission of Californium-252
Donald L. Horrocks
pp. B1219 [View   PDF (149 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of He3 at 20 MeV
Raymond W. Klingensmith, Hershel J. Hausman, and William D. Ploughe
pp. B1220-B1228 [View   PDF (1099 kB) ]

Optical-Model Description of Low-Energy Collisions Between Heavy Ions
J. A. Kuehner and E. Almqvist
pp. B1229-B1236 [View   PDF (1337 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of Alpha Particles by O18
D. Powers, J. K. Bair, J. L. Ford, and H. B. Willard
pp. B1237-B1242 [View   PDF (983 kB) ]

Exact Treatment of Pure Coulomb Distortions in (Xn) Stripping Reactions
Fernando B. Morinigo
pp. B1243-B1247 [View   PDF (858 kB) ]

Differential Range Study of Products Formed by 2.9-GeV Proton Irradiation of Silver
J. B. Cumming, S. Katcoff, N. T. Porile, S. Tanaka, and A. Wyttenbach
pp. B1262-B1269 [View   PDF (1475 kB) ]

Comparison Between Reactions of Alpha Particles With Scandium-45 and Deuterons with Titanium-47
K. L. Chen and J. M. Miller
pp. B1269-B1280 [View   PDF (1760 kB) ]

Total Neutron Cross Section of Cm244
R. E. Coté, R. F. Barnes, and H. Diamond
pp. B1281-B1284 [View   PDF (629 kB) ]

Phases of Partial Matrix Elements and the Parity Rule for Inelastic Scattering
I. E. McCarthy
pp. B1285-B1288 [View   PDF (634 kB) ]

Search for Y2* Resonances
Margaret H. Alston, Angela Barbaro-Galtieri, Arthur H. Rosenfeld, and Stanley G. Wojcicki
pp. B1289-B1294 [View   PDF (1087 kB) ]

Mass and Interactions of the W Meson
G. Feinberg
pp. B1295-B1302 [View   PDF (1405 kB) ]

Scattering Formalism for Singular Potential Theory
A. Pais and Tai Tsun Wu
pp. B1303-B1307 [View   PDF (761 kB) ]

S-Matrix Poles Close to Threshold
William R. Frazer and Archibald W. Hendry
pp. B1307-B1314 [View   PDF (1415 kB) ]

Simple ππ Self-Consistent Calculation Using the Strip Approximation
Louis A. Balázs
pp. B1315-B1319 [View   PDF (692 kB) ]

Meson-Baryon Systems and Their Resonances
I. P. Gyuk and S. F. Tuan
pp. B1320-B1323 [View   PDF (702 kB) ]

Theory of Low-Energy π-π Scattering
Kyungsik Kang
pp. B1324-B1338 [View   PDF (2166 kB) ]

Observation of the Reaction p̅ +d→Λ+Σ-+Ξ̅ +
T. C. Bacon, H. W. Hopkins, D. K. Robinson, E. O. Salant, A. Engler, H. E. Fisk, C. M. Meltzer, and J. B. Westgard
pp. B1339-B1340 [View   PDF (404 kB) ]

Extrapolation of Proton Electromagnetic Form Factor
J. S. Levinger and Ronald F. Peierls
pp. B1341-B1354 [View   PDF (2506 kB) ]

The Fifth Interaction: Origins of the Mass Breaking Asymmetry
Yuval Ne'eman
pp. B1355-B1357 [View   PDF (547 kB) ]

Three-Body Scattering Amplitude. I. Separation of Angular Momentum
Roland L. Omnes
pp. B1358-B1364 [View   PDF (1158 kB) ]

Restrictions Imposed by the Optical Theorem on Exchanged Quantum Numbers
Ronald F. Peierls and T. L. Trueman
pp. B1365-B1367 [View   PDF (512 kB) ]

Contribution of Charged Vector Bosons to the Photon Propagator
Mirza A. Bég
pp. B1368-B1370 [View   PDF (477 kB) ]

K-p Charge-Exchange Scattering at 1.80 GeV/c
P. M. Dauber
pp. B1370-B1371 [View   PDF (314 kB) ]

Y1*(1385 MeV): Study of Spin and Parity by Moment Analysis for J=5 / 2, 3 / 2, and 1 / 2
Janice B. Shafer and Darrell O. Huwe
pp. B1372-B1376 [View   PDF (862 kB) ]

Self-Consistent Calculation of the Mass and Width of ω from ρ and π
M. L. Mehta
pp. B1377-B1380 [View   PDF (567 kB) ]

Many-Particle Self-Consistent Model
Richard H. Capps
pp. B1396-B1406 [View   PDF (2151 kB) ]

Free-Space Bounded Plane-Wave Solutions to the Maxwell-Lorentz Equations
Donovan V. Geppert
pp. B1407-B1409 [View   PDF (513 kB) ]

Time Symmetry in the Quantum Process of Measurement
Yakir Aharonov, Peter G. Bergmann, and Joel L. Lebowitz
pp. B1410-B1416 [View   PDF (1502 kB) ]

Answer to Fock Concerning the Time Energy Indeterminacy Relation
Y. Aharonov and D. Bohm
pp. B1417-B1418 [View   PDF (379 kB) ]

Commutators on Characteristic Surfaces
Arthur Komar
pp. B1430-B1440 [View   PDF (1900 kB) ]