Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 29 June 1964
(Volume 134, Issue 7AB)

Low Momentum Transfer Pion-Pion Scattering
Louis Balázs
pp. AB1 [View   PDF (147 kB) ]

Impurity Conduction in p-Type Silicon at Microwave Frequencies
Shoji Tanaka and H. Y. Fan
pp. AB1 [View   PDF (147 kB) ]

Production and Scattering in Simple Models
H. Chew
pp. AB1 [View   PDF (147 kB) ]

Spin Effects on the Plasma Oscillations of an Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field
S. Gartenhaus and G. Stranahan
pp. AB1 [View   PDF (147 kB) ]

Specific Heat of Cerium and Europium Metals
O. V. Lounasmaa
pp. AB1 [View   PDF (147 kB) ]