Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 30 November 1964
(Volume 136, Issue 5A)

Effect of Impurities on the Critical Temperature of Superconductors
D. M. Ginsberg
pp. A1167-A1170 [View   PDF (768 kB) ]

Ultrasonic Attenuation in Superconductors Containing Magnetic Impurities
Leo P. Kadanoff and Igor I. Falko
pp. A1170-A1180 [View   PDF (1499 kB) ]

Comparison of Fokker-Planck and Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook Equations
Mahesh S. Grewal
pp. A1181-A1186 [View   PDF (935 kB) ]

Continuous-Wave Laser Action on Vibrational-Rotational Transitions of CO2
C. K. Patel
pp. A1187-A1193 [View   PDF (1352 kB) ]

Quantized Vortex Rings in Superfluid Helium
G. W. Rayfield and F. Reif
pp. A1194-A1208 [View   PDF (2978 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Hanle Effect in the He-Ne Laser
W. Culshaw and J. Kannelaud
pp. A1209-A1221 [View   PDF (2921 kB) ]

Spectra Induced by H+ Impact on O2
R. H. Hughes and D. K. Ng
pp. A1222-A1224 [View   PDF (407 kB) ]

Molecular-Beam Magnetic-Resonance Studies of the Nitrogen Molecule
Sunney I. Chan, Milton R. Baker, and Norman F. Ramsey
pp. A1224-A1228 [View   PDF (916 kB) ]

Submillimeter-Wave Spectra of HCl and HBr
Gordon Jones and Walter Gordy
pp. A1229-A1232 [View   PDF (756 kB) ]

Total Cross Sections for the Scattering of Potassium by He, Ne, Ar, Xe, and H2 in the Thermal Energy Range
Kotusingh Lulla, Howard Howland Brown, and Benjamin Bederson
pp. A1233-A1239 [View   PDF (831 kB) ]

Production and Effects of Low-Energy Electrons in Helium
Robert H. McFarland
pp. A1240-A1244 [View   PDF (927 kB) ]

Small-Angle Scattering Observed in the Formation of Neutral Atoms from 10- to 55-keV Positive Ion Beams
A. B. Wittkower, P. H. Rose, R. P. Bastide, and N. B. Brooks
pp. A1254-A1259 [View   PDF (711 kB) ]

Radial Distribution Functions of Liquid Krypton
Ashfaq A. Khan
pp. A1260-A1279 [View   PDF (2547 kB) ]

Coherent Inelastic Scattering of Slow Neutrons by a Polyatomic Liquid Element
M. Antonini, P. Ascarelli, and G. Caglioti
pp. A1280-A1285 [View   PDF (1047 kB) ]

Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of Liquids in Very Weak Fields
Don D. Thompson, Robert J. Brown, and Richard J. Runge
pp. A1286-A1290 [View   PDF (944 kB) ]

Transverse and Longitudinal Optic Mode Study in MgF2 and ZnF2
A. S. Barker
pp. A1290-A1295 [View   PDF (1118 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Recombination Luminescence in Alkali Halide Crystals
M. N. Kabler
pp. A1296-A1302 [View   PDF (1494 kB) ]

Slow-Neutron Inelastic Scattering from Beryllium Powder
R. E. Schmunk
pp. A1303-A1311 [View   PDF (1887 kB) ]

Hyperfine Structure of Vk Centers in Alkali Fluoride Crystals
C. Edward Bailey
pp. A1311-A1316 [View   PDF (1222 kB) ]

Excitation of Coupled Nuclear Antiferromagnetic Resonance Modes
G. L. Witt and A. M. Portis
pp. A1316-A1320 [View   PDF (859 kB) ]

High-Temperature Magnetic Susceptibility of Interacting Electrons in a Solid
Joseph Callaway and David M. Edwards
pp. A1333-A1340 [View   PDF (1231 kB) ]

Nondipolar Interaction Between Nearest-Neighbor Neodymium Ions in the Ethyl Sulfate
J. M. Baker
pp. A1341-A1347 [View   PDF (1205 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Spin-Lattice Relaxation of F Centers in KCl: Interacting F Centers
R. W. Warren, D. W. Feldman, and J. G. Castle
pp. A1347-A1358 [View   PDF (2467 kB) ]

Normal Modes of Vibration in Nickel
R. J. Birgeneau, J. Cordes, G. Dolling, and A. D. Woods
pp. A1359-A1365 [View   PDF (1339 kB) ]

Elastic Constants of Strontium Fluoride Between 4.2 and 300°K
D. Gerlich
pp. A1366-A1368 [View   PDF (519 kB) ]

Electron Spin Resonance of Concentrated Copper Phthalocyanine Crystals
Jacques M. Assour and Sol E. Harrison
pp. A1368-A1373 [View   PDF (998 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Magnetization of the S=1 / 2 Heisenberg Ferromagnet
I. Ortenburger
pp. A1374-A1375 [View   PDF (281 kB) ]

Heat Capacity of Ordered and Disordered CuPt Below 4.2°K
Barton Roessler and John A. Rayne
pp. A1380-A1382 [View   PDF (808 kB) ]

Azbel'-Kaner Cyclotron Resonance in Gold
D. N. Langenberg and S. M. Marcus
pp. A1383-A1389 [View   PDF (1457 kB) ]

Energy Bands in Body-Centered and Hexagonal Sodium
A. James Hughes and Joseph Callaway
pp. A1390-A1397 [View   PDF (1509 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Boltzmann Equation in a Phonon System
C. Horie and J. A. Krumhansl
pp. A1397-A1407 [View   PDF (1477 kB) ]

Electron Spin Resonance of Neutral Hydrogen Atoms in SrF2 and BaF2
Benjamin Welber
pp. A1408-A1412 [View   PDF (959 kB) ]

Electron Spin Resonance of Mo5+ in Rutile
Te-Tse Chang
pp. A1413-A1416 [View   PDF (670 kB) ]

Impurity States in Transition Metals
A. M. Clogston
pp. A1417-A1427 [View   PDF (1589 kB) ]

Elastic Versus Inelastic Energy Loss of Recoil Germanium and Silicon Atoms
E. G. Wikner, H. Horiye, and D. K. Nichols
pp. A1428-A1432 [View   PDF (820 kB) ]

Rare-Earth Ions in the Alkali Halides. I. Emission Spectra of Sm2+-Vacancy Complex
W. E. Bron and W. R. Heller
pp. A1433-A1444 [View   PDF (2006 kB) ]

Kramers-Kronig Analysis of Reflectance Data for Diamond
H. R. Phillip and E. A. Taft
pp. A1445-A1448 [View   PDF (710 kB) ]

Exciton Absorption and Emission in InP
W. J. Turner, W. E. Reese, and G. D. Pettit
pp. A1467-A1470 [View   PDF (600 kB) ]