Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 7 December 1964
(Volume 136, Issue 5B)

New Rare-Earth Alpha Emitter, 148Eu
K. S. Toth, T. H. Handley, E. Newman, and I. R. Williams
pp. B1233-B1236 [View   PDF (722 kB) ]

Mössbauer Effect Studies of the 103-keV Level on Eu153
U. Atzmony, A. Mualem, and S. Ofer
pp. B1237-B1240 [View   PDF (703 kB) ]

Shapes of Allowed and Unique First-Forbidden β-Ray Spectra: In114, K42, Rb86, Sr90, and Y90
H. Daniel, G. Th. Kaschl, H. Schmitt, and K. Springer
pp. B1240-B1242 [View   PDF (495 kB) ]

States of Nuclear Quadrupole Vibrations and the Two-Phonon Triplets
P. Leal Ferreira, J. A. Alcarás, and V. C. Navarro
pp. B1243-B1246 [View   PDF (640 kB) ]

Decay of Ce143
K. P. Gopinathan, M. C. Joshi, and E. A. Sarma
pp. B1247-B1254 [View   PDF (1110 kB) ]

Nuclear Matrix Elements for First-Forbidden β Decay
L. S. Kisslinger and Chi-Shiang Wu
pp. B1254-B1259 [View   PDF (1015 kB) ]

Center-of-Mass Corrections in Nuclear Levels of Non-normal Parity
N. Freed and Paul Goldhammer
pp. B1260-B1261 [View   PDF (315 kB) ]

Nuclear Spectroscopy With a Soft Core Potential
Yeshwant R. Waghmare
pp. B1261-B1265 [View   PDF (849 kB) ]

Approximate Solution of a Finite Many-Particle System with Translational Invariance. I
Milton O. Vassell, Sidney Borowitz, and Jerome K. Percus
pp. B1266-B1278 [View   PDF (1713 kB) ]

(α, Li6) Reaction on C12, N14, Al27, and Ni at 42 MeV
Chris D. Zafiratos
pp. B1279-B1285 [View   PDF (1156 kB) ]

Spin Dependence of the Thermal Neutron Cross Section of Ho165
R. I. Schermer
pp. B1285-B1288 [View   PDF (684 kB) ]

Neutron and Photon Emission from Dysprosium and Terbium Compound Nuclei: Range Distributions
John M. Alexander, Jacob Gilat, and David H. Sisson
pp. B1289-B1297 [View   PDF (1567 kB) ]

Stopping of Dysprosium Ions in Gases and Aluminum
Jacob Gilat and John M. Alexander
pp. B1298-B1304 [View   PDF (1254 kB) ]

Studies of Mg25, Mg26, and Mg27 Nuclei With (dp) Reactions
Bibijana Čujec
pp. B1305-B1324 [View   PDF (2591 kB) ]

(d, Li6) Reactions in C12, O16, and F19 at 14.6 MeV
W. W. Daehnick and L. J. Denes
pp. B1325-B1332 [View   PDF (1277 kB) ]

Fission Fragment Angular Distributions in Charged-Particle-Induced Fission of Ra226
J. E. Gindler, G. L. Bate, and J. R. Huizenga
pp. B1333-B1344 [View   PDF (2159 kB) ]

Measurement of the Triple Scattering Parameter R at 213 MeV
Kazuo Gotow and Frederick Lobkowicz
pp. B1345-B1347 [View   PDF (489 kB) ]

Low-Lying Levels in 42Ca Excited by the 43Ca(dt) Reaction
J. H. Bjerregaard, H. R. Blieden, O. Hansen, G. Sidenius, and G. R. Satchler
pp. B1348-B1354 [View   PDF (1236 kB) ]

Properties of the 7.10-MeV Level of Na23
C. P. Swann
pp. B1355-B1359 [View   PDF (975 kB) ]

Ce142(ppn)Ce141 and Ce142(p, 2p)La141 Reactions from 0.4 to 28 GeV
S. Meloni and J. B. Cumming
pp. B1359-B1363 [View   PDF (971 kB) ]

Empirical Mass Relations Involving the Strongly Interacting Particles
R. M. Sternheimer
pp. B1364-B1381 [View   PDF (3302 kB) ]

Higher Baryon Resonances in the Static Model
E. S. Abers, A. A. Balázs, and Y. Hara
pp. B1382-B1388 [View   PDF (1296 kB) ]

Impact-Parameter K-Matrix Approach to High-Energy Peripheral Interactions
Richard C. Arnold
pp. B1388-B1398 [View   PDF (2052 kB) ]

Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering with Inelastic Unitarity
Philip W. Coulter, Antonio Scotti, and Gordon L. Shaw
pp. B1399-B1404 [View   PDF (935 kB) ]

Photon as a Symmetry-Breaking Solution to Field Theory. I
G. S. Guralnik
pp. B1404-B1416 [View   PDF (1982 kB) ]

Photon as a Symmetry-Breaking Solution to Field Theory. II
G. S. Guralnik
pp. B1417-B1422 [View   PDF (796 kB) ]

Branching Ratios of the K+ Meson
Francis S. Shaklee, Gary L. Jensen, Byron P. Roe, and Daniel Sinclair
pp. B1423-B1431 [View   PDF (1716 kB) ]

Study of the Three-Body Leptonic Decay Modes of the K+ Meson
Gary L. Jensen, Francis S. Shaklee, Byron P. Roe, and Daniel Sinclair
pp. B1431-B1438 [View   PDF (1357 kB) ]

Bounds on Propagators, Coupling Constants, and Vertex Functions
S. D. Drell, A. C. Finn, and A. C. Hearn
pp. B1439-B1451 [View   PDF (1853 kB) ]

Measurements of the Rates of the Decay π+→π0+e+ and of π- Capture in LiH, CH2, and CH
D. Bartlett, S. Devons, S. L. Meyer, and J. L. Rosen
pp. B1452-B1463 [View   PDF (1983 kB) ]

Determination of the τ+ Branching Ratio
Andrew Callahan, Robert March, and Robert Stark
pp. B1463-B1464 [View   PDF (304 kB) ]

Positive Photopion Production from Hydrogen Near Threshold
Donald A. McPherson, Duane C. Gates, Robert W. Kenney, and William P. Swanson
pp. B1465-B1471 [View   PDF (1354 kB) ]

Lifetime and Decay of Unstable Particles in S-Matrix Theory
M. L. Goldberger and K. M. Watson
pp. B1472-B1480 [View   PDF (1500 kB) ]

Analysis of Low-Energy K+-p Elastic Scattering
A. D. Martin and T. D. Spearman
pp. B1480-B1492 [View   PDF (2114 kB) ]

Pion Exchange Currents in Deuteron Photodisintegration. Dispersion Theory
Malcolm H. Skolnick
pp. B1493-B1514 [View   PDF (3612 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Crossing Relations and the Prediction of Symmetries in a Soluble Model
A. W. Martin and W. D. McGlinn
pp. B1515-B1522 [View   PDF (1487 kB) ]

Leptonic Decay of Hyperons in an Intermediate-Boson Theory
Seitaro Nakamura and Kunio Itami
pp. B1522-B1524 [View   PDF (335 kB) ]

An Iteration Method in the S-Matrix Theory
Rudolph C. Hwa
pp. B1525-B1532 [View   PDF (1437 kB) ]

Representations and Mass Formulas for SU(4)
Pekka Tarjanne
pp. B1532-B1534 [View   PDF (466 kB) ]

Relative Abundances of Energetic Hydrogen Isotopes Produced in Solar Flares
C. J. Waddington and P. S. Freier
pp. B1535-B1539 [View   PDF (1015 kB) ]

Dichroism of the Vacuum
James J. Klein and B. P. Nigam
pp. B1540-B1542 [View   PDF (495 kB) ]

Parity, Charge Conjugation, and Time Reversal in the Gravitational Interaction
J. Leitner and S. Okubo
pp. B1542-B1546 [View   PDF (994 kB) ]

Neutrino Opacity. II. Neutrino-Nucleon Interactions
John N. Bahcall and Steven C. Frautschi
pp. B1547-B1552 [View   PDF (1172 kB) ]