Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 5 April 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 1A)

Generation of Anti-Stokes Radiation in the Higher Order Coherent Raman Processes
C. L. Tang and T. F. Deutsch
pp. A1-A8 [View   PDF (1491 kB) ]

Coulomb Scattering in Aluminum without Atomic Excitation for 1-MeV Electrons
David H. Rester and Walter J. Rainwater
pp. A12-A14 [View   PDF (519 kB) ]

Absolute Total Electron-Helium-Atom Scattering Cross Sections for Low Electron Energies
D. E. Golden and H. W. Bandel
pp. A14-A21 [View   PDF (1538 kB) ]

Observation of Level Crossing in H, n=2
R. T. Robiscoe
pp. A22-A34 [View   PDF (2509 kB) ]

Bose-Einstein Condensation in Narrow Channels
Brij M. Khorana and D. H. Douglass
pp. A35-A39 [View   PDF (643 kB) ]

Electron Interactions in Cryogenic Helium Plasmas
Paul D. Goldan and L. Goldstein
pp. A39-A44 [View   PDF (998 kB) ]

Proposed Detection of Dynamically Oriented Co57 by the Mössbauer Effect
Sushil K. Misra and William A. Barker
pp. A58-A62 [View   PDF (861 kB) ]

Use of Retarded Green's Functions in Exciton Theory
Craig W. Deutsche and C. Alden Mead
pp. A63-A73 [View   PDF (1794 kB) ]

Critical Magnetic Field of a Thin Film of Superconductor
G. Rickayzen
pp. A73-A78 [View   PDF (917 kB) ]

Polarized Emission from KI: Tl at 12°K
Robert Edgerton
pp. A85-A87 [View   PDF (511 kB) ]

Theory of the Galvanomagnetic Effects in Metals with Magnetic Breakdown: Semiclassical Approach
L. M. Falicov and Paul R. Sievert
pp. A88-A98 [View   PDF (1325 kB) ]

Electron Spin Resonance and Optical Spectra of V2+ in NaCl
Goro Kuwabara
pp. A99-A105 [View   PDF (1371 kB) ]

Thermopowers and Resistivities of Silver-Palladium and Copper-Nickel Alloys
P. A. Schroeder, R. Wolf, and J. A. Woollam
pp. A105-A111 [View   PDF (1174 kB) ]

Energy Bands for V3X Compounds
L. F. Mattheiss
pp. A112-A128 [View   PDF (3130 kB) ]

Melting and High-Temperature Electrical Resistance of Gold under Pressure
Daniel L. Decker and Howard B. Vanfleet
pp. A129-A133 [View   PDF (933 kB) ]

Dispersion Curves and Lattice Frequency Distribution of Metals
K. Krebs
pp. A143-A147 [View   PDF (680 kB) ]

Knight Shift Studies of Transition Metals: Rhodium and Rhodium Intermetallic Compounds
J. A. Seitchik, V. Jaccarino, and J. H. Wernick
pp. A148-A152 [View   PDF (945 kB) ]

Magnetic Structure of CuSo4
I. Almodovar, B. C. Frazer, J. J. Hurst, D. E. Cox, and P. J. Brown
pp. A153-A155 [View   PDF (507 kB) ]

Optical and Electrical Studies of Electron-Bombarded GaSb
R. Kaiser and H. Y. Fan
pp. A156-A161 [View   PDF (1081 kB) ]

Polarization of Silver Nuclei in Metallic Iron and Nickel
G. A. Westenbarger and D. A. Shirley
pp. A161-A169 [View   PDF (1645 kB) ]

Systematics of Hyperfine Fields in an Iron Lattice
D. A. Shirley and G. A. Westenbarger
pp. A170-A176 [View   PDF (1466 kB) ]

Antiferromagnetic Structure of Dysprosium Aluminum Garnet
J. M. Hastings, L. M. Corliss, and C. G. Windsor
pp. A176-A177 [View   PDF (337 kB) ]

Mössbauer Effect in the Antiferromagnetic FeGe2 Alloy
G. Fabri, E. Germagnoli, M. Musci, and V. Svelto
pp. A178-A179 [View   PDF (308 kB) ]

R Center in KCl; Stress Effects in Optical Absorption
R. H. Silsbee
pp. A180-A197 [View   PDF (3362 kB) ]

Optical Properties of Graphite
E. A. Taft and H. R. Philipp
pp. A197-A202 [View   PDF (998 kB) ]

Local-Mode Frequency Due to Light Substitutional Impurities in Alkali-Halide Crystals: Application to the U Center
R. Fieschi, G. F. Nardelli, and N. Terzi
pp. A203-A212 [View   PDF (1441 kB) ]

Anomalous Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction of Single-Crystal Dysprosium
A. E. Clark, B. F. DeSavage, and R. Bozorth
pp. A216-A224 [View   PDF (1504 kB) ]

Cyclotron Resonance in Uniaxially Stressed Silicon. II. Nature of the Covalent Bond
J. C. Hensel, H. Hasegawa, and M. Nakayama
pp. A225-A238 [View   PDF (2577 kB) ]

Influence of Paramagnetic Impurities on the Temperature Dependence of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Lines
T. G. Stoebe, T. O. Ogurtani, and R. A. Huggins
pp. A239-A240 [View   PDF (382 kB) ]

Mössbauer Effect in Dy161 in Metallic Dysprosium, DyFe2, and DyAl2
S. Ofer, M. Rakavy, E. Segal, and B. Khurgin
pp. A241-A246 [View   PDF (1108 kB) ]

Band Structure of Platinum Antimonide
P. R. Emtage
pp. A246-A259 [View   PDF (2043 kB) ]

Variation of Junction Breakdown Voltage by Charge Trapping
Roland H. Haitz
pp. A260-A267 [View   PDF (1505 kB) ]

Infrared Lattice Absorption by Gap Modes and Resonance Modes in KI
A. J. Sievers, A. A. Maradudin, and S. S. Jaswai
pp. A272-A275 [View   PDF (727 kB) ]

Lifetime of the Excited I- Center in KCl
Herbert Mahr and Steven W. Duckett
pp. A276-A281 [View   PDF (1119 kB) ]

Ordering in Solid Hydrogen
A. Danielian
pp. A282-A287 [View   PDF (1030 kB) ]

Thermal Conductivity of Ge-Si Alloys at High-Temperatures
Chandra Mohan Bhandari and G. S. Verma
pp. A288-A293 [View   PDF (1111 kB) ]

Behavior of N-Type Ge Exposed to Highly Energetic Radiation
E. G. Wikner
pp. A294-A300 [View   PDF (1285 kB) ]