Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 12 April 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 1B)

Br82m and Its Decay Scheme
Oswald U. Anders
pp. B1-B8 [View   PDF (1342 kB) ]

Levels in Rh101 Populated by the Decay of Pd101
J. S. Evans, E. Kashy, R. A. Naumann, and R. F. Petry
pp. B9-B17 [View   PDF (1608 kB) ]

New Delayed-Neutron-Emitting Isotope: Be12
A. M. Poskanzer, P. L. Reeder, and I. Dostrovsky
pp. B18-B20 [View   PDF (485 kB) ]

Study of the Gamma-Ray Spectra Emitted in the Resonance Capture of Neutrons by 19F
J. R. Bird, J. A. Biggerstaff, J. H. Gibbons, and W. M. Good
pp. B20-B25 [View   PDF (944 kB) ]

P- and D-State Contributions to the Charge Form Factors of H3 and He3
B. F. Gibson and L. I. Schiff
pp. B26-B32 [View   PDF (1213 kB) ]

Gamma-Gamma Directional Correlations in the Decay of Tb160
K. Venkata Reddy, B. B. Raju, R. V. RamaMohan, and Swami Jnanananda
pp. B33-B37 [View   PDF (691 kB) ]

Low-Energy Beta-Ray Transition in the Decay of I128
Lawrence J. Pilione and William W. Pratt
pp. B38-B40 [View   PDF (559 kB) ]

Phase-Shift Analysis for He3(pp)He3
T. A. Tombrello
pp. B40-B47 [View   PDF (1094 kB) ]

Studies of Neutron Compound-Elastic Scattering Near 1 MeV
D. J. Hooton
pp. B48-B50 [View   PDF (482 kB) ]

F19(d, α)O17 Reaction at 9.2 MeV
S. W. Cosper, B. T. Lucas, and O. E. Johnson
pp. B51-B57 [View   PDF (1391 kB) ]

Elastic Electron Scattering from Tritium and Helium-3
H. Collard, R. Hofstadter, E. B. Hughes, A. Johansson, M. R. Yearian, R. B. Day, and R. T. Wagner
pp. B57-B65 [View   PDF (1413 kB) ]

Multichannel Reactions and the Nuclear Surface
Albert Altman
pp. B78-B86 [View   PDF (1210 kB) ]

Relativistic Effects in Muon Capture by Complex Nuclei
R. Klein, T. Neal, and L. Wolfenstein
pp. B86-B92 [View   PDF (1115 kB) ]

Shell-Model Treatment of Nuclear Reactions
Michael Danos and Walter Greiner
pp. B93-B103 [View   PDF (1779 kB) ]

Angular-Correlation Studies for the C12(He3, αγ)C11, C12(He3pγ)N14, and O18(p, αγ)N15 Reactions
E. K. Warburton, J. S. Lopes, R. W. Ollerhead, A. R. Poletti, and M. F. Thomas
pp. B104-B116 [View   PDF (2414 kB) ]

Direct Observation of the Optical Anisotropy of the Holmium Nucleus
E. Ambler, E. G. Fuller, and H. Marshak
pp. B117-B126 [View   PDF (1705 kB) ]

Measurements of the Muon-Capture Rate in He3 and He4
Leonard B. Auerbach, Robert J. Esterling, Roger E. Hill, David A. Jenkins, Joseph T. Lach, and Norman H. Lipman
pp. B127-B144 [View   PDF (3369 kB) ]

Multimeson Resonances and Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction
A. Scotti and D. Y. Wong
pp. B145-B162 [View   PDF (2366 kB) ]

Calculation of N*++-N*- Mass Difference by S-Matrix Methods
S. N. Biswas, S. K. Bose, and L. K. Pande
pp. B163-B164 [View   PDF (289 kB) ]

Proton-Proton Elastic Scattering Involving Large Momentum Transfers
G. Cocconi, V. T. Cocconi, A. D. Krisch, J. Orear, R. Rubinstein, D. B. Scarl, B. T. Ulrich, W. F. Baker, E. W. Jenkins, and A. L. Read
pp. B165-B172 [View   PDF (1567 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Interactions of High-Energy Muons
P. D. Kearney and W. E. Hazen
pp. B173-B178 [View   PDF (1077 kB) ]

Proton-Antiproton Annihilations into Two Mesons
I. Richard Lapidus and Joseph M. Shpiz
pp. B178-B186 [View   PDF (1543 kB) ]

Freund-Karplus Natural Boundary
John H. Schwarz
pp. B187-B189 [View   PDF (444 kB) ]

Energy-Dependent Pion-Nucleon Phase-Shift Analysis
L. David Roper, Robert M. Wright, and Bernard T. Feld
pp. B190-B210 [View   PDF (3385 kB) ]

K2→π+- and the Question of Bose Statistics for Pions
S. A. Bludman
pp. B213-B215 [View   PDF (556 kB) ]

Positron Lifetime Spectra in the Noble Gases
P. E. Osmon
pp. B216-B218 [View   PDF (465 kB) ]

A New Dynamical Model for Meson States
Daniel Z. Freedman
pp. B218-B222 [View   PDF (929 kB) ]

Properties of "35" Spin-5 / 2 Baryon Resonances in a Model with Broken SU(3)
Roger F. Dashen and David H. Sharp
pp. B223-B225 [View   PDF (519 kB) ]

Vector-Pseudoscalar Resonances
Mahiko Suzuki
pp. B233-B242 [View   PDF (1700 kB) ]

High-Energy Limit of Pion-Nucleon Total Cross Section
Masao Sugawara and Arnold Tubis
pp. B242-B245 [View   PDF (760 kB) ]

Spontaneous Mass Splitting in a Bootstrap Model
David Y. Wong
pp. B246-B247 [View   PDF (343 kB) ]

Total Energy Loss and Čerenkov Emission from Monopoles
Donald R. Tompkins
pp. B248-B250 [View   PDF (495 kB) ]

Many-Body Problem for Composite Particles
Harry L. Sahlin and Judah L. Schwartz
pp. B267-B273 [View   PDF (1036 kB) ]

Relation between Quantum and Semiclassical Description of Optical Coherence
C. L. Mehta and E. C. Sudarshan
pp. B274-B280 [View   PDF (981 kB) ]

Experimental Observations on the Intensities of Helium Nuclei in the Primary Cosmic Radiation
P. S. Freier, G. D. Greer, J. Valdez, and C. J. Waddington
pp. B296-B299 [View   PDF (657 kB) ]

Magnetic-Cloud-Chamber Observations of Low-Energy Cosmic-Ray Electrons
James W. Schmoker and James A. Earl
pp. B300-B302 [View   PDF (687 kB) ]