Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 19 April 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 2A)

Theory of the Excitation of the 4686-Å Line of He+ by Electron Impact
Edward T. Lee and Chun C. Lin
pp. A301-A304 [View   PDF (716 kB) ]

Classical Theory of Atomic Collisions. I. Theory of Inelastic Collisions
Michal Gryziński
pp. A336-A358 [View   PDF (4024 kB) ]

New Method for Measuring the Rates of Ionic Transport and Loss. I. Mobility of NO+
Robert A. Young, Carole R. Gatz, Robert L. Sharpless, and C. M. Ablow
pp. A359-A370 [View   PDF (1769 kB) ]

P States of Systems of Three Coulombic Particles
Charles W. Scherr and Milos Machacek
pp. A371-A381 [View   PDF (2097 kB) ]

Dissociative Recombination in Helium Afterglows
E. E. Ferguson, F. C. Fehsenfeld, and A. L. Schmeltekopf
pp. A381-A385 [View   PDF (1062 kB) ]

Elastic Resonances in Electron Scattering from He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Hg
C. E. Kuyatt, J. Arol Simpson, and S. R. Mielczarek
pp. A385-A399 [View   PDF (2224 kB) ]

Identification of Energy Levels of Negative Ions
U. Fano and J. W. Cooper
pp. A400-A402 [View   PDF (553 kB) ]

Quadrupolar Relaxation of Xe131 in Xenon Gas
Frank J. Adrian
pp. A403-A409 [View   PDF (1402 kB) ]

Excitation of 10-MeV H0 Atoms in Neutral- and Charged-Particle Collisions
Klaus H. Berkner, Selig N. Kaplan, George A. Paulikas, and Robert V. Pyle
pp. A410-A417 [View   PDF (1618 kB) ]

Photoionization Cross Section of Neon
Kenneth G. Sewell
pp. A418-A421 [View   PDF (738 kB) ]

Electron Energy Gaps in a One-Dimensional Liquid
Kazuo Hiroike
pp. A422-A428 [View   PDF (1065 kB) ]

Vortices in an Imperfect Bose Gas. I. The Condensate
Alexander L. Fetter
pp. A429-A437 [View   PDF (1713 kB) ]

Surface Tension of Liquid He4
K. R. Atkins and Y. Narahara
pp. A437-A441 [View   PDF (1000 kB) ]

Ground State of Liquid He4
W. L. McMillan
pp. A442-A451 [View   PDF (1805 kB) ]

Crystal Structures of the Simple Metals: Role of Correlation and Exchange
Nathan Wiser
pp. A452-A463 [View   PDF (2069 kB) ]

Localized Moments Associated with Very Dilute Fe Impurities in Some Transition and Noble Metals
T. A. Kitchens, W. A. Steyert, and R. D. Taylor
pp. A467-A483 [View   PDF (3382 kB) ]

Effect of Pressure on the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Lanthanum
W. E. Gardner and T. F. Smith
pp. A484-A486 [View   PDF (498 kB) ]

Magnetoacoustic Effect in Impure Metals
S. H. Liu and A. M. Toxen
pp. A487-A493 [View   PDF (1237 kB) ]

Optical Properties of Noble Metals. II.
B. R. Cooper, H. Ehrenreich, and H. R. Philipp
pp. A494-A507 [View   PDF (2711 kB) ]

Magnetostriction of Tb Single Crystals
J. J. Rhyne and S. Legvold
pp. A507-A514 [View   PDF (1272 kB) ]

Dispersion Theory of the Kondo Effect
H. Suhl
pp. A515-A523 [View   PDF (1677 kB) ]

Influence of Local Phonon Damping on Mössbauer Spectra
M. Lax and I. Waller
pp. A523-A529 [View   PDF (1176 kB) ]

Infrared Lattice Vibrations and Dielectric Dispersion in Single-Crystal Cr2O3
D. R. Renneke and D. W. Lynch
pp. A530-A533 [View   PDF (840 kB) ]

Optical Rectification
M. Bass, P. A. Franken, and J. F. Ward
pp. A534-A542 [View   PDF (1776 kB) ]

Defects in Irradiated Silicon: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of the Divacancy
G. D. Watkins and J. W. Corbett
pp. A543-A555 [View   PDF (2714 kB) ]

Production of Divacancies and Vacancies by Electron Irradiation of Silicon
J. W. Corbett and G. D. Watkins
pp. A555-A560 [View   PDF (1225 kB) ]

Band Structure of Cadmium Sulfide—Photoemission Studies
N. B. Kindig and W. E. Spicer
pp. A561-A576 [View   PDF (2582 kB) ]

Electron-Spin Resonances in Reactor-Irradiated Aluminum Oxide
F. T. Gamble, R. H. Bartram, C. G. Young, O. R. Gilliam, and Paul W. Levy
pp. A577-A583 [View   PDF (1296 kB) ]

Multi-Spin-Axis Structure for CoO
B. van Laar
pp. A584-A587 [View   PDF (730 kB) ]

Master Equation for Ising Model
S. P. Heims
pp. A587-A590 [View   PDF (689 kB) ]

Microwave Hot-Electron Conduction in Many-Valley Semiconductors
P. Das
pp. A590-A597 [View   PDF (1042 kB) ]

Photoconductivity of Gallium Antimonide
M. A. Habegger and H. Y. Fan
pp. A598-A607 [View   PDF (1699 kB) ]

Spin Diffusion in the Heisenberg Paramagnet
Herbert S. Bennett and Paul C. Martin
pp. A608-A617 [View   PDF (1534 kB) ]

Effect of Uniaxial Compression on Impurity Conduction in p-Germanium
Fred H. Pollak
pp. A618-A631 [View   PDF (2727 kB) ]

Paramagnetic Resonance of 8S7 / 2 Ions in CdSe and CdTe
R. S. Title
pp. A631-A635 [View   PDF (986 kB) ]

Semiconducting Properties of PtSb2
D. H. Damon, R. C. Miller, and A. Sagar
pp. A636-A645 [View   PDF (1871 kB) ]

Refractive Index of BaTiO3 Above the Curie Point
J. M. Ballantyne
pp. A646-A647 [View   PDF (462 kB) ]

Paramagnetic Resonance of the VF Center in CaF2
Jerome Sierro
pp. A648-A650 [View   PDF (671 kB) ]

Diffuse Phase Transitions: Specific-Heat Anomaly
A. V. Tobolsky, J. J. Kozak, and N. H. Canter
pp. A651-A660 [View   PDF (1697 kB) ]

Electric-Field Ionization of the Excited F Center in KCl
Giorgio Spinolo and W. Beall Fowler
pp. A661-A666 [View   PDF (1267 kB) ]