Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 3 May 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 3A)

Double Charge Transfer, He+++He
Margaret J. Fulton and Marvin H. Mittleman
pp. A667-A669 [View   PDF (410 kB) ]

Electron—Alkali-Atom Interaction Potential and Elastic-Scattering Cross Section
J. C. Crown and A. Russek
pp. A669-A682 [View   PDF (2436 kB) ]

Radiative Lifetimes and Excitation Mechanisms in Helium
W. R. Pendleton and R. H. Hughes
pp. A683-A687 [View   PDF (829 kB) ]

Stopping Power of Gases for Lithium Ions
S. K. Allison, D. Auton, and R. A. Morrison
pp. A688-A691 [View   PDF (875 kB) ]

Effect of Spin Correlation upon the Neutron Cross Section of Methane
Paul Michael
pp. A692-A694 [View   PDF (441 kB) ]

Excitation of Electrostatic Waves Near Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Frequencies
P. M. Stone and P. L. Auer
pp. A695-A700 [View   PDF (1063 kB) ]

Models for the Motion of a Molecule in a Liquid and Their Application to Slow-Neutron Scattering
Alan G. Gibbs and Joel H. Ferziger
pp. A701-A708 [View   PDF (1555 kB) ]

Vortices in an Imperfect Bose Gas. II. Single-Particle Excitations
Alexander L. Fetter
pp. A709-A716 [View   PDF (1595 kB) ]

Lattice Dynamics, Heat Capacities, and Debye-Waller Factors for Be and Zn Using a Modified Axially Symmetric Model
R. E. DeWames, T. Wolfram, and G. W. Lehman
pp. A717-A728 [View   PDF (1574 kB) ]

Mössbauer Effect at High Pressure for Fe57 in Titanium, Vanadium, and Copper
C. K. Edge, R. Ingalis, P. Debrunner, H. G. Drickamer, and H. Frauenfelder
pp. A729-A731 [View   PDF (429 kB) ]

Angular Distribution of Specularly Reflected X Rays from Thin Films
O. J. Guentert
pp. A732-A736 [View   PDF (935 kB) ]

Neutron-Diffraction Investigation of Chromium with Small Additions of Manganese and Vanadium
Y. Hamaguchi, E. O. Wollan, and W. C. Koehler
pp. A737-A743 [View   PDF (1225 kB) ]

Josephson ac and Step Structure in the Supercurrent Tunneling Characteristic
D. D. Coon and M. D. Fiske
pp. A744-A746 [View   PDF (601 kB) ]

Tunneling into Dirty Superconductors Near their Upper Critical Fields
E. Guyon, A. Martinet, J. Matricon, and P. Pincus
pp. A746-A752 [View   PDF (1195 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Mean-Square Nuclear Displacement of Fe57 in Zn from the Mössbauer Effect
R. M. Housley and R. H. Nussbaum
pp. A753-A754 [View   PDF (353 kB) ]

Distribution of Magnetic Moments in Pd-3d and Ni-3d Alloys
J. W. Cable, E. O. Wollan, and W. C. Koehler
pp. A755-A759 [View   PDF (879 kB) ]

Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Sputtering Yields
C. E. Carlston, G. D. Magnuson, A. Comeaux, and P. Mahadevan
pp. A759-A763 [View   PDF (942 kB) ]

Motion of a Frenkel—Kontorowa Dislocation in a One-Dimensional Crystal
W. Atkinson and N. Cabrera
pp. A763-A766 [View   PDF (748 kB) ]

Formulation of the Grüneisen Parameter for Monatomic Cubic Crystals
D. John Pastine
pp. A767-A770 [View   PDF (818 kB) ]

Elastic Constants of and Wave Propagation in Antimony and Bismuth
Seymour Epstein and A. P. deBretteville
pp. A771-A779 [View   PDF (1875 kB) ]

Critical Properties of the Heisenberg Ferromagnet with Higher Neighbor Interactions (S=1 / 2)
N. W. Dalton and D. W. Wood
pp. A779-A792 [View   PDF (3085 kB) ]

Subgroup Techniques in Crystal and Molecular Physics
Melvin Lax
pp. A793-A802 [View   PDF (1967 kB) ]

Polarization Dependence of Laser-Induced Fluorescence in Anthracene
M. Iannuzzi and E. Polacco
pp. A806-A808 [View   PDF (455 kB) ]

Zero-Phonon Lines and Phonon Coupling in ZnS:Mn
Dietrich Langer and Sumiaki Ibuki
pp. A809-A815 [View   PDF (1210 kB) ]

Impurity Conduction in the Intermediate Concentration Region
Hisashi Nishimura
pp. A815-A821 [View   PDF (1485 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Shielding in Alkali Halide Crystals
Dennis Ikenberry and T. P. Das
pp. A822-A828 [View   PDF (1207 kB) ]

Oscillatory Magnetoresistance in Mercuric Selenide
Charles R. Whitsett
pp. A829-A839 [View   PDF (2237 kB) ]

Relaxation by Slow Motional Processes. Effect of Molecular Rotations in Pure Quadrupole Resonance
S. Alexander and A. Tzalmona
pp. A845-A855 [View   PDF (2074 kB) ]

Theory of Phonon Contribution to Internal Friction of Solids
G. P. DeVault and James A. McLennan
pp. A856-A864 [View   PDF (1563 kB) ]

Fundamental Absorption Edge of Tin Telluride
E. G. Bylander, J. R. Dixon, H. R. Riedl, and R. B. Schoolar
pp. A864-A865 [View   PDF (460 kB) ]

Higher Order Dipole Moments of Harmonic and Anharmonic Crystals
P. N. Keating and G. Rupprecht
pp. A866-A872 [View   PDF (1143 kB) ]

Electric-Susceptibility Hole Mass of Lead Telluride
Jack R. Dixon and H. R. Riedl
pp. A873-A881 [View   PDF (1679 kB) ]

Excitation Spectra of Lithium Donors in Silicon and Germanium
R. L. Aggarwal, P. Fisher, V. Mourzine, and A. K. Ramdas
pp. A882-A893 [View   PDF (1607 kB) ]

Color Centers Produced in KCl and KBr by Prolonged X Irradiations at Low Temperatures
Bruce J. Faraday and W. Dale Compton
pp. A893-A911 [View   PDF (3944 kB) ]

Magnetic Anisotropy in Antiferromagnetic Corundum-Type Sesquioxides
J. O. Artman, J. C. Murphy, and S. Foner
pp. A912-A917 [View   PDF (942 kB) ]

Paramagnetic Resonance of the Fe3+ Ion in CaWO4 (Strong Tetragonal Crystal Field)
R. W. Kedzie, D. H. Lyons, and M. Kestigian
pp. A918-A924 [View   PDF (1458 kB) ]

Phonon-Assisted Optical Absorption in an Electric Field
Claude M. Penchina
pp. A924-A926 [View   PDF (463 kB) ]

Positron Annihilation in Solid Argon
K. L. Rose and S. DeBenedetti
pp. A927-A933 [View   PDF (1367 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Temperature Dependence of the Hypersonic Absorption in MgO Containing Fe++
I. S. Ciccarello, R. Arzt, and K. Dransfeld
pp. A934-A936 [View   PDF (414 kB) ]