Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 10 May 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 3B)

Higher Order Corrections to the Cranking Model
Samuel M. Harris
pp. B509-B513 [View   PDF (853 kB) ]

Decay of Ir196
W. N. Bishop
pp. B514-B519 [View   PDF (1050 kB) ]

Reinvestigation of 132Cs Decay
Noah R. Johnson, H. W. Boyd, E. Eichler, and J. H. Hamilton
pp. B520-B525 [View   PDF (1417 kB) ]

Nuclear Energy States of I129
D. D. Bornemeier, V. R. Potnis, L. D. Ellsworth, and C. E. Mandeville
pp. B525-B530 [View   PDF (911 kB) ]

Nuclear Structure and Parity Impurities
S. Wahlborn
pp. B530-B539 [View   PDF (2150 kB) ]

Masses of the Stable Chlorine Isotopes
J. W. Dewdney and K. T. Bainbridge
pp. B540-B544 [View   PDF (1184 kB) ]

Energy Levels of Pb210 from Shell Theory
Martin G. Redlich
pp. B544-B553 [View   PDF (1837 kB) ]

Decay of Au195
J. R. Harris, G. M. Rothberg, and N. Benczer-Koller
pp. B554-B560 [View   PDF (1312 kB) ]

B11(d,p)B12 Angular Distributions at Ed=5.5 MeV for the B12 2.62- and 2.72-MeV Levels
A. Gallmann, F. Hibou, P. Fintz, P. E. Hodgson, and E. K. Warburton
pp. B560-B568 [View   PDF (1751 kB) ]

Levels of Cr53 and Cr55 from (d,p) Reactions
L. D. Singletary and M. R. Miller
pp. B569-B571 [View   PDF (541 kB) ]

Intermediate-State Theory of Single-Particle Resonances
L. Garside and W. M. MacDonald
pp. B582-B585 [View   PDF (750 kB) ]

Limits on Parity and Time-Reversal Noninvariance in p-p Scattering
E. H. Thorndike
pp. B586-B596 [View   PDF (2223 kB) ]

Inelastic Deuteron Scattering and (d,p) Reactions from Isotopes of Ti. II. Ti47(d,p)Ti48
P. D. Barnes, C. K. Bockelman, Ole Hansen, and A. Sperduto
pp. B597-B607 [View   PDF (1836 kB) ]

Phenomenological Potentials and the D(n,p)2n Reaction. II
D. R. Koehler
pp. B607-B609 [View   PDF (448 kB) ]

Experimental Study of the 2I+1 Rule Using the (d) Reaction on F19, Na23, Al27, and P31
S. W. Cosper and O. E. Johnson
pp. B610-B614 [View   PDF (1271 kB) ]

Coulomb Displacement Energies Derived from the p,n Isobaric Reaction
J. D. Anderson, C. Wong, and J. W. McClure
pp. B615-B618 [View   PDF (674 kB) ]

D-State and Pickup Effects in Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering in the Impulse Approximation
H. Kottler and K. L. Kowalski
pp. B619-B626 [View   PDF (1572 kB) ]

Production of Gallium Isotopes in Copper by High-Energy Protons
John Warren and Anthony Turkevich
pp. B627-B636 [View   PDF (2108 kB) ]

Λ-Λ Potential from Analysis of ΛΛBe10
Y. C. Tang and R. C. Herndon
pp. B637-B643 [View   PDF (1419 kB) ]

ΛΛ Hypernucleus ΛΛBe10 and the Λ-Λ Interaction
A. R. Bodmer and Shamsher Ali
pp. B644-B652 [View   PDF (1932 kB) ]

Decays of the η Meson
M. Foster, M. Peters, R. Hartung, R. Matsen, D. Reeder, M. Good, M. Meer, F. Loeffler, and R. McIlwain
pp. B652-B655 [View   PDF (834 kB) ]

Possible Electromagnetically Induced Muonium-An timuonium Conversion
Michael J. Moravcsik and Richard Spitzer
pp. B655-B664 [View   PDF (1723 kB) ]

Representation Mixing for SU3 and G2
N. Mukunda, A. J. Macfarlane, and E. C. Sudarshan
pp. B665-B666 [View   PDF (415 kB) ]

Study of a Vector-Meson Bootstrap Model
R. E. Cutkosky and M. Leon
pp. B667-B670 [View   PDF (632 kB) ]

Proton-Proton Scattering at 1.48 BeV
A. M. Eisner, E. L. Hart, R. I. Louttit, and T. W. Morris
pp. B670-B677 [View   PDF (1182 kB) ]

Very Short-Range Interaction in Pion-Nucleon Scattering
A. Donnachie and J. Hamilton
pp. B678-B688 [View   PDF (1801 kB) ]

Mass Splittings Within Spin-Degenerate Multiplets
M. Y. Han
pp. B689-B691 [View   PDF (514 kB) ]

Lorentz Invariance and the Interpretation of SU(6) Theory. II
M. A. Bég and A. Pais
pp. B692-B697 [View   PDF (1121 kB) ]

Multichannel Effective-Range Theory from the N / D Formalism
Pran Nath and G. L. Shaw
pp. B702-B706 [View   PDF (929 kB) ]

Large-Angle π-+p Elastic Scattering at 3.63 GeV / c
Martin L. Perl, Yong Yung Lee, and Erwin Marquit
pp. B707-B711 [View   PDF (913 kB) ]

Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown and the μ-e Interaction
R. Arnowitt and S. Deser
pp. B712-B723 [View   PDF (2218 kB) ]

Further Evidence for Pignotti's R Trajectory
Roger J. Phillips and William Rarita
pp. B723-B725 [View   PDF (491 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Coupled-Channel Scattering with Complex Angular Momentum
P. Kaus, Pran Nath, and Y. N. Srivastava
pp. B726-B731 [View   PDF (683 kB) ]

Experimental Examination of Low-Energy Cosmic-Ray Heavy Nuclei
C. E. Fichtel, D. E. Guss, and K. A. Neelakantan
pp. B732-B739 [View   PDF (1681 kB) ]

Frequency Shift in High-Intensity Compton Scattering
T. W. Kibble
pp. B740-B753 [View   PDF (2528 kB) ]

Phenomenological Theory of Laser Beam Fluctuations and Beam Mixing
L. Mandel
pp. B753-B762 [View   PDF (1440 kB) ]