Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 17 May 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 4A)

Measurement of Cesium and Rubidium Charge-Transfer Cross Sections
Julius Perel, Richard H. Vernon, and Howard L. Daley
pp. A937-A945 [View   PDF (1943 kB) ]

Polarization and Relaxation Processes in He3 Gas
Rodger L. Gamblin and Thomas R. Carver
pp. A946-A960 [View   PDF (3159 kB) ]

Generation of Stokes and Anti-Stokes Radiation in Raman Media
H. A. Haus, P. L. Kelley, and H. J. Zeiger
pp. A960-A971 [View   PDF (2363 kB) ]

Hydrogen-Maser Principles and Techniques
D. Kleppner, H. C. Berg, S. B. Crampton, N. F. Ramsey, R. F. Vessot, H. E. Peters, and J. Vanier
pp. A972-A983 [View   PDF (2676 kB) ]

Radio-Frequency Resonance of the Metastable State (22P3 / 2 32S1 / 2)2 of Neon Produced and Aligned by Electron Impact
Tetsuo Hadeishi, Orilla A. McHarris, and William A. Nierenberg
pp. A983-A986 [View   PDF (708 kB) ]

Doubly Excited States in Lithium
J. D. Garcia and J. E. Mack
pp. A987-A991 [View   PDF (886 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Theory of Proton-Hydrogen Collisions
Ian M. Cheshire
pp. A992-A998 [View   PDF (1156 kB) ]

Excitation of Molecular Rotation by Slow Electrons
K. Takayanag and S. Geltman
pp. A1003-A1010 [View   PDF (1173 kB) ]

Helium Afterglow and the Decay of the Electron Energy
J. C. Ingraham and Sanborn C. Brown
pp. A1015-A1022 [View   PDF (1501 kB) ]

Recombination of Ions and Electrons in a Highly Ionized Hydrogen Plasma
William S. Cooper and Wulf B. Kunkel
pp. A1022-A1027 [View   PDF (1147 kB) ]

Quantum Hard-Sphere Gas. I
Marshall Luban
pp. A1028-A1032 [View   PDF (832 kB) ]

Quantum Hard-Sphere Gas. II
Marshall Luban
pp. A1033-A1045 [View   PDF (2521 kB) ]

Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Liquids. II
P. K. Sharma and R. P. Gupta
pp. A1045-A1046 [View   PDF (324 kB) ]

Kβ X-Ray Emission from Solid and Liquid Aluminum
David W. Fischer and William L. Baun
pp. A1047-A1049 [View   PDF (608 kB) ]

Ideal Relativistic Bose Condensation
P. T. Landsberg and J. Dunning-Davies
pp. A1049-A1052 [View   PDF (660 kB) ]

Normal Vibrations of β Brass
G. Gilat and G. Dolling
pp. A1053-A1065 [View   PDF (2689 kB) ]

Ginzburg-Landau Equations and the Josephson Effect
Donald A. Jacobson
pp. A1066-A1070 [View   PDF (914 kB) ]

Collective Oscillations in a Dense Electron Gas Containing a Fixed Point Charge
Edward A. Sziklas
pp. A1070-A1082 [View   PDF (2060 kB) ]

Magnetostriction in Nickel Alloys
L. Berger
pp. A1083-A1087 [View   PDF (894 kB) ]

Statistical Mechanics of an Assembly of Quasiparticles
Tohru Morita and Tomoyasu Tanaka
pp. A1088-A1096 [View   PDF (1473 kB) ]

Zeeman Spin-Spin Relaxation in Platinum Metal
R. E. Walstedet
pp. A1096-A1111 [View   PDF (3525 kB) ]

Self-Consistent Treatment of Kondo's Effect in Dilute Alloys
Yosuke Nagaoka
pp. A1112-A1120 [View   PDF (1453 kB) ]

Existence of Energy Gaps in the Spectrum of a One-Dimensional Atomic Chain
Lowell Dworin
pp. A1121-A1126 [View   PDF (960 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Behavior of the Heisenberg Ferromagnet
Michael Wortis
pp. A1126-A1145 [View   PDF (4516 kB) ]

Superconducting and Normal State Properties of Dilute Indium-Tin Alloys: Bulk and Thin Film
A. M. Toxen, M. J. Burns, and D. J. Quinn
pp. A1145-A1154 [View   PDF (2098 kB) ]

Positronium Formation in Metals
H. Kanazawa, Y. H. Ohtsuki, and S. Yanagawa
pp. A1155-A1157 [View   PDF (536 kB) ]

An Additional Equation in the Phenomenology of Superconductivity: Resistive Effects
P. W. Anderson, N. R. Werthamer, and J. M. Luttinger
pp. A1157-A1159 [View   PDF (583 kB) ]

Low-Field de Haas-van Alphen Effect in Ag
A. S. Joseph and A. C. Thorsen
pp. A1159-A1164 [View   PDF (1068 kB) ]

Development of a Phase Transition for a Rigorously Solvable Many-Body System
C. Kittel and H. Shore
pp. A1165-A1169 [View   PDF (716 kB) ]

High-Field Superconductivity of Carbides
H. J. Fink, A. C. Thorsen, Earl Parker, Victor F. Zackay, and Lou Toth
pp. A1170-A1173 [View   PDF (653 kB) ]

Ising-Model Reformulation. II. Relation to the Random-External-Field Method
Frank H. Stillinger
pp. A1174-A1181 [View   PDF (1319 kB) ]

Attenuation Length of Hot Electrons in Gold
R. W. Soshea and R. C. Lucas
pp. A1182-A1188 [View   PDF (1423 kB) ]

Origin of Anomalous Surface Reflection of X Rays
A. N. Nigam
pp. A1189-A1191 [View   PDF (612 kB) ]

Line Shape and Amplitude of Giant Quantum Oscillations in Ultrasonic Absorption
Yaacov Shapira and Benjamin Lax
pp. A1191-A1199 [View   PDF (1798 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of Insulators Containing Impurities
Paul Erdös
pp. A1200-A1207 [View   PDF (1356 kB) ]

Spin Relaxation of Atomic Hydrogen in CaF2: Evidence for Local Modes
D. W. Feldman, J. G. Castle, and J. Murphy
pp. A1208-A1216 [View   PDF (1780 kB) ]

Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Atomic Hydrogen in CaF2 Involving Local Modes
P. G. Klemens
pp. A1217-A1218 [View   PDF (501 kB) ]

Paramagnetoelectric Effects in NiSO4·6H2O
S. L. Hou and N. Bloembergen
pp. A1218-A1226 [View   PDF (1987 kB) ]

Localized Vibrations of Lithium Complexes in Gallium Arsenide
W. Hayes
pp. A1227-A1233 [View   PDF (1303 kB) ]

Thermal Conductivity of Electron-Irradiated Germanium
Frederick L. Vook
pp. A1234-A1241 [View   PDF (1858 kB) ]

Electron Capture by α and F Centers in KBr
Richard S. Crandall
pp. A1242-A1246 [View   PDF (1044 kB) ]

Photoconductivity of KBr Containing F Centers
Richard S. Crandall and M. Mikkor
pp. A1247-A1249 [View   PDF (528 kB) ]

Effect of Traps on Acoustoelectric Current Saturation in CdS
A. R. Moore and R. W. Smith
pp. A1250-A1258 [View   PDF (1731 kB) ]

Order-Disorder Events Produced by Single-Vacancy Migration. II
J. R. Beeler
pp. A1259-A1270 [View   PDF (2772 kB) ]

Electron and Phonon Scattering in GaAs at High Temperatures
A. Amith, I. Kudman, and E. F. Steigmeier
pp. A1270-A1276 [View   PDF (1183 kB) ]

Temperature Dependence of the Pyroelectric Effect in Cadmium Sulfide
Wilfred J. Minkus
pp. A1277-A1287 [View   PDF (1998 kB) ]

Optically Induced Magnetization in Ruby
J. P. Van Der Ziel and N. Bloembergen
pp. A1287-A1292 [View   PDF (1387 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Solid H2 and D2 under High Pressure
Samuel A. Dickson and Horst Meyer
pp. A1293-A1302 [View   PDF (2246 kB) ]