Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 31 May 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 5A)

Millimeter-Wave Molecular-Beam Spectroscopy: Alkali Fluorides
S. E. Veazey and Walter Gordy
pp. A1303-A1311 [View   PDF (1664 kB) ]

Lyman-Alpha Production in H+-H(1s) Collisions
R. F. Stebbings, R. A. Young, C. L. Oxley, and H. Ehrhardt
pp. A1312-A1316 [View   PDF (1113 kB) ]

Stopping Cross Sections of Some Hydrocarbon Gases for 40-200-keV Helium Ions
John T. Park
pp. A1317-A1321 [View   PDF (1030 kB) ]

Measurement of Hyperfine Structure of the J=3, K=2 Inversion Line of N14H3
S. G. Kukolich
pp. A1322-A1325 [View   PDF (635 kB) ]

Nuclear Relaxation of Solid Helium-3 in the bcc Phase
Robert C. Richardson, Earle Hunt, and Horst Meyer
pp. A1326-A1335 [View   PDF (1580 kB) ]

Radial Density Functions for Liquid Mercury and Lead
Roy Kaplow, S. L. Strong, and B. L. Averbach
pp. A1336-A1345 [View   PDF (2139 kB) ]

Phase Transitions in Systems of Interacting Fermions
S. Gartenhaus and G. Stranahan
pp. A1346-A1356 [View   PDF (2531 kB) ]

Calculations of Electrical Breakdown in Air at Near-Atmospheric Pressure
A. L. Ward
pp. A1357-A1362 [View   PDF (1381 kB) ]

Isothermal and Quiescent He II Film Transfer Rates over Heights to 36 cm
R. W. Selden, J. H. Werntz, P. J. Fleming, and J. R. Dillinger
pp. A1363-A1370 [View   PDF (1787 kB) ]

Effects of Deviations from Isothermal and Quiescent Conditions on the He II Film Transfer Rates
R. W. Selden and J. R. Dillinger
pp. A1371-A1377 [View   PDF (1725 kB) ]

Electron Slowing-Down Spectrum in Cu of Beta Rays from 64Cu
W. J. McConnell, H. H. Hubbell, R. N. Hamm, R. H. Ritchie, and R. D. Birkhoff
pp. A1377-A1383 [View   PDF (1464 kB) ]

Short-Range Order and Long-Range Order Parameters
J. M. Cowley
pp. A1384-A1389 [View   PDF (1258 kB) ]

Electrical Resistivity of Some Gold Alloys: A Search for Effects Due to Local Modes
D. H. Damon and P. G. Klemens
pp. A1390-A1394 [View   PDF (1038 kB) ]

Application of the Method of the Two-Time Green's Function to the Heisenberg Ferromagnet. II
Tohru Morita and Tomoyasu Tanaka
pp. A1395-A1402 [View   PDF (1124 kB) ]

Application of the Method of Quasiparticles to the Heisenberg Ferromagnet
Tohru Morita and Tomoyasu Tanaka
pp. A1403-A1409 [View   PDF (943 kB) ]

Conductivity of Thin Metallic Films in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field
Yi-Han Kao
pp. A1412-A1414 [View   PDF (508 kB) ]

Ferromagnetic Nuclear Resonance of Single-Domain Cobalt Particles
A. C. Gossard, A. M. Portis, M. Rubinstein, and R. H. Lindquist
pp. A1415-A1421 [View   PDF (1130 kB) ]

High-Current Superconductivity?
Daniel Hone
pp. A1421-A1427 [View   PDF (1272 kB) ]

Critical-Field Study of Superconducting Aluminum
Sandor Caplan and Gerald Chanin
pp. A1428-A1433 [View   PDF (1150 kB) ]

Variational Calculation for the Ising Model
B. V. Thompson
pp. A1433-A1441 [View   PDF (1435 kB) ]

Approximate Compressibility of Elements and Compounds
L. Knopoff
pp. A1445-A1447 [View   PDF (446 kB) ]

Longitudinal Magnetoresistance of Pure Aluminum Wires
O. S. Lutes and D. A. Clayton
pp. A1448-A1452 [View   PDF (975 kB) ]

Attenuation of Longitudinal Ultrasound in Superconducting Lead
R. E. Love, R. W. Shaw, and W. A. Fate
pp. A1453-A1460 [View   PDF (1638 kB) ]

Temperature and Field Dependence of Hyperfine Fields and Magnetization in a Dilute Random Substitutional Ferromagnetic Alloy: Fe2.65Pd97.35
P. P. Craig, R. C. Perisho, R. Segnan, and W. A. Steyert
pp. A1460-A1471 [View   PDF (2610 kB) ]

Optical Properties of 21R SiC: Absorption and Luminescence
D. R. Hamilton, Lyle Patrick, and W. J. Choyke
pp. A1472-A1476 [View   PDF (990 kB) ]

Kohn-Luttinger Interference Effect for Donors in 4H SiC
Lyle Patrick
pp. A1477-A1481 [View   PDF (1025 kB) ]

Electron-Spin-Resonance Investigation of Chromium Ions in NaCl
Benjamin Welber
pp. A1481-A1483 [View   PDF (608 kB) ]

Helicon-Drift-Current Interaction in a Solid-State Plasma Waveguide
C. Nanney
pp. A1484-A1489 [View   PDF (1180 kB) ]

X-Ray Interference Structure in the Scattered Radiation from Barium Stearate Multilayer Films
D. S. Kapp and N. Wainfan
pp. A1490-A1495 [View   PDF (1324 kB) ]

Electron Spin Relaxation in Copper Tutton Salts at Low Temperatures
F. R. Nash
pp. A1500-A1509 [View   PDF (2362 kB) ]

Phonon Bottleneck and Frequency Distribution in Paramagnetic Relaxation at Low Temperatures
J. A. Giordmaine and F. R. Nash
pp. A1510-A1523 [View   PDF (2740 kB) ]

Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Cesium Chrome Alum
Robert David Turoff
pp. A1524-A1527 [View   PDF (737 kB) ]

Towards a Quantum Many-Body Theory of Lattice Dynamics. I. Time-Dependent Hartree Approximation
D. R. Fredkin and N. R. Werthamer
pp. A1527-A1536 [View   PDF (1884 kB) ]

Dielectric Dispersion of Some Perovskite Zirconates
C. H. Perry, D. J. McCarthy, and G. Rupprecht
pp. A1537-A1538 [View   PDF (358 kB) ]

Microwave Dielectric Properties of NH4H2PO4, and Partially Deuterated KH2PO4
I. P. Kaminow
pp. A1539-A1543 [View   PDF (889 kB) ]

Vibronic Spectrum of Eu3+ in Strontium Titanate
M. J. Weber and R. F. Schaufele
pp. A1544-A1551 [View   PDF (2094 kB) ]

Effect of Deep Levels on the Optical and Electrical Properties of Copper-Doped GaAs p-n Junctions
T. N. Morgan, M. Pilkuhn, and H. Rupprecht
pp. A1551-A1561 [View   PDF (2755 kB) ]

Field Control of the Quantum Efficiency of Radiative Recombination in Semiconductors
N. N. Winogradoff
pp. A1562-A1568 [View   PDF (1669 kB) ]

Measurement of Optical Absorption in an Electric Field
L. M. Lambert
pp. A1569-A1572 [View   PDF (752 kB) ]