Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 7 June 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 5B)

Decay of Pd100 to Odd-Odd Rh100
J. S. Evans and R. A. Naumann
pp. B1017-B1023 [View   PDF (1435 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Nuclear States with High Angular Momenta According to the Single-Particle Model
Daniel Sperber
pp. B1028-B1035 [View   PDF (1517 kB) ]

Axially Asymmetric Regions in the s-d Shell
J. Bar-Touv and I. Kelson
pp. B1035-B1041 [View   PDF (1173 kB) ]

Dynamic Collective Theory of Odd-A Nuclei
Michael Danos, Walter Greiner, and C. Byron Kohr
pp. B1055-B1066 [View   PDF (2049 kB) ]

Levels in 43Ca and 46Ca Studied by the 43Ca(d,d), 46Ca(d,d), and 46Ca(p,p) Reactions
T. A. Belote, J. H. Bjerregaard, Ole Hansen, and G. R. Satchler
pp. B1067-B1079 [View   PDF (2294 kB) ]

Effect of Data Normalization Upon Deuteron Optical-Model Parameters
J. K. Dickens and F. G. Perey
pp. B1080-B1083 [View   PDF (733 kB) ]

Some Energy Levels in P30 Observed in Radiative Capture by Si29 of Protons with Energies from 1420 to 2160 keV
P. A. Phelps, E. A. Milne, and H. E. Handler
pp. B1088-B1096 [View   PDF (1749 kB) ]

Deuteron Stripping on Ca46 at 10-MeV Bombarding Energy
J. H. Bjerregaard, Ole Hansen, and G. Sidenius
pp. B1097-B1105 [View   PDF (1354 kB) ]

Coulombic Modified Effective-Range Theory for Long-Range Effective Potentials
R. Oppenheim Berger and Larry Spruch
pp. B1106-B1115 [View   PDF (1609 kB) ]

Determination of the Coherent Neutron Scattering Amplitudes of Boron, Nitrogen, and Oxygen by Mirror Reflection
R. E. Donaldson, L. Passell, W. Bartolini, and D. Groves
pp. B1116-B1119 [View   PDF (902 kB) ]

Production Amplitudes. I. Construction of Invariant Amplitudes
A. O. Barut and Y. C. Leung
pp. B1119-B1127 [View   PDF (1687 kB) ]

Low-Energy π-Λ Interaction, and the ΣΛπ Coupling Constant
B. R. Martin
pp. B1136-B1147 [View   PDF (1941 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Study of the Absorption Model in Pion-Nucleon Charge-Exchange Scattering
V. Barger and M. Ebel
pp. B1148-B1154 [View   PDF (1374 kB) ]

Selection Rules for Parafields and the Absence of Para Particles in Nature
O. W. Greenberg and A. M. Messiah
pp. B1155-B1167 [View   PDF (2700 kB) ]

High-Energy Elastic Scattering at Low Momentum Transfers
Thomas O. Binford and Bipin R. Desai
pp. B1167-B1173 [View   PDF (1355 kB) ]

Residues of Regge Poles and the Diffraction Peak
Bipin R. Desai
pp. B1174-B1182 [View   PDF (1768 kB) ]

Normalization Condition and Normal and Abnormal Solutions of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
Noboru Nakanishi
pp. B1182-B1192 [View   PDF (1634 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Decay of Decuplet Baryon Resonances and the SU(6) Symmetry
V. de Alfaro and Y. Tomozawa
pp. B1193-B1194 [View   PDF (351 kB) ]

Sense-Nonsense Channels in an Approximate N / D Model
Y. N. Srivastava and P. Nath
pp. B1195-B1196 [View   PDF (393 kB) ]

Broken Symmetry in Quantum Electrodynamics and Zero-Mass Bosons
R. Acharya and P. Narayanaswamy
pp. B1196-B1197 [View   PDF (375 kB) ]

Double Poles and Nonexponential Decays
J. S. Bell and C. J. Goebel
pp. B1198-B1201 [View   PDF (588 kB) ]

Internal Symmetries in Bootstrap Dispersion Relations
Jerrold Franklin
pp. B1202-B1207 [View   PDF (1246 kB) ]

Extrapolation of Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors
J. S. Levinger and C. P. Wang
pp. B1207-B1218 [View   PDF (2120 kB) ]

Possible Method for Isolating the K*-Exchange Contribution to the Reaction γ+pK+. II
S. Barshay and M. Kawaguchi
pp. B1219-B1221 [View   PDF (436 kB) ]

Analytic Property of Three-Body Unitarity Integral
Jamal N. Islam and Y. S. Kim
pp. B1222-B1229 [View   PDF (1221 kB) ]

Single π- Production in n-p Collisions Near Threshold
Robert Handler
pp. B1230-B1244 [View   PDF (2521 kB) ]

Dynamical Model of the Σ
Boris Kayser
pp. B1244-B1259 [View   PDF (3136 kB) ]

Inelastic Unitarity Contributions to S1 / 2, T=1 / 2 Pion-Nucleon Scattering Length
S. N. Biswas, H. Banerjee, and R. P. Saxena
pp. B1260-B1261 [View   PDF (395 kB) ]

Trouble with Relativistic SU(6)
Sidney Coleman
pp. B1262-B1267 [View   PDF (1529 kB) ]

Photoproduction of Muon Pairs
Allan S. Krass
pp. B1268-B1273 [View   PDF (1060 kB) ]

Single-Channel Calculation of the ρ Resonance with Inelastic Unitarity
Philip W. Coulter and Gordon L. Shaw
pp. B1273-B1278 [View   PDF (826 kB) ]

Phase Representation and High-Energy Behavior of the Forward Scattering Amplitude
Y. S. Jin and S. W. MacDowell
pp. B1279-B1285 [View   PDF (1317 kB) ]

Modified Isobar Approximation for π-ρ Scattering
Wayne J. Holman
pp. B1286-B1303 [View   PDF (2731 kB) ]

Regge Trajectories versus Vanishing Renormalization Constants as Dynamical Criteria
P. E. Kaus and F. Zachariasen
pp. B1304-B1307 [View   PDF (809 kB) ]

Determination of the Proton's Electric and Magnetic Spectral Functions
Bryan A. Orman
pp. B1308-B1312 [View   PDF (915 kB) ]

Photoproduction of Neutral K Mesons
S. D. Drell and M. Jacob
pp. B1312-B1317 [View   PDF (1165 kB) ]

Absorption Effects in Reaction K++nK*0+p at 2.3 BeV / c
D. L. Lin
pp. B1318-B1319 [View   PDF (403 kB) ]

Approach to Equilibrium of a Relaxing System. I. Classical 3-Level System
Jayaseetha Premanand
pp. B1320-B1322 [View   PDF (408 kB) ]

Collective Motion in Finite Many-Particle Systems. II
Abraham Klein and Arthur K. Kerman
pp. B1323-B1332 [View   PDF (1915 kB) ]

Brownian-Motion Model of Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics
G. G. Comisar
pp. B1332-B1337 [View   PDF (1235 kB) ]

Eigenvalues of Fermion Density Matrices
Fukashi Sasaki
pp. B1338-B1342 [View   PDF (670 kB) ]

Minimum Principle for Effective Potentials
Leonard Rosenberg
pp. B1343-B1350 [View   PDF (1728 kB) ]