Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 14 June 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 6A)

Collisional Excitation Transfer of S-P Type Between Identical Atoms
Tsutomu Watanabe
pp. A1573-A1581 [View   PDF (1376 kB)  See Also: Erratum and Erratum]

Positron-Hydrogen Scattering at Low Energies
Richard J. Drachman
pp. A1582-A1585 [View   PDF (949 kB) ]

Transitions Induced in Highly Excited H Atoms by Proton Impact
R. M. May and S. T. Butler
pp. A1586-A1591 [View   PDF (1240 kB) ]

Electrical Resistivity of Metallic Lithium Vapor
Axel Meyer, C. W. Nestor, and W. H. Young
pp. A1591-A1593 [View   PDF (544 kB) ]

Pressure Coefficient and Phase Diagram of He4 near the Upper Lambda Point
Henry A. Kierstead
pp. A1594-A1599 [View   PDF (1328 kB) ]

Nonlinear Optical Properties of Liquids
J. A. Giordmaine
pp. A1599-A1606 [View   PDF (1639 kB) ]

Reduced Density Matrices and the Hard-Sphere Bose Gas
Donald Wright
pp. A1607-A1613 [View   PDF (1181 kB) ]

First Townsend Ionization Coefficient in Hydrogen
D. E. Golden, H. Nakano, and L. H. Fisher
pp. A1613-A1616 [View   PDF (881 kB) ]

Continuity between Bound and Unbound States in a Fermi Gas
W. Kohn and C. Majumdar
pp. A1617-A1620 [View   PDF (698 kB) ]

Spin-Wave—Spin-Wave Scattering in a Heisenberg Ferromagnet
R. G. Boyd and Joseph Callaway
pp. A1621-A1629 [View   PDF (1282 kB) ]

Polarization of Photoelectrons from Magnetized Nickel
R. L. Long, V. W. Hughes, J. S. Greenberg, I. Ames, and R. L. Christensen
pp. A1630-A1635 [View   PDF (1479 kB) ]

Theory of Spin Resonance in Bismuth
L. C. Hebel, E. I. Blount, and G. E. Smith
pp. A1636-A1640 [View   PDF (833 kB) ]

Cyclotron Resonance in Bismuth with a Slightly Anomalous Skin Effect
L. C. Hebel
pp. A1641-A1649 [View   PDF (1858 kB) ]

Magnetization Distribution in a Palladium-Rich FePd Alloy
Walter C. Phillips
pp. A1649-A1654 [View   PDF (1138 kB) ]

Magnetic Properties of Heavy Rare Earths Diluted by Yttrium and Lutetium
H. R. Child, W. C. Koehler, E. O. Wollan, and J. W. Cable
pp. A1655-A1660 [View   PDF (1158 kB) ]

Thermodynamic Properties of Molybdenum in Its Superconducting and Normal State
David C. Rorer, David G. Onn, and Horst Meyer
pp. A1661-A1668 [View   PDF (1403 kB) ]

Thermal Mixing between Spin Systems in Solids
M. Goldman
pp. A1668-A1674 [View   PDF (1335 kB) ]

Impurity-Controlled Nuclear Relaxation
M. Goldman
pp. A1675-A1681 [View   PDF (1332 kB) ]

Orthorhombic Electron-Spin-Resonance Spectra of Thulium Ions in CaF2-I
P. A. Forrester and S. D. McLaughlan
pp. A1682-A1688 [View   PDF (1666 kB) ]

Theory of Surface States
Volker Heine
pp. A1689-A1696 [View   PDF (1647 kB) ]

Lattice-Vibration Effects Due to Impurities in an Alkali Halide
Leon Gunther
pp. A1697-A1705 [View   PDF (1533 kB) ]

Third Moment of Paramagnetic Resonance Lines at Low Temperature
Ivar Svare
pp. A1718-A1721 [View   PDF (731 kB) ]

Quantum Theory of Lattice-Wave Amplification in Semiconductors
J. B. Gunn
pp. A1721-A1726 [View   PDF (1263 kB) ]

Theory of Stimulated Raman Effect. II
Y. R. Shen
pp. A1741-A1746 [View   PDF (1087 kB) ]

Radiation Damage of Diamond by 20-keV Carbon Ions
R. L. Hines
pp. A1747-A1751 [View   PDF (1218 kB) ]

Anisotropic Oxygen Polarizability in BaTiO3
W. N. Lawless
pp. A1751-A1759 [View   PDF (2047 kB) ]

Photostimulated Thermoluminescence in Potassium Chloride Single Crystals
Bruno Bosacchi, Roberto Fieschi, and Paola Scaramelli
pp. A1760-A1765 [View   PDF (1036 kB) ]

Thermal Stability of Interstitial Halide Ions in Pure and Cl-Doped KBr
N. Itoh, B. S. Royce, and R. Smoluchowski
pp. A1766-A1769 [View   PDF (737 kB) ]

Far-Infrared Magnetic Resonance in NiF2
P. L. Richards
pp. A1769-A1775 [View   PDF (1577 kB) ]

Vibrational Spectra of Lithium-Oxygen and Lithium-Boron Complexes in Silicon
R. M. Chrenko, R. S. McDonald, and E. M. Pell
pp. A1775-A1784 [View   PDF (2419 kB) ]

High Dynamic Polarization of Protons
T. J. Schmugge and C. D. Jeffries
pp. A1785-A1801 [View   PDF (3560 kB) ]

Axially Symmetric Paramagnetic Color Centers in Fluorapatite
W. W. Piper, L. C. Kravitz, and R. K. Swank
pp. A1802-A1814 [View   PDF (2666 kB) ]

Ionization Produced by Energetic Silicon Atoms within a Silicon Lattice
A. R. Sattler
pp. A1815-A1821 [View   PDF (1343 kB) ]

Temperature Dependence of ac Hopping Conductivity
M. Pollak
pp. A1822-A1826 [View   PDF (936 kB) ]