Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 21 June 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 6B)

Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Moments of Promethium-148 and Erbium-165
Dolores Ali, Isaac Maleh, and Richard Marrus
pp. B1356-B1360 [View   PDF (789 kB) ]

Spins of Neutron Resonances and the Hyperfine Coupling Constant in Gadolinium Metal
F. J. Shore, C. A. Reynolds, V. L. Sailor, and G. Brunhart
pp. B1361-B1367 [View   PDF (1564 kB) ]

Decay of Rhenium-187
R. L. Brodzinski and D. C. Conway
pp. B1368-B1371 [View   PDF (821 kB) ]

Determination of Nuclear Level Densities at an Excitation Energy of 20 MeV
H. K. Vonach and J. R. Huizenga
pp. B1372-B1377 [View   PDF (1119 kB) ]

Angular Correlation of Gamma Rays in the Decay of Rb84
Jan P. Roalsvig and Karl J. Casper
pp. B1378-B1381 [View   PDF (612 kB) ]

Off-Energy-Shell Particle Propagators in the Brueckner Theory
J. L. Gammel and J. Nuttall
pp. B1382-B1385 [View   PDF (691 kB) ]

Mean Life of the 2.98-MeV Level of Al47
N. A. Khan and V. K. Rasmussen
pp. B1385-B1390 [View   PDF (1040 kB) ]

New Isotope Ni67
J. L. Meason and P. K. Kuroda
pp. B1390-B1393 [View   PDF (526 kB) ]

O16(α,Be8)C12 Reaction
Ronald E. Brown, J. S. Blair, D. Bodansky, N. Cue, and C. D. Kavaloski
pp. B1394-B1411 [View   PDF (4271 kB) ]

Low-Energy Elastic K+-d Scattering with Separable Potentials
J. H. Hetherington and L. H. Schick
pp. B1411-B1420 [View   PDF (1625 kB) ]

Cross Sections for the O16(γ,π+)N16 Reaction
Richard A. Meyer, William B. Walters, and John P. Hummel
pp. B1421-B1425 [View   PDF (1003 kB) ]

Study of the Ca40(d,p)Ca41 Ground State Reaction at Ed=14.3 MeV
Sven A. Hjorth, J. X. Saladin, and G. R. Satchler
pp. B1425-B1433 [View   PDF (1559 kB) ]

Fission-Fragment Anisotropy in Reactions of 24-MeV 2H and 48-MeV 4He with 238U
V. E. Viola, J. M. Alexander, and A. R. Trips
pp. B1434-B1440 [View   PDF (1373 kB) ]

Photodisintegration of the Deuteron by Polarized Photons
F. F. Liu
pp. B1443-B1449 [View   PDF (1118 kB) ]

Nonperturbative Calculation of Z3 in Massless Electrodynamics
Y. Frishman
pp. 1450-B1456 [View   PDF (840 kB) ]

Vector Mesons and Regge Trajectories
K. Ahmed
pp. B1470-B1473 [View   PDF (674 kB) ]

Unitary Symmetry Viewed as a Broken Rotational Invariance
Y. Ne'eman and I. Ozsvath
pp. B1474-B1487 [View   PDF (2319 kB) ]

Nonleptonic Decays of K10 and Hyperons with K*→π Weak Vertex
W. W. Wada
pp. B1488-B1489 [View   PDF (414 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Analysis of CP-Noninvariant Interactions and the K10, K20 System
T. D. Lee and L. Wolfenstein
pp. B1490-B1496 [View   PDF (1426 kB) ]

Mass Difference of Ξ- and Ξ0
Tetsuo Sawada and Asim O. Barut
pp. B1497-B1500 [View   PDF (567 kB) ]

Pion Theory of Relativistic Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction
Suraj N. Gupta, Richard D. Haracz, and James Kaskas
pp. B1500-B1506 [View   PDF (1044 kB) ]

Further Analysis of Form Factors in Kμ3+ Decay
Gary L. Jensen, C. Thornton Murphy, and Byron P. Roe
pp. B1507-B1508 [View   PDF (367 kB) ]

Angular Distribution of Charge Exchange and Inelastic Neutrons in π--p Interactions at 313 and 371 MeV
Don L. Lind, Barry C. Barish, Richard J. Kurz, Philip M. Ogden, and Victor Perez-Mendez
pp. B1509-B1517 [View   PDF (1581 kB) ]

Asymptotic Properties of the S Matrix for Singular Potentials
R. J. Jabbur
pp. B1525-B1527 [View   PDF (560 kB) ]

Pion Production and the One-Particle-Exchange Mechanism in p̅ -p Interactions at 3-4 BeV / c
T. Ferbel, A. Firestone, J. Sandweiss, H. D. Taft, M. Gailloud, T. W. Morris, W. J. Willis, A. H. Bachman, P. Baumel, and R. M. Lea
pp. B1528-B1536 [View   PDF (1872 kB) ]

Self-Charge-Conjugate Meson Multiplets
M. Umezawa
pp. B1537-B1541 [View   PDF (1246 kB) ]

Spin Determination for Boson Resonances
Suh Urk Chung
pp. B1541-B1545 [View   PDF (862 kB) ]

High-Energy Photons from Compton Scattering of Light on 6.0-GeV Electrons
Carlo Bemporad, Richard H. Milburn, Nobuyuki Tanaka, and Mircea Fotino
pp. B1546-B1549 [View   PDF (1387 kB) ]

High-Energy Large-Angle Scattering by Singular Potentials
George Tiktopoulos
pp. B1550-B1558 [View   PDF (1695 kB) ]

Hypernuclear Spectroscopy in the Unitary Symmetry Model. II
Yukio Tomozawa
pp. B1558-B1560 [View   PDF (525 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Field in the Neighborhood of the Focus of a Coherent Beam
A. Boivin and E. Wolf
pp. B1561-B1565 [View   PDF (1202 kB) ]

Coherent-State Representations for the Photon Density Operator
Kevin E. Cahill
pp. B1566-B1576 [View   PDF (2515 kB) ]

Classical Relativistic Mechanics of Interacting Point Particles
H. Van Dam and E. P. Wigner
pp. B1576-B1582 [View   PDF (1348 kB) ]

Rotation and Gravitational Collapse
R. V. Wagoner
pp. B1583-B1588 [View   PDF (1026 kB) ]