Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 28 June 1965
(Volume 138, Issue 7AB)

The Physical Review in 1966
S. Pasternack and A. Herschman
pp. AB1 [View   PDF (77 kB) ]

Nuclear Structure Studies in the Lead Region with Stripping Reactions
Paresh Mukherjee and Bernard L. Cohen
pp. AB2 [View   PDF (160 kB) ]

Low-Energy Intranuclear Cascade Calculation
Hugo W. Bertini
pp. AB2 [View   PDF (160 kB) ]

Pion Production without Annihilation in Antiproton-Proton Interactions at 3.6 GeV / c
H. C. Dehne, E. Lohrmann, E. Raubold, P. Söding, M. W. Teucher, and G. Wolf
pp. AB2 [View   PDF (160 kB) ]

Nonthermal Equilibrium Fluctuations of Electrons and Holes
K. M. van Vliet
pp. AB3 [View   PDF (170 kB) ]

Composite Particle Model for the Nucleon and the (3,3) Resonance
J. S. Ball and D. Y. Wong
pp. AB4 [View   PDF (272 kB) ]

Pion Exchange Currents in Deuteron Photodisintegration Dispersion Theory
Malcolm H. Skolnick
pp. AB4 [View   PDF (272 kB) ]

Electron Spin-Echo Envelope Modulation
L. G. Rowan, E. L. Hahn, and W. B. Mims
pp. AB4 [View   PDF (272 kB) ]

Internal Field in General Dipole Lattices
F. W. De Wette and G. E. Schacher
pp. AB4 [View   PDF (272 kB) ]

Weak Interactions and Self-Consistent Theories
Mahiko Suzuki
pp. AB4-AB5 [View   PDF (411 kB) ]

π--p Interactions at 683 MeV / c
R. A. Burnstein, G. R. Charlton, T. P. Day, G. Quareni, A. Quareni-Vignudelli, G. B. Yodh, and I. Nadelhaft
pp. AB5 [View   PDF (139 kB) ]

Frequency Dependence of the Two-Magnon Ferrimagnetic Resonance Linewidth
P. E. Seiden and M. Sparks
pp. AB5 [View   PDF (139 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Structure of the Giant Resonance in Oxygen-16
F. H. Lewis
pp. AB5-AB6 [View   PDF (270 kB) ]

Ca40(d,p)Ca41, a Test of the Validity of the Distorted-Wave Born Approximation
L. L. Lee, J. P. Schiffer, B. Zeidman, G. R. Satchler, R. M. Drisko, and R. H. Bassel
pp. AB6-AB7 [View   PDF (279 kB) ]

Relation between Masses of Pseudoscalar Octet and Vector Octet
José R. Fulco and David Y. Wong
pp. AB7 [View   PDF (149 kB) ]

Thermal Neutron Capture by Deuterium and Structure of the Three-Body Wave Function
T. K. Radha and N. T. Meister
pp. AB7 [View   PDF (149 kB) ]