Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 5 July 1965
(Volume 139, Issue 1A)

Effect of Correlation on the One-Electron Wave Function in Atoms
S. Lundqvist and C. W. Ufford
pp. A1-A3 [View   PDF (369 kB) ]

Coherence in a Model of Interacting Radiation and Matter
R. H. Picard and C. R. Willis
pp. A10-A15 [View   PDF (946 kB) ]

Collisional Electron Detachment from Hydrogen Atoms and Negative Hydrogen Ions between 4 and 18 MeV
Rodman Smythe and James W. Toevs
pp. A15-A18 [View   PDF (649 kB) ]

Gyromagnetic Ratios of Hydrogen, Tritium, Free Electrons, and Rb85
L. C. Balling and F. M. Pipkin
pp. A19-A26 [View   PDF (1374 kB) ]

Nonadiabatic Corrections to the Method of Perturbed Stationary States
Lester Ingber
pp. A35-A39 [View   PDF (685 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Čerenkov Radiation from Charged Particles in a Plasma in a Magnetic Field
W. Sollfrey and H. T. Yura
pp. A48-A55 [View   PDF (1080 kB) ]

Enhancement of Plasma Density Fluctuations by Nonthermal Electrons
Francis Perkins and E. E. Salpeter
pp. A55-A62 [View   PDF (1404 kB) ]

Double Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation by a Fluid
H. L. Frisch and J. McKenna
pp. A68-A77 [View   PDF (1342 kB) ]

Whistler (or Helicon) Instability in Plasmas with Electron Beams
R. N. Sudan
pp. A78-A82 [View   PDF (632 kB) ]

Theory of Molten Alkali Alloys. I. Na-K System
J. R. Christman and H. B. Huntington
pp. A83-A90 [View   PDF (1234 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements in Solid He3
M. G. Richards, J. Hatton, and R. P. Giffard
pp. A91-A103 [View   PDF (2163 kB) ]

Green's Functions for a Particle in a One-Dimensional Random Potential
Bertrand I. Halperin
pp. A104-A117 [View   PDF (2218 kB) ]

Dynamics of Radiation Damage in a Body-Centered Cubic Lattice. II. Higher Energies
C. Erginsoy, G. H. Vineyard, and A. Shimizu
pp. A118-A125 [View   PDF (1445 kB) ]

Correlated Walk and Diffusion Equations in a Driving Force
John R. Manning
pp. A126-A135 [View   PDF (1928 kB) ]

Nuclear Resonance Study of Hyperfine Fields in Nickel-Rich Nickel-Cobalt Alloys
R. L. Streever and G. A. Uriano
pp. A135-A141 [View   PDF (1241 kB) ]

Localized Magnetic Impurity States in Ti, Zr, and Hf
J. A. Cape and R. R. Hake
pp. A142-A149 [View   PDF (1447 kB) ]

Analysis of Alkali-Metal Specific-Heat Data
Douglas L. Martin
pp. A150-A160 [View   PDF (1955 kB) ]

Study of the Cowley and the Christy-Hall Theories of Order Parameters
George L. Hall and Joel Philhours
pp. A160-A166 [View   PDF (1233 kB) ]

Effective Conduction-Electron-Local-Moment Exchange Interaction in Metals: Rare-Earth Interband Mixing
R. E. Watson, S. Koide, M. Peter, and A. J. Freeman
pp. A167-A178 [View   PDF (2224 kB) ]

Model Pseudopotential and the Kohn Effect in Lead
Walter A. Harrison
pp. A179-A185 [View   PDF (1255 kB) ]

Transport Equations for Superconductors
M. J. Stephen
pp. A197-A205 [View   PDF (1312 kB) ]

Ratio of the Lattice Thermal Conductivities of Normal and Superconducting Indium
P. Lindenfeld and H. Rohrer
pp. A206-A211 [View   PDF (1082 kB) ]

Positron Annihilation in an Interacting Electron Gas
J. P. Carbotte and S. Kahana
pp. A213-A222 [View   PDF (1680 kB) ]

Rare-Earth Ions in the Alkali Halides. II. Pseudolocalized Vibrational Frequencies
Max Wagner and W. E. Bron
pp. A223-A233 [View   PDF (1668 kB) ]

Paramagnetic Relaxation of Some Rare-Earth Ions in Diamagnetic Crystals
Chao-Yuan Huang
pp. A241-A254 [View   PDF (1857 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Simultaneous Diffraction of X Rays and the Borrmann Effect
Edward J. Saccocio and Alfred Zajac
pp. A255-A264 [View   PDF (1725 kB) ]

Magnetoresistance in Heavily Doped n-Type Silicon
O. N. Tufte and E. L. Stelzer
pp. A265-A271 [View   PDF (1282 kB) ]

Galvanomagnetic Oscillations in InAs
L. G. Hyman and L. Siklossy
pp. A271-A273 [View   PDF (454 kB) ]

Electrophotoluminescence in Semiconductors
Konrad Colbow
pp. A274-A284 [View   PDF (1732 kB) ]

Some Properties of F and F-Aggregate Centers in Cesium Halides
D. W. Lynch, A. D. Brothers, and D. A. Robinson
pp. A285-A292 [View   PDF (1378 kB) ]

Mössbauer Fractions and Specific Heats of Diatomic Lattices
Y. Disatnik, D. Fainstein, and H. J. Lipkin
pp. A292-A294 [View   PDF (494 kB) ]

Luminescence and Recombination through Defects in p-n Junctions
T. N. Morgan
pp. A294-A299 [View   PDF (979 kB) ]

Nuclear Resonance Study of Gallium-Substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet
R. L. Streever and G. A. Uriano
pp. A305-A313 [View   PDF (1473 kB) ]

Spin-Lattice Relaxation in the E̅ (2E) State of d3 Ions in Corundum
M. Blume, R. Orbach, A. Kiel, and S. Geschwind
pp. A314-A321 [View   PDF (1409 kB) ]

Line Shapes of Resonant, Nonlinear, Paramagnetic Susceptibilities
H. G. Andresen and H. Welling
pp. A321-A333 [View   PDF (2529 kB) ]

Ultrasonic Paramagnetic-Resonance Absorption by Uranium Ions in Calcium Fluoride
G. C. Wetsel and P. L. Donoho
pp. A334-A337 [View   PDF (744 kB) ]

Weak-Coupling Theory of the Polaron Energy-Momentum Relation
George Whitfield and Robert Puff
pp. A338-A342 [View   PDF (726 kB) ]

Broadening of Impurity Bands in Heavily Doped Semiconductors
T. N. Morgan
pp. A343-A348 [View   PDF (1097 kB) ]