Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 11 October 1965
(Volume 140, Issue 1B)

Gamma Rates and Intensities; l-Forbidden M1 Transitions
D. B. Fossan, L. F. Chase, and K. L. Coop
pp. B1-B8 [View   PDF (1338 kB) ]

Binding Energy of the Four-Nucleon System with Separable Potential
Nargis Panchapakesan
pp. B20-B25 [View   PDF (971 kB) ]

Particle Correlation Arising from Isospin Pairing in Light Nuclei
A. Goswami and L. S. Kisslinger
pp. B26-B31 [View   PDF (1342 kB) ]

Muon Capture in Oxygen-16
Vincent Gillet and David A. Jenkins
pp. B32-B41 [View   PDF (1577 kB) ]

Inelastic Deuteron Scattering and (d,p) Reactions from Isotopes of Titanium. III. Ti49(d,p)Ti50
P. D. Barnes, C. K. Bockelman, Ole Hansen, and A. Sperduto
pp. B42-B47 [View   PDF (1102 kB) ]

Cross Sections for the V51(γ,π-2n)Cr49 Reaction
Richard A. Meyer and John P. Hummel
pp. B48-B49 [View   PDF (438 kB) ]

Thorium Resonance Parameters for Neutron Energies from 20 to 222 eV
E. Haddad, S. J. Freisenhahn, F. H. Fröhner, and W. M. Lopez
pp. B50-B62 [View   PDF (2499 kB) ]

Test of the Boundary-Condition Constraint Method for Nuclear Reactions
M. A. Nagarajan, S. K. Shah, and W. Tobocman
pp. B63-B68 [View   PDF (810 kB) ]

Tensor Polarization of Deuterons from the Be9(p,d)Be8 Reaction
S. E. Darden and A. J. Froelich
pp. B69-B74 [View   PDF (1231 kB) ]

Regeneration of K10 Mesons and the K10-K20 Mass Difference
J. H. Christenson, J. W. Cronin, V. L. Fitch, and R. Turlay
pp. B74-B84 [View   PDF (2022 kB) ]

Non-Reggeization of the Vector Meson
Arthur N. Chester
pp. B85-B89 [View   PDF (791 kB) ]

Inelastic Resonances and Castillejo-Dalitz-Dyson Singularities
James B. Hartle and C. Edward Jones
pp. B90-B94 [View   PDF (931 kB) ]

Baryon-Antibaryon Scattering in the M(12) Symmetry Scheme
Shui-yin Lo
pp. B95-B96 [View   PDF (348 kB) ]

Use of Angular-Momentum Tensors
Charles Zemach
pp. B97-B108 [View   PDF (2039 kB) ]

Determination of the Spins and Parities of Resonances
Charles Zemach
pp. B109-B124 [View   PDF (2705 kB) ]

CP Violation in Nonleptonic K0 Decays
K. Tanaka
pp. B124-B126 [View   PDF (497 kB) ]

Some Features of K0 Decay: The ΔSQ Rule, and the I|=1 / 2 Rules for Leptonic and Three-Pion Decays
P. Franzini, L. Kirsch, P. Schmidt, J. Steinberger, and R. J. Plano
pp. B127-B134 [View   PDF (1320 kB) ]

Mechanisms for the T=1 / 2 and T=3 / 2 Recurrences
P. R. Auvil and J. J. Brehm
pp. B135-B142 [View   PDF (1157 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Moderation and Cascade Times of Negative Pions and Negative Kaons in Liquid Helium
M. M. Block, J. B. Kopelman, and C. R. Sun
pp. B143-B152 [View   PDF (2004 kB) ]

Dynamical Basis of the Sum Rule ---0+sqrt[3]Σ0+. II
Benjamin W. Lee
pp. B152-B153 [View   PDF (337 kB) ]

Intermultiplet Mass Formula for Mesons
J. G. Belinfante
pp. B154 [View   PDF (186 kB) ]

Internal-Symmetry Groups and Curved Space-Time
R. Acharya and P. Narayanaswamy
pp. B155-B157 [View   PDF (564 kB) ]

Field Theory of Matter. IV
Julian Schwinger
pp. B158-B163 [View   PDF (1079 kB) ]

Mass Formulas and Baryon States in SU(6) Symmetry
Imre P. Gyuk and S. F. Tuan
pp. B164-B174 [View   PDF (2412 kB) ]

Inelastic Effects in One-Channel N / D Calculations
Jerome Finkelstein
pp. B175-B177 [View   PDF (546 kB) ]

Theory of π (K)+N→π (K)+Δ Reactions
Yasuo Hara
pp. B178-B182 [View   PDF (904 kB) ]

Place of Hilbert Space in S-Matrix Theory
John R. Taylor
pp. B187-B191 [View   PDF (1113 kB) ]

Density-Matrix Analysis for Spin Determination
M. Ademollo, R. Gatto, and G. Preparata
pp. B192-B198 [View   PDF (1292 kB) ]

Relation between Poles in Propagators and the Existence of Particles
Robert Perrin
pp. B199-B200 [View   PDF (336 kB) ]

Predictions for π-+p→η0+n from Regge Poles and SU3
Roger J. Phillips and William Rarita
pp. B200-B201 [View   PDF (359 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Ξ*0*- Mass Difference
Aditya Kumar
pp. B202-B204 [View   PDF (509 kB) ]

Application of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation to the Static Bootstrap Model
K. Y. Lin and R. E. Cutkosky
pp. B205-B211 [View   PDF (1152 kB) ]

Energy Levels of Sc48 from a Study of Neutrons and Gamma Rays Emitted by the Ca48(p,nγ)Sc48 Reaction
C. Chasman, K. W. Jones, and R. A. Ristinen
pp. B212-B216 [View   PDF (1014 kB) ]

Generalized Faddeev Integral Equations for Multiparticle Scattering Amplitudes
Leonard Rosenberg
pp. B217-B226 [View   PDF (2020 kB) ]

Coulomb Correlations in Inhomogeneous Many-Particle Systems
Setsuo Ichimaru
pp. B226-B235 [View   PDF (1716 kB) ]

Possibility of a Relativistic Explanation for Stellar Magnetic Fields
W. J. Carr
pp. B236-B238 [View   PDF (630 kB) ]