Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 18 October 1965
(Volume 140, Issue 2A)

Higher Partial Waves in Positron-Hydrogen Scattering
Chemia J. Kleinman, Yukap Hahn, and Larry Spruch
pp. A413-A425 [View   PDF (2158 kB) ]

Decay of Resonance Radiation in a Pulsed Discharge in Krypton
R. Turner
pp. A426-A431 [View   PDF (1007 kB) ]

Rearrangement Collisions—Electron Excitation of He(23s)
Charles J. Joachain and Marvin H. Mittleman
pp. A432-A436 [View   PDF (856 kB) ]

Theory of Laser Cascades
H. Haken, R. Der Agobian, and M. Pauthier
pp. A437-A447 [View   PDF (1744 kB) ]

Electronic g Factors of Low-Lying Levels of Fe I, Cr I, and Mn I
William J. Childs and Leonard S. Goodman
pp. A447-A451 [View   PDF (880 kB) ]

Vortices in an Imperfect Bose Gas. III. Scattering of Single-Particle Excitations
Alexander L. Fetter
pp. A452-A460 [View   PDF (1581 kB) ]

Classical Theory of the Pair Distribution Function of Plasmas
Hugh E. DeWitt
pp. A466-A470 [View   PDF (861 kB) ]

Microwave Scattering Due to Acoustic-Ion-Plasma-Wave Instability
V. Arunasalam and Sanborn C. Brown
pp. A471-A479 [View   PDF (1717 kB) ]

Nucleation Field of an Infinitely Long Elliptical Cylinder
Carol Abraham
pp. A480-A489 [View   PDF (835 kB) ]

Stopping Cross Sections of Carbon and Hydrocarbon Solids for Low-Energy Protons and Helium Ions
C. A. Sautter and E. J. Zimmerman
pp. A490-A498 [View   PDF (1966 kB) ]

Long-Range Exchange Interactions from Spin-Wave Resonance
R. Weber and P. E. Tannenwald
pp. A498-A506 [View   PDF (1530 kB) ]

Superconducting Properties of Tin, Indium, and Mercury below 1° K
D. K. Finnemore and D. E. Mapother
pp. A507-A518 [View   PDF (2153 kB) ]

Collective Excitations in Strong-Coupling Superconducting Alloys
Peter Fulde and Sigfrid Strassler
pp. A519-A522 [View   PDF (834 kB) ]

Superconductivity in the Tin-Gallium System
Gordon Knapp and M. F. Merriam
pp. A528-A530 [View   PDF (599 kB) ]

Optical Absorption of a Few Unit-Cell Layers of MoS2
R. F. Frindt
pp. A536-A539 [View   PDF (731 kB) ]

Influence of Lead Impurity on the Low-Temperature Color-Center Production in KC1
E. Sonder and W. A. Sibley
pp. A539-A546 [View   PDF (1678 kB) ]

Photoemission of Electrons from Silicon into Silicon Dioxide
Richard Williams
pp. A569-A575 [View   PDF (1609 kB) ]

Recombination Radiation from InSb
J. Pehek and H. Levinstein
pp. A576-A586 [View   PDF (2272 kB) ]

Nodal Hydrogenic Wave Functions of Donors on Semiconductor Surfaces
Jules D. Levine
pp. A586-A589 [View   PDF (784 kB) ]

Determination of the Energy Gap of LiD by Small-Angle Compton Scattering
N. G. Alexandropoulos and K. D. Alexopoulos
pp. A597-A601 [View   PDF (867 kB) ]

Shapes of Impurity Absorption Bands in Solids
Thomas H. Keil
pp. A601-A617 [View   PDF (2546 kB) ]

Multiple-Scattering Methods in the Theory of Solids
Joseph Callaway
pp. A618-A632 [View   PDF (2748 kB) ]

Ultraviolet Reflection Spectrum of Cubic CdS
Manuel Cardona, Martin Weinstein, and G. A. Wolff
pp. A633-A637 [View   PDF (1025 kB) ]

Theory of Phonon-Assisted Tunneling in Semiconductors
Leonard Kleinman
pp. A637-A648 [View   PDF (2107 kB) ]

Effective Hyperfine Fields at the Nuclei of Os and Pt Dissolved in Fe
James C. Ho and Norman E. Phillips
pp. A648-A650 [View   PDF (414 kB) ]

Optical Properties and Band Structure of SrTiO3 and BaTiO3
Manuel Cardona
pp. A651-A655 [View   PDF (965 kB) ]

Magnetic-Resonance Study of Iron in Silver Chloride
John Campbell Garth
pp. A656-A667 [View   PDF (2671 kB) ]

Hall Effects, Resistivity, and Thermopower in Fe and Fe1-xNix for x=0 to 0.2
Stephen Soffer, James A. Dressen, and Emerson M. Pugh
pp. A668-A675 [View   PDF (1726 kB) ]

Propagation of Bragg-Reflected Neutrons in Large Mosaic Crystals and the Efficiency of Monochromators
S. A. Werner and Anthony Arrott
pp. A675-A686 [View   PDF (1808 kB) ]

Molecular Model for U Centers in NaCl and KCl
S. S. Jaswal
pp. A687-A689 [View   PDF (508 kB) ]