Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 25 October 1965
(Volume 140, Issue 2B)

Exchange Electrical Moments for Nuclear Beta and Gamma Transitions
Yasunori Fujii and Jun-Ichi Fujita
pp. B239-B244 [View   PDF (990 kB) ]

Collective Motion in Finite Many-Particle Systems. III. Foundations of a Theory of Rotational Spectra of Deformed Nuclei
Abraham Klein, Louis Celenza, and Arthur K. Kerman
pp. B245-B263 [View   PDF (2741 kB) ]

Half-Life and g Factor of the 75-keV Level in Rh100
E. Matthias, D. A. Shirley, J. S. Evans, and R. A. Naumann
pp. B264-B267 [View   PDF (757 kB) ]

Decay Scheme of 25-Minute Te131g
W. B. Walters, C. E. Bemis, and G. E. Gordon
pp. B268-B276 [View   PDF (1693 kB) ]

Decay Properties of the Nuclides Fermium-256 and -257 and Mendelevium-255, -256, and -257
T. Sikkeland, A. Ghiorso, R. Latimer, and A. E. Larsh
pp. B277-B282 [View   PDF (1229 kB) ]

Short-Range Correlations in Nuclear Matter
S. A. Moszkowski
pp. B283-B286 [View   PDF (725 kB) ]

Off-Energy-Shell Effects in the Brueckner Theory of Nuclear Matter
Sidney A. Coon and Janusz Dabrowski
pp. B287-B295 [View   PDF (1925 kB) ]

Excitation Functions for Nucleon and Alpha-Particle Transfer Reactions Induced by 14N Ions
R. M. Gaedke, K. S. Toth, and I. R. Williams
pp. B296-B304 [View   PDF (2113 kB) ]

Fe54(n,p), (n), (n,2n) Cross Sections
S. R. Salisbury and R. A. Chalmers
pp. B305-B310 [View   PDF (1103 kB) ]

Coherent Knockout Amplitudes in Deuteron Stripping Reactions
George L. Strobel and Bruce L. Scott
pp. B311-B323 [View   PDF (2341 kB) ]

Energy Dependence of the 10B(n,α) / 10B(n,αγ) Cross-Section Ratio
R. L. Macklin and J. H. Gibbons
pp. B324-B325 [View   PDF (385 kB) ]

Origins of the Lee Triangle
S. P. Rosen
pp. B326-B329 [View   PDF (719 kB) ]

Direct-Interaction (p) Reactions in 89Y and 90Zr
C. B. Fulmer and J. B. Ball
pp. B330-B336 [View   PDF (1498 kB) ]

Photoproduction of π0 from Hydrogen near the Second Pion-Nucleon Resonance
H. De Staebler, E. F. Erickson, A. C. Hearn, and C. Schaere
pp. B336-B348 [View   PDF (2595 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Mass Differences of Vector Bosons
Sudesh Bose
pp. B349-B351 [View   PDF (450 kB) ]

Pion-Pion Scattering. III
A. Saperstein and J. Uretsky
pp. B352-B359 [View   PDF (1282 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Strange-Particle Production in 2.7-GeV/c π-p Interactions
D. H. Miller, A. Z. Kovacs, R. McIlwain, T. R. Palfrey, and G. W. Tautfest
pp. B360-B365 [View   PDF (1001 kB) ]

Exact Bootstrap Solutions to the Low Equation
Kerson Huang and Alfred H. Mueller
pp. B365-B374 [View   PDF (1627 kB) ]

Three-Body N / D Equations. I. Integral Angular Momenta
Stanley Mandelstam
pp. B375-B396 [View   PDF (4201 kB) ]

Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Electron, Muon, and Nucleon
S. D. Drell and H. R. Pagels
pp. B397-B407 [View   PDF (1964 kB) ]

Reproduction of Two-Body Scattering Phase Shifts by a Phenomenological Potential
L. Lovitch and S. Rosati
pp. B408-B409 [View   PDF (327 kB) ]

Relativistic Treatment of Loosely Bound Systems in Scattering Theory
Franz Gross
pp. B410-B421 [View   PDF (2333 kB) ]

Unitarity and Analyticity for a Sixth-Order Diagram
Pierre Minnaert and Roland Seneor
pp. B422-B431 [View   PDF (1309 kB) ]

Meson and Baryon Resonances in Relativistic SU(6)
H. Harari, D. Horn, M. Kugler, H. J. Lipkin, and S. Meshkov
pp. B431-B433 [View   PDF (648 kB) ]

General SU(3) Crossing Matrices and the Projection Operators of 3×8
Michael M. Nieto
pp. B434-B442 [View   PDF (1229 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Second Method of Identifying Fast Monopoles
Donald R. Tompkins
pp. B443-B445 [View   PDF (568 kB) ]

Model Hamiltonians for Local Quantum Field Theory
Kenneth G. Wilson
pp. B445-B457 [View   PDF (2742 kB) ]

Cosmic-Ray Search for Fractionally Charged Particles
Donald A. DeLise and Theodore Bowen
pp. B458-B462 [View   PDF (940 kB) ]

Rare ΔQ=0, ΔS=1 Decay Modes of Hyperons and K Mesons
K. Tanaka
pp. B463-B465 [View   PDF (502 kB) ]

Regge Poles in Quantum Electrodynamics with Massive Photons
Hung Cheng and Tai Tsun Wu
pp. B465-B469 [View   PDF (768 kB) ]

A Parity for Very Weak Interactions
D. C. Peaslee
pp. B470-B472 [View   PDF (602 kB) ]

πρ and KK̅ Contribution to the Isoscalar Form Factor of the Nucleon
Fumiyo Uchiyama-Campbell
pp. B473-B479 [View   PDF (1110 kB) ]

Algebra of Currents and Getting SU(6) Results from SU(4)
C. Ryan
pp. B480-B482 [View   PDF (648 kB) ]

Unstable-Particle Scattering and the Strip Approximation
Ian T. Drummond
pp. B482-B499 [View   PDF (3137 kB) ]

Accuracy of Measurement for Counting and Intensity-Correlation Experiments
Marvin L. Goldberger and Kenneth M. Watson
pp. B500-B509 [View   PDF (1618 kB) ]

Position Operators in Relativistic Single-Particle Theories
A. Sankaranarayanan and R. H. Good
pp. B509-B513 [View   PDF (902 kB) ]

Gravitational Effects of Luminosity
F. Curtis Michel
pp. B514-B515 [View   PDF (383 kB) ]

Infrared Photons and Gravitons
Steven Weinberg
pp. B516-B524 [View   PDF (1620 kB) ]