Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 1 November 1965
(Volume 140, Issue 3A)

Measurements of Resonant Electron Capture in Close H+-on-H Collisions
Herbert F. Helbig and Edgar Everhart
pp. A715-A720 [View   PDF (1158 kB) ]

Quantum- and Correlation-Corrected Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Equation
John F. Barnes
pp. A721-A726 [View   PDF (1172 kB) ]

Theory of Low-Energy-Electron Scattering by Polar Molecules
M. H. Mittleman and R. E. von Holdt
pp. A726-A729 [View   PDF (628 kB) ]

Electron Capture by High-Energy Deuterons in Gases
Klaus H. Berkner, Selig N. Kaplan, George A. Paulikas, and Robert V. Pyle
pp. A729-A731 [View   PDF (512 kB) ]

Optimal Variational Method for Pair Correlations in Many-Fermion Systems
James C. Porter
pp. A732-A747 [View   PDF (2241 kB) ]

Electron-Ion Recombination in Nitric Oxide in the Temperature Range 196 to 358°K
R. C. Gunton and T. M. Shaw
pp. A756-A763 [View   PDF (1701 kB) ]

Dissociative Recombination in Neon: Spectral Line-Shape Studies
T. Robert Connor and Manfred A. Biondi
pp. A778-A791 [View   PDF (3079 kB) ]

Measurement of Cesium Excitation Cross Section near Threshold by a Swarm Technique
J. F. Nolan and A. V. Phelps
pp. A792-A799 [View   PDF (1644 kB) ]

Growth of Optical Plane Waves in Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
Richard G. Brewer
pp. A800-A805 [View   PDF (1228 kB) ]

Incoherent Scattering of Gamma Rays by K-Shell Electrons
Sakae Shimizu, Yasuyuki Nakayama, and Takeshi Mukoyama
pp. A806-A815 [View   PDF (2078 kB) ]

Heat Capacity and Other Properties of Hexagonal Close-Packed Helium-4
D. O. Edwards and R. C. Pandorf
pp. A816-A825 [View   PDF (2128 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Criteria for the Best Bogoliubov Quasiparticle
Donald H. Kobe
pp. A825-A829 [View   PDF (967 kB) ]

Fluorescence of MgO: Cr3+ Ions in Noncubic Sites
G. F. Imbusch, A. L. Schawlow, A. D. May, and S. Sugano
pp. A830-A838 [View   PDF (1647 kB) ]

Ground State of an Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field
V. Celli and N. David Mermin
pp. A839-A853 [View   PDF (2482 kB) ]

Phase Transitions in Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Crystals
C. Haas
pp. A863-A868 [View   PDF (1434 kB) ]

Magnetic Hyperfine Interactions in Dysprosium Aluminum Garnet
I. Nowik and H. H. Wickman
pp. A869-A871 [View   PDF (600 kB) ]

Vibrational Structure in the Fluorescence Spectrum of Eu3+ in KTaO3
R. F. Schaufele, M. J. Weber, and J. S. Waugh
pp. A872-A874 [View   PDF (600 kB) ]

Mössbauer Effect of Fe37 in a Cobalt Single Crystal
G. J. Perlow, C. E. Johnson, and W. Marshall
pp. A875-A879 [View   PDF (940 kB) ]

Jahn-Teller Effect in the 4T2g Excited State of V2+ in MgO
M. D. Sturge
pp. A880-A891 [View   PDF (2654 kB) ]

Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Linear Chain—a Renormalized Linked Cluster Expansion
Sakari Inawashiro and Shigetoshi Katsura
pp. A892-A898 [View   PDF (988 kB) ]

Resonance Scattering in Impure Superconductors
M. J. Zuckermann
pp. A899-A905 [View   PDF (1298 kB) ]

Excited States of Solid Ar:H. II. Line Shapes and Interstitial Sites
Thomas H. Keil and Albert Gold
pp. A906-A910 [View   PDF (1086 kB) ]

Photomagnetoelectric Effect in Thin p-Type Silicon Crystals
Herbert L. Mette and Arthur Boatright
pp. A919-A922 [View   PDF (796 kB) ]

Piezoresistance in p-Type ZnTe
A. Sagar and W. Lehmann
pp. A923-A925 [View   PDF (606 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Far-Infrared Spin and Combination Resonance in Bismuth
J. C. Burgiel and L. C. Hebel
pp. A925-A929 [View   PDF (961 kB) ]

Third-Order Anharmonic Interactions of Infrared Phonons in the Alkali Halides
Lawrence A. Vredevoe
pp. A930-A934 [View   PDF (899 kB) ]

Fermi Surfaces of Potassium and Rubidium
N. W. Ashcroft
pp. A935-A940 [View   PDF (1146 kB) ]

Stage III Annealing in Proton-Irradiated Noble Metals
F. Dworschak and J. Koehler
pp. A941-A953 [View   PDF (1967 kB) ]

Pressure Dependence of the Dielectric Constant of Strontium Titanate
G. A. Samara and A. A. Giardini
pp. A954-A957 [View   PDF (800 kB) ]

Theory of Ferromagnetic Resonance Line Shape outside the Spin-Wave Manifold
K. Motizuki, M. Sparks, and P. E. Seiden
pp. A972-A985 [View   PDF (2548 kB) ]

Energy-Band Structure of Selenium Chains
Doris J. Olechna and Robert S. Knox
pp. A986-A993 [View   PDF (1551 kB) ]

The Electronic Band Structure of Arsenic. II. Self-Consistent Approach
Stuart Golin
pp. A993-A1006 [View   PDF (2642 kB) ]

Thermoelectric Power of Germanium. Effect of Temperature-Dependent Energy Levels
P. J. Freud and G. M. Rothberg
pp. A1007-A1014 [View   PDF (1654 kB) ]

Phonon Spectrum and Specific Heats of Copper Using Bailyn's Effective Matrix Element
P. L. Srivastava and B. Dayal
pp. A1014-A1019 [View   PDF (973 kB) ]

Cerium Magnesium Nitrate Temperature Scale from Nuclear Orientation
R. B. Frankel, D. A. Shirley, and N. J. Stone
pp. A1020-A1023 [View   PDF (833 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Theory of Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation by Hopping in n-Type Silicon and Germanium. II
Jan Blinowski and Jerzy Mycielski
pp. A1024-A1030 [View   PDF (1417 kB) ]

Isotope Shift of a Low-Lying Lattice Resonant Mode
A. J. Sievers and S. Takeno
pp. A1030-A1032 [View   PDF (578 kB) ]