Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 November 1965
(Volume 140, Issue 4A)

Vibration and Rotation of N2+ Excited by 10-65-keV Ions
J. R. Sheridan and K. C. Clark
pp. A1033-A1040 [View   PDF (1067 kB) ]

Level-Crossing Spectroscopy with an Electric Field: Stark Shift of the 32P Term in Lithium
B. Budick, S. Marcus, and R. Novick
pp. A1041-A1043 [View   PDF (488 kB) ]

Theory of Resonance Broadening of Spectral Lines by Atom-Atom Impacts
A. W. Ali and H. R. Griem
pp. A1044-A1049 [View   PDF (1079 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Lifetime of the 31P State of Helium
R. G. Fowler, T. M. Holzberlein, and C. H. Jacobson
pp. A1050-A1051 [View   PDF (315 kB) ]

Stimulated Emission of Radiation in a Single Mode
F. W. Cummings
pp. A1051-A1056 [View   PDF (781 kB) ]

Electron Shake-Off Resulting from K-Shell Ionization in Neon Measured as a Function of Photoelectron Velocity
Thomas A. Carlson and Manfred O. Krause
pp. A1057-A1064 [View   PDF (1684 kB) ]

Total Ionization in Nitrogen by Heavy Ions of Energies 25 to 50 keV
J. W. Boring, G. E. Strohl, and F. R. Woods
pp. A1065-A1069 [View   PDF (826 kB) ]

Observation of a 1Π-1Σ- Transition in the N2 Molecule
R. A. McFarlane
pp. A1070-A1071 [View   PDF (330 kB) ]

Inelastic Collisions of Slow Atoms
Joseph Callaway and Ernest Bauer
pp. A1072-A1084 [View   PDF (2087 kB) ]

X-Ray Yields from K-Shell Ionization by α Particles
R. P. Sharma, B. V. Thosar, and K. G. Prasad
pp. A1084-A1087 [View   PDF (610 kB) ]

Theory of Magnetic Effects in Optical Maser Amplifiers and Oscillators
C. V. Heer and R. D. Graft
pp. A1088-A1104 [View   PDF (2963 kB) ]

21,3P, 31,3P, and 41,3P States of He and the 21P State of Li+
B. Schiff, H. Lifson, C. L. Pekeris, and P. Rabinowitz
pp. A1104-A1121 [View   PDF (2462 kB) ]

Optical Interferometric and Spectroscopic Measurements of Electron Density in a Plasma
E. A. McLean and S. A. Ramsden
pp. A1122-A1129 [View   PDF (1701 kB) ]

Measurement of Stark Profiles of Singly Ionized Nitrogen Lines from a T-Tube Plasma
R. A. Day and H. R. Griem
pp. A1129-A1132 [View   PDF (791 kB) ]

Self-Consistent Equations Including Exchange and Correlation Effects
W. Kohn and L. J. Sham
pp. A1133-A1138 [View   PDF (964 kB) ]

Statistical Mechanics of an Assembly of Quasiparticles
M. D. Girardeau
pp. A1139-A1140 [View   PDF (345 kB) ]

Theory of Wing Broadening of the Hydrogen Lyman-α Line by Electrons and Ions in a Plasma
Hans R. Griem
pp. A1140-A1154 [View   PDF (2435 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Kinetic Equation with Relativistic Interaction Corrections for a Plasma
John E. Krizan
pp. A1155-A1160 [View   PDF (812 kB) ]

Relativistic Shock Structure
Paul A. Koch
pp. A1161-A1165 [View   PDF (636 kB) ]

Calculation of the Yang-Lee Distribution of Zeros
Eero Byckling
pp. A1165-A1168 [View   PDF (575 kB) ]

Ginzburg-Landau Parameters of Type-II Superconductors
T. McConville and B. Serin
pp. A1169-A1177 [View   PDF (1639 kB) ]

Superconducting Technetium-Tungsten Alloys
S. H. Autler, J. K. Hulm, and R. S. Kemper
pp. A1177-A1180 [View   PDF (673 kB) ]

F Centers in SrO and the Quadrupole Moment of Sr87
J. W. Culvahouse, Louis V. Holroyd, and James L. Kolopus
pp. A1181-A1188 [View   PDF (1456 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Optical Linewidth and Line-Shape Studies of Energy Transfer Mechanisms between Rare-Earth Impurity Ions
W. M. Yen, R. L. Greene, W. C. Scott, and D. L. Huber
pp. A1188-A1196 [View   PDF (1691 kB) ]

Theory of the Motion of Vortices in Superconductors
John Bardeen and M. J. Stephen
pp. A1197-A1207 [View   PDF (1972 kB) ]

g Factor of Conduction Electrons in Metallic Lithium
R. J. Pressley and H. L. Berk
pp. A1207-A1210 [View   PDF (687 kB) ]

Phonon Resonances Associated with Interstitial Atoms in Germanium and Silicon
David K. Brice
pp. A1211-A1222 [View   PDF (1922 kB) ]

X-Ray Determination of the 3d-Orbital Population in Vanadium Metal
R. J. Weiss and J. J. DeMarco
pp. A1223-A1225 [View   PDF (505 kB) ]

Space Charge in Ionic Crystals. I. General Approach with Application to NaCl
K. L. Kliewer and J. S. Koehler
pp. A1226-A1240 [View   PDF (2367 kB) ]

Optical Determination of the Symmetry of the Ground States of Group-V Donors in Silicon
R. L. Aggarwal and A. K. Ramdas
pp. A1246-A1253 [View   PDF (1394 kB) ]

Many-Body Resonances in Transition and Noble Metals
J. C. Phillips
pp. A1254-A1260 [View   PDF (1393 kB) ]

Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Line Narrowing by a Rotating rf Field
Moses Lee and Walter I. Goldburg
pp. A1261-A1271 [View   PDF (1636 kB) ]

Acceptor-Impurity Infrared Absorption in Semiconducting Synthetic Diamond
A. T. Collins, P. J. Dean, E. C. Lightowlers, and W. F. Sherman
pp. A1272-A1274 [View   PDF (598 kB) ]

Effect of Intense Illumination on Impurity Scattering in Semiconductors
P. R. Emtage
pp. A1274-A1282 [View   PDF (1451 kB) ]

Optical Dispersion of Lead Sulfide in the Infrared
J. R. Dixon and H. R. Riedl
pp. A1283-A1291 [View   PDF (1749 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Bloch Electrons in External Electric and Magnetic Fields
H. C. Praddaude
pp. A1292-A1296 [View   PDF (828 kB) ]

Quantum Statistical Derivation of Ferromagnetic-Resonance Equations
O. A. Olkhov and B. N. Provotorov
pp. A1296-A1303 [View   PDF (1352 kB) ]

Tight-Binding Calculation of 3d Bands of Fe with and without Spin-Orbit Coupling
E. Abate and M. Asdente
pp. A1303-A1308 [View   PDF (871 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Electron and Hole Trapping in ZnS Phosphors Investigated by Electron-Paramagnetic-Resonance and Luminescence Methods
Paulina Jaszczyn-Kopec, Jean Gallagher, Hartmut Kallmann, and Bernard Kramer
pp. A1309-A1316 [View   PDF (1321 kB) ]

Transverse Breakdown in a Strong Hall Electric Field
Minoru Toda and Maurice Glicksman
pp. A1317-A1323 [View   PDF (1225 kB) ]

Effect of Stress on the Electrical Properties of n-Type Gallium Arsenide
R. J. Sladek
pp. A1345-A1354 [View   PDF (1739 kB) ]

Ultrasonic Attenuation and the Fermi Surface of Arsenic
J. B. Ketterson and Y. Eckstein
pp. A1355-A1364 [View   PDF (1673 kB) ]

Effect of Applied Uniaxial Stresses on the Optical Absorption of F Centers in Alkali Halides
Stephen Eugene Schnatterly
pp. A1364-A1383 [View   PDF (3356 kB) ]

Electric Field Effects on Indirect Optical Transitions in Silicon
P. H. Wendland and Marvin Chester
pp. A1384-A1390 [View   PDF (1268 kB) ]

Free-Carrier Magneto-Microwave Kerr Effect in Semiconductors
M. E. Brodwin and R. J. Vernon
pp. A1390-A1400 [View   PDF (1621 kB) ]

Secondary-Electron Emission from Molybdenum Due to Positive and Negative Ions of Atmospheric Gases
P. Mahadevan, G. D. Magnuson, J. K. Layton, and C. E. Carlston
pp. A1407-A1412 [View   PDF (1095 kB) ]

Localized Magnetic Moments in Dilute Metallic Alloys: Correlation Effects
J. R. Schrieffer and D. C. Mattis
pp. A1412-A1419 [View   PDF (1469 kB) ]

Large-Angle Collisions in an Aluminum Surface Bombarded by 50-keV Argon Ions
Poul Dahl and John Magyar
pp. A1420-A1428 [View   PDF (1804 kB) ]

de Haas-van Alphen Effect in Pyrolytic and Single-Crystal Graphite
S. J. Williamson, S. Foner, and M. S. Dresselhaus
pp. A1429-A1447 [View   PDF (3697 kB) ]

Neutron-Diffraction Study of Antiferromagnetism in UO2
B. C. Frazer, G. Shirane, D. E. Cox, and C. E. Olsen
pp. A1448-A1452 [View   PDF (974 kB) ]

Four-Phonon Interactions among Acoustic and Optic Modes in Strontium Titanate
R. E. Nettleton
pp. A1453-A1462 [View   PDF (1695 kB) ]