Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 22 November 1965
(Volume 140, Issue 4B)

Hyperfine Structure in the 2084-keV State of Ce140
R. M. Levy and D. A. Shirley
pp. B811-B815 [View   PDF (872 kB) ]

Decay of the 185-μsec Isomer in Ho166
S. Bjørnholm, J. Borggreen, H. J. Frahm, N. J. Hansen, and O. Schult
pp. B816-B820 [View   PDF (800 kB) ]

Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Moment of Ar37
M. M. Robertson, J. E. Mack, and V. W. Cohen
pp. B820-B823 [View   PDF (701 kB) ]

Alpha-Particle-Induced Breakup of the Deuteron
K. Nagatani, T. A. Tombrello, and D. A. Bromley
pp. B824-B834 [View   PDF (1562 kB) ]

Excited-Core Model in Al27 and Inelastic Scattering of 14.2-MeV Neutrons
G. C. Bonazzola, E. Chiavassa, and T. Bressani
pp. B835-B837 [View   PDF (432 kB) ]

(He3, α) Pickup Reactions in Ni58 and Ni60
M. K. Brussel, D. E. Rundquist, and A. I. Yavin
pp. B838-B844 [View   PDF (1167 kB) ]

Nuclear Recoil and Simple Nuclear Reactions
Paul A. Benioff and Lucy Wu Person
pp. B844-B862 [View   PDF (3640 kB) ]

Mass- and Charge-Distribution Studies in the Fission of Au197 by Intermediate-Energy Helium Ions
F. L. Lisman, H. W. Brandhorst, and J. W. Cobble
pp. B863-B870 [View   PDF (1340 kB) ]

Polarization of Neutrons from the D(dn)He3 Reaction
F. O. Purser, J. R. Sawers, and R. L. Walter
pp. B870-B876 [View   PDF (1269 kB) ]

Direct Numerical Integration of the Two-Nucleon Schrödinger Equation with Tensor Forces
Lionel Lovitch and Sergio Rosati
pp. B877-B882 [View   PDF (943 kB) ]

(nd) Reaction Studies on Ni58, Cu63, and Zn64
W. N. Wang and E. J. Winhold
pp. B882-B887 [View   PDF (932 kB) ]

Quantitative Nuclear Evaporation Theory. II. Proton Evaporation
David B. Beard and Alden McLellan
pp. B888-B897 [View   PDF (1436 kB) ]

Nuclear Size Determination by Neutral-Pion Photoproduction
Roald A. Schrack
pp. B897-B904 [View   PDF (1192 kB) ]

Low-Lying Levels in 50V and 58Co Studied with the (pd) Reaction
J. B. Ball and R. F. Sweet
pp. B904-B907 [View   PDF (645 kB) ]

Dashen-Lee Sum Rules for Magnetic Moments
Amilcare Bietti
pp. B908-B910 [View   PDF (506 kB) ]

Non-Abelian Gauge Fields and Goldstone Bosons
Norman Fuchs
pp. B911-B913 [View   PDF (442 kB) ]

Phase-Space Considerations for Four-Particle Final States
P. Nyborg, H. S. Song, W. Kernan, and R. H. Good
pp. B914-B920 [View   PDF (967 kB) ]

Phase-Space Considerations for Five-Particle Final States
Per Nyborg
pp. B921-B925 [View   PDF (765 kB) ]

On Goldstone's Theorem
Jan Łopuszaǹski and Helmut Reeh
pp. B926-B927 [View   PDF (293 kB) ]

M(12) Predictions for pp Scattering
P. G. Freund and S. Y. Lo
pp. B927-B928 [View   PDF (305 kB) ]

Operator Analysis of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
M. Ciafaloni and P. Menotti
pp. B929-B946 [View   PDF (2605 kB) ]

Multiple Poles in the Scattering Green's Function
Noboru Nakanishi
pp. B947-B956 [View   PDF (1185 kB) ]

Minimal Electromagnetic Interaction and C, T Noninvariance
T. D. Lee
pp. B967-B976 [View   PDF (1527 kB) ]

Comparison of Forward Dispersion Relations with Experiments around 10 GeV
B. Lautrup, P. Møller Nielsen, and P. Olesen
pp. B984-B989 [View   PDF (875 kB) ]

Asymptotic Behavior of the Forward-Scattering Amplitude
Haridas Banerjee
pp. B989-B991 [View   PDF (544 kB) ]

Charge Conservation and the Lifetime of the Electron
M. K. Moe and F. Reines
pp. B992-B998 [View   PDF (1347 kB) ]

Magnetic Moments of the Baryons
Heinz Pagels
pp. B999-B1002 [View   PDF (684 kB) ]

Decays of Positive-Parity Baryon Resonances in a Broken Ũ(12)
H. Harari, D. Horn, M. Kugler, H. J. Lipkin, and S. Meshkov
pp. B1003-B1005 [View   PDF (579 kB) ]

Differential Cross Section for Trident Production
Eric G. Johnson
pp. B1005-B1008 [View   PDF (746 kB) ]

Comparison of Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering Data with the Predictions of SU(12)L
P. B. Kantor, T. K. Kuo, Ronald F. Peierls, and T. L. Trueman
pp. B1008-B1012 [View   PDF (855 kB) ]

Baryon Octet Scattering in Ũ(12)
D. A. Akyeampong and R. Delbourgo
pp. B1013-B1021 [View   PDF (1482 kB) ]

Regge Poles, Optical Model, and High-Energy Charge-Exchange Reactions
Richard C. Arnold
pp. B1022-B1025 [View   PDF (856 kB) ]

Simultaneous Bootstrap of the ρ and f0 in ππ Scattering
L. A. Balázs and S. M. Vaidya
pp. B1025-B1026 [View   PDF (331 kB) ]

Antihyperon Production in Antiproton-Proton Reactions at 3.7 BeV/c
C. Baltay, J. Sandweiss, H. D. Taft, B. B. Culwick, J. K. Kopp, R. I. Louttit, R. P. Shutt, A. M. Thorndike, and M. S. Webster
pp. B1027-B1038 [View   PDF (1760 kB) ]

Annihilation of Antiprotons in Hydrogen at Rest. II. Analysis of the Annihilation into Three Pions
C. Baltay, P. Franzini, N. Gelfand, G. Lütjens, J. C. Severiens, J. Steinberger, D. Tycko, and D. Zanello
pp. B1039-B1042 [View   PDF (623 kB) ]

Annihilation of Antiprotons in Hydrogen at Rest. III. The Reactions p̅ +p→ω0+- and p̅ +p→ω00
C. Baltay, P. Franzini, G. Lütjens, J. C. Severiens, J. Steinberger, D. Tycko, and D. Zanello
pp. B1042-B1045 [View   PDF (581 kB) ]

Shmushkevich's Method for a Charge-Independent Theory
G. Pinski, A. J. Macfarlane, and E. C. Sudarshan
pp. B1045-B1053 [View   PDF (1342 kB) ]

Normal Threshold Sheet Structure of Two-Particle Scattering Amplitudes
David J. Gross and John H. Schwarz
pp. B1054-B1067 [View   PDF (1816 kB) ]

Field Theory of the Two-Pion System (S and D Waves)
Moorad Alexanian and Marcel Wellner
pp. B1079-B1087 [View   PDF (1306 kB) ]

Study of the K+ Decay Probability
V. L. Fitch, C. A. Quarles, and H. C. Wilkins
pp. B1088-B1091 [View   PDF (709 kB) ]

Normalization of Bethe-Salpeter Wave Functions
D. Lurié, A. J. Macfarlane, and Y. Takahashi
pp. B1091-B1099 [View   PDF (1195 kB) ]

Coupled-Equations Method for the Scattering of Identical Particles
F. S. Levin
pp. B1099-B1109 [View   PDF (1950 kB) ]

Infrared Divergence in Quantum Electrodynamics
Victor Chung
pp. B1110-B1122 [View   PDF (1574 kB) ]

Spin-1 Meson Photoproduction
A. M. Harun-ar-Rashid and Michael J. Moravcsik
pp. B1123-B1131 [View   PDF (1238 kB) ]

Radiative Lepton Production by a Neutrino Beam
J. Barclay Adams
pp. B1131-B1140 [View   PDF (1615 kB) ]

Electron and Positron Scattering and the Anapole
J. C. Bergstrom, B. Margolis, and D. Robertson
pp. B1141-B1144 [View   PDF (643 kB) ]

Weak Electromagnetic Decays of Hyperons in SU(3)
R. H. Graham and S. Pakvasa
pp. B1144-B1150 [View   PDF (1068 kB) ]

Explicit Wave Functions for Any Spin
Y. Frishman and E. Gotsman
pp. B1151-B1156 [View   PDF (548 kB) ]

Low-Energy Spectrum of Cosmic Rays as an Indicator of Primary Source Characteristics and Interstellar Propagation
V. K. Balasubrahmanyan, E. Boldt, and R. A. Palmeira
pp. B1157-B1161 [View   PDF (917 kB) ]

Qualitative Aspects of the N-Body Problem for Approximately Relativistic Equations of Motion
Richard B. Hoffman and Peter Havas
pp. B1162-B1173 [View   PDF (1439 kB) ]

Singularities in Bootstrap Gravitational Geons
Carl H. Brans
pp. B1174-B1176 [View   PDF (605 kB) ]