Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 29 November 1965
(Volume 140, Issue 5A)

1S0 Level of Pr3+ in Crystals of Fluorides
Eugene Loh
pp. A1463-A1466 [View   PDF (700 kB) ]

Theory of Rotational Excitation of Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules by Slow Electrons: Application to N2 and H2
Douglas H. Sampson and Raymond C. Mjolsness
pp. A1466-A1476 [View   PDF (1896 kB) ]

Measurements on Charge-Changing Collisions Involving Negative Hydrogen, Helium, and Oxygen Ions
T. Jorgensen, C. E. Kuyatt, W. W. Lang, D. C. Lorents, and C. A. Sautter
pp. A1481-A1487 [View   PDF (1179 kB) ]

Ion-Electron Recombination
Nicola D'Angelo
pp. A1488 [View   PDF (178 kB) ]

Theory of Sideband Production in Spectroscopic Experiments
J. D. Macomber and J. S. Waugh
pp. A1494-A1497 [View   PDF (618 kB) ]

Relativistic Corrections to the Fine Structure of Helium
Kee Yong Kim
pp. A1498-A1504 [View   PDF (945 kB) ]

Lifetime of the 6s6p 1P1 State of Mercury
Allen Lurio
pp. A1505-A1508 [View   PDF (676 kB) ]

Wave Functions and Transition Probabilities in Scaled Thomas-Fermi Ion Potentials
John C. Stewart and Manuel Rotenberg
pp. A1508-A1519 [View   PDF (1839 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Autoionization States of H- below the n=2 Level of H
A. Temkin and J. F. Walker
pp. A1520-A1523 [View   PDF (666 kB) ]

Effects of Turbulence in He II Thermal Counterflow
J. T. Tough, W. D. McCormick, and J. G. Dash
pp. A1524-A1528 [View   PDF (731 kB) ]

Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of a Two-Component Plasma
G. L. Lamb
pp. A1529-A1534 [View   PDF (840 kB) ]

Anomalous Thermal Properties of Liquid Helium I and II and Their Connection
Louis Goldstein
pp. A1547-A1563 [View   PDF (3228 kB) ]

Variation Ground-State Energy of a Bose System
K. Sawada
pp. A1564-A1567 [View   PDF (365 kB) ]

Dependence of the Critical Currents in Superconducting Films on Applied Magnetic Field and Temperature
J. A. Mydosh and Hans Meissner
pp. A1568-A1580 [View   PDF (2296 kB) ]

Superconductivity of NbC/NbN Whiskers
F. J. Darnell, P. E. Bierstedt, W. O. Forshey, and R. K. Waring
pp. A1581-A1585 [View   PDF (951 kB) ]

Equivalence of Different Pair-Breaking Mechanisms in Superconductors
Kazumi Maki and Peter Fulde
pp. A1586-A1592 [View   PDF (1116 kB) ]

Linewidth of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of (Al2O3)1-x(Cr2O3)x
Richard F. Wenzel and Yeong W. Kim
pp. A1592-A1598 [View   PDF (1188 kB) ]

Theory of Melting
Doris Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf
pp. A1599-A1610 [View   PDF (2427 kB) ]

Low- and High-Temperature Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation of NaF: Mn2+
G. A. Persyn and A. W. Nolle
pp. A1610-A1619 [View   PDF (1654 kB) ]

Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Uranium
T. F. Smith and W. E. Gardner
pp. A1620-A1623 [View   PDF (741 kB) ]

Longitudinal Spin Relaxation Time of Cr3+ in Fe-Doped MgO
D. L. Mills
pp. A1623-A1627 [View   PDF (894 kB) ]

Macroscopic Quantum Interference in Superconductors
R. C. Jaklevic, J. Lambe, J. E. Mercereau, and A. H. Silver
pp. A1628-A1637 [View   PDF (1998 kB) ]

Upper Critical Fields of Nb-Ti Alloys: Evidence for the Influence of Pauli Paramagnetism
Y. Shapira and L. J. Neuringer
pp. A1638-A1644 [View   PDF (1332 kB) ]

Ferromagnetism of an Electron Gas
Setsuo Misawa
pp. A1645-A1648 [View   PDF (683 kB) ]

Electron-Phonon Interaction in Organic Molecular Crystals
Lionel Friedman
pp. A1649-A1667 [View   PDF (2767 kB) ]

Time-Decay Characteristics of a Deep-Donor-Shallow-Acceptor Pair Band in Gallium Phosphide
D. F. Nelson and K. F. Rodgers
pp. A1667-A1671 [View   PDF (936 kB) ]

Open-Orbit Resonances in Tin
R. J. Kearney, A. R. Mackintosh, and R. C. Young
pp. A1671-A1677 [View   PDF (948 kB) ]

Magnetic-Field Dependence of the Rf Skin Depth of Gallium
J. F. Cochran and C. A. Shiffman
pp. A1678-A1688 [View   PDF (1472 kB) ]

Cyclotron Resonance in Silver
Donald G. Howard
pp. A1705-A1715 [View   PDF (2064 kB) ]

Optical Field Effect in Silicon
B. O. Seraphin
pp. A1716-A1725 [View   PDF (2013 kB) ]

Zeeman Effects in the Edge Emission and Absorption of ZnO
D. C. Reynolds, C. W. Litton, and T. C. Collins
pp. A1726-A1734 [View   PDF (1534 kB) ]

Excited State of the F Center in KI
Kwangjai Park
pp. A1735-A1741 [View   PDF (1304 kB) ]

Perturbation Calculations of F-Center Wave Functions with Point Ion and Pseudopotentials
Jürgen K. Kübler and Robert J. Friauf
pp. A1742-A1753 [View   PDF (1772 kB) ]

Force Constants of Sodium
Satya Prakash and S. K. Joshi
pp. A1754-A1758 [View   PDF (731 kB) ]

Cl Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in CuCl2·2H2O
W. J. O'Sullivan, W. W. Simmons, and W. A. Robinson
pp. A1759-A1771 [View   PDF (2637 kB) ]

Influence of the Peierls Potentials on the Reversible Stress-Strain Relation for Dislocations
G. Alefeld, R. H. Chambers, and T. E. Firle
pp. A1771-A1780 [View   PDF (1709 kB) ]

Recovery of Pure and Alloyed Aluminum in Stages I and II after 2-MeV Electron Irradiation
C. L. Snead and P. E. Shearin
pp. A1781-A1787 [View   PDF (1122 kB) ]

Third-Order Elastic Constants of NaCl and KCl Single Crystals
Zung-Ping Chang
pp. A1788-A1799 [View   PDF (1795 kB) ]

Magnetic and Thermal Properties of [Cr3 (CH3COO)6 (OH)2]Cl·8H2O, a System of Clusters of Three Cr3+ Ions
Norikiyo Uryû and S. A. Friedberg
pp. A1803-A1811 [View   PDF (1600 kB) ]

Scattering of Long-Wavelength Phonons by Point Imperfections in Crystals
J. A. Krumhansl and J. A. Matthew
pp. A1812-A1817 [View   PDF (1007 kB) ]

Relativistic Effects on the Electronic Band Structure of Compound Semiconductors
P. C. Chow and L. Liu
pp. A1817-A1826 [View   PDF (1684 kB) ]

Coherent Spin-Wave-Phonon Interactions in Thin Magnetic Films
P. E. Wigen, W. I. Dobrov, and M. R. Shanabarger
pp. A1827-A1833 [View   PDF (1177 kB) ]

Size Effect on Phonon Drag in Platinum
R. P. Huebener
pp. A1834-A1844 [View   PDF (1920 kB) ]