Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 6 December 1965
(Volume 140, Issue 5B)

Transverse Polarization of K-Conversion Electrons Following the β Decay of Au198
R. L. Rasera and R. M. Steffen
pp. B1177-B1181 [View   PDF (944 kB) ]

Influence of Multiple Virtual Transitions on the Reorientation Effect in Coulomb Excitation
J. F. Masso and D. L. Lin
pp. B1182-B1190 [View   PDF (1458 kB) ]

Quadrupole Deformation in Li7
Dieter Kurath
pp. B1190-B1192 [View   PDF (535 kB) ]

Validity of the ξ Approximation for the 7 / 2-(β)7 / 2+ Decay in 58Ce141
W. V. Rao, V. S. Rao, D. L. Sastry, and S. Jnanananda
pp. B1193-B1196 [View   PDF (587 kB) ]

Li7 Quadrupole Moment. III
B. M. Morris and R. D. Present
pp. B1197-B1198 [View   PDF (401 kB) ]

O17 and O19 Lifetimes by a Particle-Gamma Coincidence Technique
R. E. McDonald, D. B. Fossan, L. F. Chase, and J. A. Becker
pp. B1198-B1201 [View   PDF (748 kB) ]

Studies of Electromagnetic Transitions in N15 and O15
E. K. Warburton, J. W. Olness, and D. E. Alburger
pp. B1202-B1225 [View   PDF (4592 kB) ]

(He3, d) Reaction on the N=28 Nuclei
D. D. Armstrong and A. G. Blair
pp. B1226-B1236 [View   PDF (1860 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of 160-MeV Protons from Be9, Ca40, Ni58, Sn120, and Pb208
Philip G. Roos and N. S. Wall
pp. B1237-B1244 [View   PDF (1143 kB) ]

Studies on F19 in the O18(p, γ)F19 Reaction
J. P. Allen, A. J. Howard, D. A. Bromley, and J. W. Olness
pp. B1245-B1257 [View   PDF (2420 kB) ]

Study of the F19(He3d)Ne20 Reaction
R. H. Siemssen, L. L. Lee, and Douglas Cline
pp. B1258-B1266 [View   PDF (1388 kB) ]

Small-Angle Scattering of Neutrons by Nuclei
Robert F. Redmond
pp. B1267-B1272 [View   PDF (1110 kB) ]

Calculation of the (π-, π0) Reaction on Complex Nuclei
Sheldon B. Kaufman and Charles O. Hower
pp. B1272-B1276 [View   PDF (880 kB) ]

Fast-Neutron Capture Cross Section of Ni64
H. A. Grench
pp. B1277-B1282 [View   PDF (1182 kB) ]

Levels in Ni57 from the Ni58(He3, α)Ni57 Reaction
Cheng-Ming Fou and Robert W. Zurmühle
pp. B1283-B1290 [View   PDF (1088 kB) ]

Calculations of Neutron-Deuteron Scattering
R. Aaron, R. D. Amado, and Y. Y. Yam
pp. B1291-B1300 [View   PDF (1500 kB) ]

Division of Nuclear Charge Deduced from X-Ray Measurements in the Spontaneous Fission of 252Cf
L. E. Glendenin and J. P. Unik
pp. B1301-B1309 [View   PDF (1639 kB) ]

Emission of K X Rays and Division of Nuclear Charge in the Spontaneous Fission of 252Cf
S. S. Kapoor, H. R. Bowman, and S. G. Thompson
pp. B1310-B1317 [View   PDF (1569 kB) ]

Antiproton-Nucleon Annihilation at Rest into Two Mesons and SU(6) Symmetry
Michiji Konuma and Ettore Remiddi
pp. B1318-B1323 [View   PDF (967 kB) ]

Strong and Electromagnetic Decay of Mesons
Lai-Him Chan
pp. B1324-B1327 [View   PDF (593 kB) ]

Precise Hyperon Masses
P. Schmidt
pp. B1328-B1334 [View   PDF (931 kB) ]

Measurement of the K0 Mass and the K0-K- Mass Difference
J. K. Kim, L. Kirsch, and D. Miller
pp. B1334-B1336 [View   PDF (461 kB) ]

Faddeev Formalism for Four-Particle Systems
A. N. Mitra, J. Gillespie, R. Sugar, and Nargis Panchapakesan
pp. B1336-B1338 [View   PDF (448 kB) ]

Coupling Constants in Muon Capture
L. L. Foldy and J. D. Walecka
pp. B1339-B1350 [View   PDF (1837 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Symmetries and Dynamics of Nonleptonic Decays
Jogesh C. Pati and Sadao Oneda
pp. B1351-B1354 [View   PDF (797 kB) ]

Baryon-Meson Vertex in a Relativistic SU(6) Theory
K. J. Barnes
pp. B1355-B1358 [View   PDF (676 kB) ]

Σ Radiative Decay and the Angular Momentum of Σ Pionic Decay
M. Bazin, H. Blumenfeld, U. Nauenberg, L. Seidlitz, R. J. Plano, S. Marateck, and P. Schmidt
pp. B1358-B1364 [View   PDF (1061 kB) ]

New Sum Rule for Meson-Baryon Total Cross Sections at High Energy
V. Barger and M. H. Rubin
pp. B1365-B1366 [View   PDF (340 kB) ]

SU(6) Predictions for s-Wave Baryon-Baryon Scattering
V. Barger and M. H. Rubin
pp. B1366-B1367 [View   PDF (316 kB) ]

Some Aspects of Complex Angular Momentum and Three-Particle States
Ian T. Drummond
pp. B1368-B1377 [View   PDF (1464 kB) ]

Model of C Violation in Semistrong Interactions
Y. Fujii
pp. B1378-B1386 [View   PDF (1453 kB) ]

Polarization of Recoil Protons from Electron-Proton Scattering at 950 MeV
J. C. Bizot, J. M. Buon, J. Lefrançois, J. Perez-y-Jorba, and P. Roy
pp. B1387-B1402 [View   PDF (2325 kB) ]

Role of Spin in the Monopole Problem
Alfred S. Goldhaber
pp. B1407-B1414 [View   PDF (1362 kB) ]

Approximate Supermultiplet Model Consistent with Relativity and Unitarity
N. J. Papastamatiou and J. C. Taytor
pp. B1415-B1420 [View   PDF (1206 kB) ]

Pomeranchuk Repulsion and Resonance Narrowing
Geoffrey F. Chew
pp. B1427-B1430 [View   PDF (721 kB) ]

Measurement of the K+ Branching Ratio into the τ Mode
A. De Marco-Trabucco, C. Grosso, and G. Rinaudo
pp. B1430-B1432 [View   PDF (379 kB) ]

Photon-Induced Beta Decay in Stellar Interiors
P. B. Shaw, D. D. Clayton, and F. C. Michel
pp. B1433-B1441 [View   PDF (1504 kB) ]

Equations of Motion without Infinite Self-Action Terms in General Relativity
Moshe Carmeli
pp. B1441-B1444 [View   PDF (607 kB) ]

Neutron Stars. I. Properties at Absolute Zero Temperature
John N. Bahcall and Richard A. Wolf
pp. B1445-B1451 [View   PDF (1241 kB) ]

Neutron Stars. II. Neutrino-Cooling and Observability
John N. Bahcall and Richard A. Wolf
pp. B1452-B1466 [View   PDF (2858 kB) ]

Geometric Theory of Neutrinos
Akira Inomata and William A. McKinley
pp. B1467-B1473 [View   PDF (1266 kB) ]

Existence of the S Matrix
Roland Omnes
pp. B1474-B1478 [View   PDF (952 kB) ]