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Directory Listing of /edt/manual/Thesis/

Folder.. - Jan 01 1970 02:00:00 AM
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20080502 Aspects of HF communications HF noise and signal features., James E Giesbrecht/20080502 Aspects of HF communications HF noise and signal features., James E Giesbrecht/ - Jul 14 2019 02:32:53 PM
MOLART Molecular Aspects of Ageing in Painted Art/MOLART Molecular Aspects of Ageing in Painted Art/ - Jul 14 2019 02:33:34 PM
Universiteit Twente/Universiteit Twente/ - Jul 14 2019 02:51:16 PM
1985 Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson c20080222 [98].pdf1985 Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson c20080222 [98].pdf 12756KB Dec 11 2011 03:27:32 PM
1987 Analysis of a discrete time oscillator 283605-1.pdf1987 Analysis of a discrete time oscillator 283605-1.pdf 2834KB Oct 25 2023 12:39:41 AM
2007 Investigations of open-shell open-shell interactions NO-02 and NO2-O2 complexes 603828119.pdf2007 Investigations of open-shell open-shell interactions NO-02 and NO2-O2 complexes 603828119.pdf 9029KB Nov 02 2016 11:27:42 PM
195106 Amdahl WISC thesis [102].pdf195106 Amdahl WISC thesis [102].pdf 4862KB Jul 06 2009 02:22:16 AM
195110 Amdahl WISC thesis [133].pdf195110 Amdahl WISC thesis [133].pdf 7538KB Jul 06 2009 02:21:41 AM
196905 Flux motion and noise in superconductors, G J van Gurp [119].pdf196905 Flux motion and noise in superconductors, G J van Gurp [119].pdf 12816KB Jan 27 2013 04:00:45 PM
199711 Identification and Robust Control of a MIMO Process, Ed Bras OCR [144].pdf199711 Identification and Robust Control of a MIMO Process, Ed Bras OCR [144].pdf 7798KB Oct 23 2016 11:42:59 AM
199711 Identification and Robust Control of a MIMO Process, Ed Bras [144].pdf199711 Identification and Robust Control of a MIMO Process, Ed Bras [144].pdf 12749KB Oct 23 2016 11:06:22 AM
199903 Analysis of Radio Frequency Interference Effects on a Modern Coarse Acquisition Code Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver. Volume 1 [131].pdf199903 Analysis of Radio Frequency Interference Effects on a Modern Coarse Acquisitio
Code Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver. Volume 1 [131].pdf
4664KB Nov 18 2009 02:17:45 PM
200103 Using commerical off the shelf digital signal processors for reliable space based digital signal processong, M Wukitch [116].pdf200103 Using commerical off the shelf digital signal processors for reliable space based digital signal processong, M Wukitch [116].pdf 3973KB Nov 29 2007 07:45:38 PM
200508 Roosters generen in harmony eveleens.pdf200508 Roosters generen in harmony eveleens.pdf 1124KB Jul 08 2015 01:23:40 PM
19390609 A new type resistance capacity oscillator, William Redingto Hewlett.pdf19390609 A new type resistance capacity oscillator, William Redingto Hewlett.pdf 642KB Nov 25 2023 01:06:58 PM
19688514 Steriodproductie in het ovarium van poecilia reticulata, J Lambert c20101108 [119].pdf19688514 Steriodproductie in het ovarium van poecilia reticulata, J Lambert c20101108 [119].pdf 16225KB Nov 09 2010 12:08:28 AM
19711007 Electron  density and X-ray diffraction, Sybolt Harkema OCR [78].pdf19711007 Electron density and X-ray diffraction, Sybolt Harkema OCR [78].pdf 4824KB Jan 08 2023 03:46:04 PM
19711007 Electron  density and X-ray diffraction, Sybolt Harkema [78].pdf19711007 Electron density and X-ray diffraction, Sybolt Harkema [78].pdf 5469KB Jan 08 2023 02:23:13 PM
19720110 Bijdrage tot de oecologie van de meervleermuis Myotis dasycneme, Aldo Voute [161].pdf19720110 Bijdrage tot de oecologie van de meervleermuis Myotis dasycneme, Aldo Voute [161].pdf 21360KB Oct 16 2012 10:18:48 AM
19770514 Macrofauna-cenoses on Stratiotes plants in Dutch broads, L Higler [87].pdf19770514 Macrofauna-cenoses on Stratiotes plants in Dutch broads, L Higler [87].pdf 9464KB Nov 09 2010 03:38:10 AM
19840316 Database models and retrieval languages c19991118 [155].pdf19840316 Database models and retrieval languages c19991118 [155].pdf 2831KB Apr 16 2007 12:10:34 PM
19840405 Quantitative anaysis of retail productivity , A Thurik [258].pdf19840405 Quantitative anaysis of retail productivity , A Thurik [258].pdf 16772KB Nov 09 2010 03:35:34 AM
19851031 Principles of distributed operating system design, Sape Mullender [206].pdf19851031 Principles of distributed operating system design, Sape Mullender [206].pdf 20753KB Oct 16 2012 10:56:54 AM
19871103 Identification of an industrial process a markov parameter appoach, A Backx [333].pdf19871103 Identification of an industrial process a markov parameter appoach, A Backx [333].pdf 22326KB Mar 18 2017 09:53:11 PM
19880517 An asymptotic Analysis of a class of nonlinear hyperbolic equation, W van Horssen [137].pdf19880517 An asymptotic Analysis of a class of nonlinear hyperbolic equation, W van Horssen [137].pdf 6869KB Oct 16 2012 11:40:58 AM
19891218 High-speed and high-resolution analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, R J van de Plassche [116].pdf19891218 High-speed and high-resolution analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, R J van de Plassche [116].pdf 82053KB Jan 21 2008 04:56:12 PM
19920320 Johan Coenradius Boers 1812-1896 en zijn betekenis voor het Nederlandse muziekleven, Wilhelmus Hermanus Thijsse [310].pdf19920320 Johan Coenradius Boers 1812-1896 en zijn betekenis voor het Nederlandse muziekleven, Wilhelmus Hermanus Thijsse [310].pdf 48403KB Mar 15 2013 01:00:07 PM
19931115 Biomechanical aspects of the pelvic bone and design criteria for acetabular prosthescs, M Dalstra [135].pdf19931115 Biomechanical aspects of the pelvic bone and design criteria for acetabular prosthescs, M Dalstra [135].pdf 16559KB Nov 09 2010 03:40:28 AM
19940926 Identification of Model Uncertainty for Control Design, D de Vries 9037001106 [284].pdf19940926 Identification of Model Uncertainty for Control Design, D de Vries 9037001106 [284].pdf 24994KB Mar 18 2017 10:41:29 PM
19950413 Dynamics of chemisorption, Age Raukema [154].pdf19950413 Dynamics of chemisorption, Age Raukema [154].pdf 2825KB Dec 22 2004 07:53:20 PM
19950426 Optical doping of silica by erbium ion implantation, Edwin Snoeks 9090081747 [109].pdf19950426 Optical doping of silica by erbium ion implantation, Edwin Snoeks 9090081747 [109].pdf 2300KB Jan 02 2008 12:40:31 AM
19950613 Organisatie ontwerp van de informatievoorziening, P Mantelaers [404].pdf19950613 Organisatie ontwerp van de informatievoorziening, P Mantelaers [404].pdf 45512KB Oct 24 2016 10:15:20 AM
19951121 Light in strongly scattering and amplifying random media, Diederik Sybolt Wiersma 9090168311 [142].pdf19951121 Light in strongly scattering and amplifying random media, Diederik Sybolt Wiersma 9090168311 [142].pdf 1571KB Apr 14 2005 06:49:32 PM
19951220 Multidimensional periodic scheduling, W Verhaegh [178].pdf19951220 Multidimensional periodic scheduling, W Verhaegh [178].pdf 13530KB Oct 24 2016 10:45:18 AM
19959109 Closed-Loop Identification Issues in the Process Industry, A van der Kauw 9090078045 [207].pdf19959109 Closed-Loop Identification Issues in the Process Industry, A van der Kauw 9090078045 [207].pdf 14332KB Mar 18 2017 11:36:34 PM
19960205 Code generation for transport triggered architectures, J Hoogerbrugge [198].pdf19960205 Code generation for transport triggered architectures, J Hoogerbrugge [198].pdf 18316KB Oct 24 2016 11:18:40 AM
19960403 From design space exploration to code generation, A Timmer [149].pdf19960403 From design space exploration to code generation, A Timmer [149].pdf 16253KB Oct 24 2016 11:41:03 AM
19960509 Decision Support for Strategic Planning in Logistics, L Hagdorn-van der Meijden [240].pdf19960509 Decision Support for Strategic Planning in Logistics, L Hagdorn-van der Meijden [240].pdf 16603KB Oct 20 2007 02:06:12 PM
19970603 Fluctuations in freely suspended smectic-A films, Liesbeth Mol 9090106081 [128].pdf19970603 Fluctuations in freely suspended smectic-A films, Liesbeth Mol 9090106081 [128].pdf 3125KB Dec 31 2007 12:22:59 AM
19970915 Cubatic phase in complex liquids, Ronald Blaak 9039319618 [135].pdf19970915 Cubatic phase in complex liquids, Ronald Blaak 9039319618 [135].pdf 2752KB Dec 31 2007 12:13:24 AM
19971020 Diffusion of Confined Colloidal Particles, Maarten Hagen 9039317127 [89].pdf19971020 Diffusion of Confined Colloidal Particles, Maarten Hagen 9039317127 [89].pdf 2663KB Dec 31 2007 12:05:02 AM
19971114 Electronic and collisional energy transfer in ion-surface scattering, Wim Koppers 9090110208 [142].pdf19971114 Electronic and collisional energy transfer in ion-surface scattering, Wim Koppers 9090110208 [142].pdf 4492KB Jan 02 2008 12:32:16 AM
19971119 Surface photochemistry of physisorbed molecules, Hans G. Jenniskens 9090111115 [111].pdf19971119 Surface photochemistry of physisorbed molecules, Hans G. Jenniskens 9090111115 [111].pdf 2040KB Jan 02 2008 12:25:51 AM
19980327 Climbing quantum ladder systems by ultrashort infrared laser pulses, Diederik J. Maas 9090127496 [108].pdf19980327 Climbing quantum ladder systems by ultrashort infrared laser pulses, Diederik J. Maas 9090127496 [108].pdf 2257KB Jan 02 2008 12:36:23 AM
19980409 Negative hydrogen ions in intense laser fields, Ernst van Duijn [152].pdf19980409 Negative hydrogen ions in intense laser fields, Ernst van Duijn [152].pdf 2945KB Jan 02 2008 12:19:18 AM
19980908 Liquid-like behavior in solids, Solid-like behavior in liquids, Peter Bolhuis [129].pdf19980908 Liquid-like behavior in solids, Solid-like behavior in liquids, Peter Bolhuis [129].pdf 2545KB Dec 31 2007 12:26:34 AM
19981023 Numerical study of pathways for homogeneous nucleation, Pieter Rein ten Wolde 9090120580 [192].pdf19981023 Numerical study of pathways for homogeneous nucleation, Pieter Rein ten Wolde 9090120580 [192].pdf 1563KB Dec 22 2004 08:49:54 PM
19990122 Artificial atoms and molecules on manybody effects and coherence in semiconductor quantum ots, Tjerk Hendik Oosterkamp [148].pdf19990122 Artificial atoms and molecules on manybody effects and coherence in semiconductor quantum ots, Tjerk Hendik Oosterkamp [148].pdf 6295KB May 11 2011 06:06:12 PM
19990225 Interface structure of growing crystals, Steven de Vries 9090123539 [110].pdf19990225 Interface structure of growing crystals, Steven de Vries 9090123539 [110].pdf 2040KB Jan 02 2008 12:43:03 AM
19990325 Molecular studies of fresh and aged triterpenoid varnishes, Gisela A. van der Doelen 9080170437 [191].pdf19990325 Molecular studies of fresh and aged triterpenoid varnishes, Gisela A. van der Doelen 9080170437 [191].pdf 1151KB Oct 22 2005 11:13:51 PM
19990623 Laser desorption analyses in trapped ion mass spectrometry systems, Gerard J. van Rooij 9090127496 [160].pdf19990623 Laser desorption analyses in trapped ion mass spectrometry systems, Gerard J. van Rooij 9090127496 [160].pdf 2862KB Jan 02 2008 12:38:48 AM
19990630 Surface-induced Dissociation for Application in Mass Spectrometry, Janine de Maaijer-Gielbert [101].pdf19990630 Surface-induced Dissociation for Application in Mass Spectrometry, Janine de Maaijer-Gielbert [101].pdf 523KB Dec 22 2004 07:57:32 PM
19991012 Kinetics and dynamics of trapped Bose-condensed gases, Peter O. Fedichev [76].pdf19991012 Kinetics and dynamics of trapped Bose-condensed gases, Peter O. Fedichev [76].pdf 1100KB Dec 31 2007 12:00:20 AM
20000627 Adsorbate induced partial passivation of gas-surface interactions, Bart Berenbak [120].pdf20000627 Adsorbate induced partial passivation of gas-surface interactions, Bart Berenbak [120].pdf 2397KB Dec 28 2007 12:29:13 PM
20000627 Interacting atoms in clocks and condensates, S Kokkelmans.pdf20000627 Interacting atoms in clocks and condensates, S Kokkelmans.pdf 20054KB Apr 17 2016 06:47:34 PM
20000918 Energy transfer in erbium doped optical waveguides based on silicon, Pieter Geert Kik 9039324913 [114].pdf20000918 Energy transfer in erbium doped optical waveguides based on silicon, Pieter Geert Kik 9039324913 [114].pdf 1948KB Dec 22 2004 07:48:20 PM
20001102 An Atomic Scale View on a Model Catalyst, Pd Nanoparticles on TiO2 Martin J.J. Jak 9090142223 [145].pdf20001102 An Atomic Scale View on a Model Catalyst, Pd Nanoparticles on TiO2 Martin J.J. Jak 9090142223 [145].pdf 5878KB Dec 28 2007 12:42:43 PM
20001117 Rare-earth doped polymer waveguides and light emitting diodes, Lenneke H. Slooff 9039325375 [128].pdf20001117 Rare-earth doped polymer waveguides and light emitting diodes, Lenneke H. Slooff 9039325375 [128].pdf 6410KB Dec 19 2007 08:26:50 PM
20010302 Bose-Einstein Condensation with High Atom Number in a Deep Magnetic Trap, Kai Dieckmann 9090145478 [130].pdf20010302 Bose-Einstein Condensation with High Atom Number in a Deep Magnetic Trap, Kai Dieckmann 9090145478 [130].pdf 3733KB Dec 22 2004 08:49:26 PM
20010322 Activation barriers in gas-surface reactions, Bernd Riedmüller [130].pdf20010322 Activation barriers in gas-surface reactions, Bernd Riedmüller [130].pdf 4182KB Dec 28 2007 12:54:54 PM
20010523 Constraint analysis for dsp vode generation, B Mesman [126].pdf20010523 Constraint analysis for dsp vode generation, B Mesman [126].pdf 11783KB Oct 24 2016 12:00:46 PM
20010530 Multichannel decay dynamics of Rydberg atoms and molecules, Marcel Warntjes [130].pdf20010530 Multichannel decay dynamics of Rydberg atoms and molecules, Marcel Warntjes [130].pdf 1966KB Dec 28 2007 01:17:58 PM
20010531 Making and breaking of Rydberg atoms, Cees Wesdorp [154].pdf20010531 Making and breaking of Rydberg atoms, Cees Wesdorp [154].pdf 4859KB Dec 19 2007 07:33:04 PM
20011129 Molecular changes in egg tempera paint dosimeters, Oscar O. van den Brink 9080170461 [216].pdf20011129 Molecular changes in egg tempera paint dosimeters, Oscar O. van den Brink 9080170461 [216].pdf 7237KB Dec 22 2004 08:47:08 PM
20011210 Optical properties of ion beam modified waveguide materials doped with erbium and silver, Christof Strohhöfer 9090153306 [135].pdf20011210 Optical properties of ion beam modified waveguide materials doped with erbium and silver, Christof Strohhöfer 9090153306 [135].pdf 7412KB Dec 19 2007 07:28:58 PM
20011212 Ordering and fluctuations in smectic membranes, Andrea Fera 9090152792 [125].pdf20011212 Ordering and fluctuations in smectic membranes, Andrea Fera 9090152792 [125].pdf 4561KB Dec 22 2004 08:45:34 PM
20011218 Alignment of Diatomic Molecules Induced by Intense Laser Fields, Florentina Rosca-Pruna 9090154523 [182].pdf20011218 Alignment of Diatomic Molecules Induced by Intense Laser Fields, Florentina Rosca-Pruna 9090154523 [182].pdf 3749KB Dec 19 2007 07:30:16 PM
20020109 The Molecular Basis of the Fischer Tropsch Reaction, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica 9038626436 [205].pdf20020109 The Molecular Basis of the Fischer Tropsch Reaction, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica 9038626436 [205].pdf 5100KB Dec 28 2006 05:03:35 PM
20020215 Electrospray ionisation FT-ICR mass spectrometry of linear and hyperbranched polymers, Sander Koster [200].pdf20020215 Electrospray ionisation FT-ICR mass spectrometry of linear and hyperbranched polymers, Sander Koster [200].pdf 5360KB Dec 22 2004 08:43:42 PM
20020221 Cluster Explosions and Characterization of Ultrashort XUV Pulses, Elena-Simona Toma 9090154833 [111].pdf20020221 Cluster Explosions and Characterization of Ultrashort XUV Pulses, Elena-Simona Toma 9090154833 [111].pdf 980KB Dec 19 2007 07:26:58 PM
20020315 Flexible Theories for Flexible Molecules, Paul Petrus Franciscus Wessels 9090156461 [161].pdf20020315 Flexible Theories for Flexible Molecules, Paul Petrus Franciscus Wessels 9090156461 [161].pdf 1167KB Dec 19 2007 07:25:54 PM
20020318 Towards a complete photonic band gap in the visible, Krassimir Petkov Velikov 9039329869 [104].pdf20020318 Towards a complete photonic band gap in the visible, Krassimir Petkov Velikov 9039329869 [104].pdf 31092KB Dec 22 2004 08:38:54 PM
20020411 Silicon photonic crystals and spontaneous emission, Michiel Jacob Andries de Dood 9090156542 [174].pdf20020411 Silicon photonic crystals and spontaneous emission, Michiel Jacob Andries de Dood 9090156542 [174].pdf 7633KB Dec 22 2004 07:35:08 PM
20020426 Analytical chemical studies on traditional linseed oil paints, Jorrit Dirk Jan van den Berg 908017047X [301].pdf20020426 Analytical chemical studies on traditional linseed oil paints, Jorrit Dirk Jan van den Berg 908017047X [301].pdf 3148KB Dec 22 2004 08:35:48 PM
20020531 Monet, A Next-Generation DBMS Kernel for Query-Intensive Applications 9061965128 [209].pdf20020531 Monet, A Next-Generation DBMS Kernel for Query-Intensive Applications 9061965128 [209].pdf 3218KB Jan 11 2006 01:12:32 PM
20020930 Colloidal epitaxy a real-space analysis, Jacob Hoogenboom 9039331308 [184].pdf20020930 Colloidal epitaxy a real-space analysis, Jacob Hoogenboom 9039331308 [184].pdf 33587KB Dec 22 2004 08:31:54 PM
20021031 Spectral sampling techniques for atmospheric modeling, Rüdiger Lang [207].pdf20021031 Spectral sampling techniques for atmospheric modeling, Rüdiger Lang [207].pdf 3743KB Dec 19 2007 08:06:24 PM
20021120 Force generation by growing microtubules, Marcel Ernestus Janson 9080170496 [143].pdf20021120 Force generation by growing microtubules, Marcel Ernestus Janson 9080170496 [143].pdf 2042KB Dec 22 2004 08:27:04 PM
20021127 Quantitative Prediction of Crystal Nucleation Rates for Spherical Colloids, Stefan Alexander Auer [117].pdf20021127 Quantitative Prediction of Crystal Nucleation Rates for Spherical Colloids, Stefan Alexander Auer [117].pdf 3483KB Dec 22 2004 08:26:04 PM
20021201 Microspectroscopic analysis of traditional oil paint, Jaap van der Weerd 9080170488 [194].pdf20021201 Microspectroscopic analysis of traditional oil paint, Jaap van der Weerd 9080170488 [194].pdf 127295KB Oct 22 2005 11:21:41 PM
20030409 Bose-Einstein condensation in low-dimensional trapped gases, Dmitry S. Petrov [87].pdf20030409 Bose-Einstein condensation in low-dimensional trapped gases, Dmitry S. Petrov [87].pdf 927KB Dec 19 2007 07:21:46 PM
20030508 Bose-Einstein condensation into non-equilibrium states, Igor Shvarchuck 9077209018 [106].pdf20030508 Bose-Einstein condensation into non-equilibrium states, Igor Shvarchuck 9077209018 [106].pdf 3203KB Dec 19 2007 07:21:10 PM
20030701 Impulsive interactions of half cycle pulse radiation with Rydberg Atoms, Anouk Agnes Renier Wetzels 9090168311 [127].pdf20030701 Impulsive interactions of half cycle pulse radiation with Rydberg Atoms, Anouk Agnes Renier Wetzels 9090168311 [127].pdf 5724KB Dec 19 2007 07:24:08 PM
20031120 Laser desorption mass spectrometric studies of artists'organic pigments, Nicolas Wyplosz 9077209026 [222].pdf20031120 Laser desorption mass spectrometric studies of artists'organic pigments, Nicolas Wyplosz 9077209026 [222].pdf 3669KB Oct 22 2005 11:40:45 PM
20031210 Disorder in entropic solids, Sander Pronk [112].pdf20031210 Disorder in entropic solids, Sander Pronk [112].pdf 2012KB Dec 19 2007 07:16:54 PM
20031213 An Experimental Study of Multiple Continua in Small Molecules, Laura Ciubotariu-Dinu [127].pdf20031213 An Experimental Study of Multiple Continua in Small Molecules, Laura Ciubotariu-Dinu [127].pdf 5108KB Dec 22 2004 08:06:48 PM
20031215 An experimental study of multiple continua in small molecules, Laura Dinu 9077209050 [127].pdf20031215 An experimental study of multiple continua in small molecules, Laura Dinu 9077209050 [127].pdf 4023KB Jun 22 2008 11:23:47 PM
20031215 Rydberg atoms in low-frequency fields, Andreas Stefan Gürtler 9077209042 [94].pdf20031215 Rydberg atoms in low-frequency fields, Andreas Stefan Gürtler 9077209042 [94].pdf 1867KB Dec 22 2004 08:06:00 PM
20040123 Ultrafast vibrational dynamics of water, Arie Jacob Lock 9077209069 [152].pdf20040123 Ultrafast vibrational dynamics of water, Arie Jacob Lock 9077209069 [152].pdf 15696KB Dec 22 2004 08:04:35 PM
20040426 Ion irradiation-induced anisotropic plastic deformation, Teun van Dillen 9039336709 [128].pdf20040426 Ion irradiation-induced anisotropic plastic deformation, Teun van Dillen 9039336709 [128].pdf 12364KB Dec 22 2004 07:56:34 PM
20040518 Molecular studies of asphalt, mummy and Kassel earth, Georgiana M. Languri 9077209077 [193].pdf20040518 Molecular studies of asphalt, mummy and Kassel earth, Georgiana M. Languri 9077209077 [193].pdf 18749KB Dec 22 2004 08:01:38 PM
20040525 Biologically Inspired Problems Concerning Semiflexible Filaments. Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino 9077209085 [150].pdf20040525 Biologically Inspired Problems Concerning Semiflexible Filaments. Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino 9077209085 [150].pdf 9976KB Dec 22 2004 07:59:30 PM
20040630 Physical modeling of microtubule force generation and self-organzation, Catalin C. Tanase 9085040213 [163].pdf20040630 Physical modeling of microtubule force generation and self-organzation, Catalin C. Tanase 9085040213 [163].pdf 4236KB Dec 18 2007 06:19:36 PM
20041015 Electron spin and charge in semiconductor quantum dots, Jeroen Martijn Elzerman [159].pdf20041015 Electron spin and charge in semiconductor quantum dots, Jeroen Martijn Elzerman [159].pdf 19298KB May 11 2011 06:06:14 PM
20041021 Carbonization of peas and wheat - a window into the past a laboratory study, Freek Braadbaart 9080806102 [208].pdf20041021 Carbonization of peas and wheat - a window into the past a laboratory study, Freek Braadbaart 9080806102 [208].pdf 5354KB Dec 22 2004 07:24:08 PM
20041122 Optical tweezers in concentrated colloidal dispersions, Manipulating and imaging individual particles, Dirk Leo Joep Vossen 9039338817 [143].pdf20041122 Optical tweezers in concentrated colloidal dispersions, Manipulating and ima
ing individual particles, Dirk Leo Joep Vossen 9039338817 [143].pdf
12442KB Dec 19 2007 07:16:08 PM
20041126 Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of driven transport in colloidal systems, Fabrizio Capuani [146].pdf20041126 Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of driven transport in colloidal systems, Fabrizio Capuani [146].pdf 1214KB Dec 22 2004 07:23:10 PM
20050126 Membrane tube formation by motor proteins Forces and Dynamics, Gerbrand Koster 9064649758 [141].pdf20050126 Membrane tube formation by motor proteins Forces and Dynamics, Gerbrand Koster 9064649758 [141].pdf 14309KB Feb 07 2005 07:50:17 PM
20050225 Dynamics of smectic membranes as studied by x-ray and neutron scattering, Irakli Sikharulidze 9077209093 [101].pdf20050225 Dynamics of smectic membranes as studied by x-ray and neutron scattering, Irakli Sikharulidze 9077209093 [101].pdf 3146KB Dec 18 2007 06:10:06 PM
20050309 Controlled spontaneous emission in erbium-doped microphotonic materials, Jeroen Kalkman 9039302952 [126].pdf20050309 Controlled spontaneous emission in erbium-doped microphotonic materials, Jeroen Kalkman 9039302952 [126].pdf 4516KB Mar 16 2005 06:51:04 PM
20050310 Interfaces in soft x-ray multilayer mirrors, Marcus Jozef Henricus Kessels 903652153X [107].pdf20050310 Interfaces in soft x-ray multilayer mirrors, Marcus Jozef Henricus Kessels 903652153X [107].pdf 2416KB Mar 16 2005 06:50:24 PM
20050421 Sunlight on atmospheric water vapor and mineral aerosol, modeling the link between laboratory data and remote sensing, Ben Veihelmann 9064648662 [158].pdf20050421 Sunlight on atmospheric water vapor and mineral aerosol, modeling the link b
tween laboratory data and remote sensing, Ben Veihelmann 9064648662 [158].pdf
2086KB Dec 18 2007 06:18:46 PM
20050504 Engineering of sufaces and interfaces using low energy ions, improving the optical quality of multilayered systems for x-ray reflection, Jan Verhoeven v [140].pdf20050504 Engineering of sufaces and interfaces using low energy ions, improving the o
tical quality of multilayered systems for x-ray reflection, Jan Verhoeven v [140].pdf
10695KB May 19 2005 04:52:42 PM
20050607 Ordering of block copolymers and smectic elastomers, Denitza Mihailova Lambreva 9038630565 [136].pdf20050607 Ordering of block copolymers and smectic elastomers, Denitza Mihailova Lambreva 9038630565 [136].pdf 5826KB Dec 18 2007 06:13:52 PM
20050622 Binding medium, pigments and metal soaps characterised and localised in paint cross-sections, Katrien Keune 9077209107 [217].pdf20050622 Binding medium, pigments and metal soaps characterised and localised in paint cross-sections, Katrien Keune 9077209107 [217].pdf 11446KB Jun 23 2005 06:49:10 PM
20050623 Writing with amino acids designing the folding and binding of model proteins, Ivan Coluzza [96].pdf20050623 Writing with amino acids designing the folding and binding of model proteins, Ivan Coluzza [96].pdf 11584KB Jun 23 2005 06:45:24 PM
20050625 Ultrafast Redistribution of Vibrational Energy in Liquids, M A F H van den Broek 9090158952 [102].pdf20050625 Ultrafast Redistribution of Vibrational Energy in Liquids, M A F H van den Broek 9090158952 [102].pdf 1350KB Dec 28 2007 12:35:59 PM
20050929 Dissociative recombination of atmospheric ions, towards unravelling the physics behind airglows, Annemieke Petrignani 9077209301 [193].pdf20050929 Dissociative recombination of atmospheric ions, towards unravelling the physics behind airglows, Annemieke Petrignani 9077209301 [193].pdf 4634KB Dec 18 2007 06:09:30 PM
20051003 Quantum transport in carbon nanotubes, Pablo David JARILLO-HERRERO [128].pdf20051003 Quantum transport in carbon nanotubes, Pablo David JARILLO-HERRERO [128].pdf 4173KB May 11 2011 06:06:16 PM
20051011 Collective and Collisional Properties of the Rubidium Quantum Gas, Christian Buggle [143].pdf20051011 Collective and Collisional Properties of the Rubidium Quantum Gas, Christian Buggle [143].pdf 2992KB Oct 11 2005 06:02:22 PM
20051017 Usability of XML Query Languages 903934065X [226].pdf20051017 Usability of XML Query Languages 903934065X [226].pdf 8792KB Apr 16 2007 11:58:04 AM
20051125 Charge Dynamics in Novel Semiconductors, Euan Hendry 9064644616 [145].pdf20051125 Charge Dynamics in Novel Semiconductors, Euan Hendry 9064644616 [145].pdf 4910KB Dec 15 2005 05:21:14 PM
20051128 Towards terahertz microscopy, Nicolaas Cornelis Johannes VAN DER VALK [177].pdf20051128 Towards terahertz microscopy, Nicolaas Cornelis Johannes VAN DER VALK [177].pdf 3880KB Dec 13 2007 06:25:40 PM
20051219 Mass Microscopy, Imaging biomolecules on surfaces, Stefan Libertus Luxembourg 9039341214 [128].pdf20051219 Mass Microscopy, Imaging biomolecules on surfaces, Stefan Libertus Luxembourg 9039341214 [128].pdf 8534KB Dec 18 2007 06:06:06 PM
20051222 Structural analysis of sulfide containing peptides using electron capture dissociation, Anne Kleinnijenhuis 9039339902 [120].pdf20051222 Structural analysis of sulfide containing peptides using electron capture dissociation, Anne Kleinnijenhuis 9039339902 [120].pdf 885KB Oct 11 2005 06:04:19 PM
20060203 Learning behind the frontline of public service, A Bruining [324].pdf20060203 Learning behind the frontline of public service, A Bruining [324].pdf 40086KB Oct 16 2012 10:04:59 PM
20060601 mobile image communication using jpeg2000 9783836454117 [216].pdf20060601 mobile image communication using jpeg2000 9783836454117 [216].pdf 9878KB Sep 15 2008 08:02:48 PM
20060619 Development and Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive MAC Protocol for MC CDMA Wireless LANs with QoS Support 9783861309314 [243].pdf20060619 Development and Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive MAC Protocol for MC CDMA Wireless LANs with QoS Support 9783861309314 [243].pdf 2764KB Sep 15 2008 07:46:02 PM
20060925 High-refractive index particles in counter-propagating optical tweezers, manipulation and forces, Astrid van der Horst 9039343462 [160].pdf20060925 High-refractive index particles in counter-propagating optical tweezers, manipulation and forces, Astrid van der Horst 9039343462 [160].pdf 4142KB Oct 17 2006 06:10:13 PM
20060925 Tunable plasmon resonances in anisotropic metal nanostructures, Johanna Jacoba Penninkhof 9789039343160 [136].pdf20060925 Tunable plasmon resonances in anisotropic metal nanostructures, Johanna Jacoba Penninkhof 9789039343160 [136].pdf 6665KB Dec 17 2007 09:25:24 PM
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