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Intel C/C++ Compiler Plug-in Features and Benefits

The Intel C/C++ Compiler plug-in is compatible with the Microsoft* Visual C++* IDE and can be used as a plug-in to the Microsoft Developer Studio*. Here's a summary of the compiler's features and benefits.

Feature Benefit
Supports MMX™ technology through the use of C “intrinsics.” Allows developers to use call syntax of C functions instead of manually coding in assembly language.
Supports inline assembly language insertions. Allows flexibility for particular performance demands.
Provides integrated register allocation. Results in increased processing speed.
Provides instruction scheduling tailored to the small number of registers. Reorders the generated machine instructions so that more than one can execute in parallel.
Provides comprehensive use of the rich addressing modes. Reduces the number of instructions in program.
Provides support for whole-program compilation. Stores information about the entire program before performing multifile optimizations.
Provides profile-guided optimizations. Allows the compiler to adjust the flow of the program to achieve optimum performance based on previous executions with the same data set.
Provides loop-intensive data cache transformations. Maximizes use of cache.
Provides maximum floating-point instruction throughput. Allows you to completely use the floating-point stack.
Provides a “blended” code optimization switch. Allows you to generate code that provides excellent performance with any Intel Architecture processor, including the Pentium® II processor.
Provides processor-specific optimizations. Allows you to maximize performance on a specific Intel Architecture processor, including the Pentium II processor.

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