Intel C/C++ Compiler Version 2.4 Build P98012 Update
A free Intel C/C++ Compiler update is now available for downloading and allows current users
of the compiler to install the new features and improvements
provided by the Intel C/C++ Compiler version 2.4 build P98012.
Intel compilers are identified by the version and build numbers.
To find out which version and build of the Intel C/C++ Compiler is currently installed
on your system, type "icl" at the DOS command line and it will be displayed. Build P97241
of the Intel C/C++ Compiler version 2.4 was the previous release and is shipped on
the VTune 2.5 CD.
To download and install the Intel C/C++ Compiler update, you need a new password. To
get this password:
- From within the U.S., call Intel at 1-800-253-3696 and select option #1.
- From outside the U.S. or Canada, call 503-264-2203. (Hours are 8 - 5 PST.)
Attendants will verify you are a current user.
If you have a password,
click here to register and download the update.