Intel C/C++ Compiler Plug-in System Requirements
The Intel C/C++ Compiler plug-in requires the following hardware and software:
- Hardware
- Intel Pentium® processor-based system (a Pentium,
Pentium Pro, Pentium with MMX technology, or Pentium II processor-based system)
or Intel486 processor-based system
- 20 megabytes RAM (32 megabytes RAM recommended)
- 100 megabytes of hard disk space for the virtual memory paging file. Be sure
to use at least the minimum amount of virtual memory recommended by Microsoft*
- Software
- Microsoft Windows NT* or Windows 95
- Microsoft Visual C++* 4.x/5.0, Professional Edition (Visual C++ Standard
Edition is not supported). Please see Note below.
- Microsoft Macro Assembler* (MASM) Version 6.11 or later is required
if you want to use options that produce or operate on assembly files. Additionally,
if your program generates MMX technology code, you must assemble your code with
MASM 6.11d or later.
- The Intel C/C++ Compiler is not designed to be used in the Watcom* & Borland*
development environments.
NOTE:The Intel C/C++ Compiler Plug-in (version 2.4) will operate
with either MSVC++* 4.x or MSVC++ 5.0. However, some new features of MSVC++ 5.0, such as native COM, are
not supported in this version of the Intel C/C++ Compiler.
* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation