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Intel C/C++ Compiler Plug-in System Requirements

The Intel C/C++ Compiler plug-in requires the following hardware and software:

  • Hardware
    • Intel Pentium® processor-based system (a Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium with MMX™ technology, or Pentium II processor-based system) or Intel486™ processor-based system
    • 20 megabytes RAM (32 megabytes RAM recommended)
    • 100 megabytes of hard disk space for the virtual memory paging file. Be sure to use at least the minimum amount of virtual memory recommended by Microsoft* Windows*.
  • Software
    • Microsoft Windows NT* or Windows 95
    • Microsoft Visual C++* 4.x/5.0, Professional Edition (Visual C++ Standard Edition is not supported). Please see Note below.
    • Microsoft Macro Assembler* (MASM) Version 6.11 or later is required if you want to use options that produce or operate on assembly files. Additionally, if your program generates MMX™ technology code, you must assemble your code with MASM 6.11d or later.
    • The Intel C/C++ Compiler is not designed to be used in the Watcom* & Borland* development environments.

      NOTE:The Intel C/C++ Compiler Plug-in (version 2.4) will operate with either MSVC++* 4.x or MSVC++ 5.0. However, some new features of MSVC++ 5.0, such as native COM, are not supported in this version of the Intel C/C++ Compiler.

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