Control Menus    Related Topics

The Control menus provide standard Windows™ functions to control windows. The analyzer provides two types of Control menus with analogous function:

Double-clicking a control icon is the same as clicking the icon or the Close menu command.

(No direct access via front panel keys)

The Control menu contains the following functions:


Returns the maximized or minimized active window to its size and position. Restore is available after a Maximize or Minimize command only.


Displays a four-headed arrow to move the active window with the arrow keys or with the mouse.

Moving a setup window

This command is unavailable for maximized windows.


Displays a four-headed arrow to change the size of the active window using the arrow keys or the mouse.

Sizing a setup window


Reduces the active window to an icon.

You can also configure the NWA application to be started with a minimized window; see Startup Procedure.


Enlarges the active window to fill the available space.


Closes the active setup window (setup control menu) or ends the analyzer session (application control menu).

The Close application command is equivalent to the Exit command in the File menu. Moreover Close is the same as double-clicking a Control menu icon or clicking the icon in the title bar of the active window.


Selects the next diagram area as the active diagram area. This command is available in setup control menus only and is disabled if only one setup is defined.