File Menu    Related Topics

The File menu provides standard Windows™ functions to create, save, recall or print setups, to copy the current screen and to shut down the application.

A setup comprises a set of diagram areas with all displayed information that can be stored to a NWA setup file (*.zvx). Each setup is displayed in an independent window.  

The relation between global settings, setups, channels and traces is described in the Basic Concepts section.

The File menu contains the following functions:


Creates a new setup and opens a new setup window. The new setup is named Setup<n> where <n> is the current number for all created setups.

 To open an existing setup, select File – Open / Recall. To rename a setup, use File – Save As.

Remote control:

MEMory:DEFine "<setup_name>"


Closes an opened setup window. The analyzer suggests to save changes to the setup before closing it. If a setup is closed without saving, all changes made since the last time it was saved are lost.

Remote control:

MEMory:DELete[:NAME] "<setup_name>"


Prints the active setup. This command opens a standard Windows™ Print dialog box to, specify the range of pages to be printed, the number of copies, the destination printer, and other printer setup options.

Remote control:

The commands in the HCOPy... system provide the printer settings.
initiates the print.

Print Dialog

Provides options to specify how the setup should be printed. Print is opened by means of the File –  Print... command.

The following printer options are remembered when the dialog is closed:

To select further printer options, open the Print Setup dialog.

Remote control:


Print Preview

Displays the active setup as it would appear when printed. The analyzer generates one printed page for each diagram area in the setup. The main window is replaced with a print preview window in which one or two pages/diagram areas are displayed in their printed format.

Across the top of the screen the print preview toolbar offers options to view either one or two pages/diagram areas at a time; move back and forth through the setup; zoom in and out of pages/diagram areas (2 steps possible); initiate a print job or close the preview without printing:

Remote control:

No commands for check on screen.
initiates the print.

Page Setup

Selects a printer and a printer connection. This command presents a Page Setup dialog box to specify the printer and its connection.

Page Setup Dialog

Provides options to specify how the document should be printed. Page Setup is opened by means of the File – Page Setup... command.

To select the Print Range and start printing, open the Print dialog. To install printers and configure ports use the Control Panel.

Remote control:







Print to Clipboard

Copies the current screen or a portion of it to the clipboard in order to be pasted into another application.

Use Print to File to copy the screen contents to a file with a selectable bitmap format. Print to File also provides options to specify which portion of the screen is copied to the clipboard.

Print to File

Opens a Print to File dialog to select a file and file format to store the current screen contents.

Remote control:

HCOPy:DESTination 'MMEM'

Print to File Dialog

Provides options to specify how the screen contents are stored to a file. Copy Display is opened by means of the File – Copy Screen to File command.

After a file has been saved, the selected copy Options are also used if the screen is copied to the clipboard.

Remote control:

HCOPy:DESTination 'MMEM'





Saves and names the active setup. The analyzer opens a standard Windows™ Save As dialog box to select a NWA setup file name (*.zvx) and location for the setup file.

Remote control:

MMEMory:STORe:STATe 1,"<file_name>"

Save As Dialog

Specifies the name and location of a particular file (e.g. a NWA setup file) to save:

The Save As dialog is used to store various data types (e.g. cal kit data, limit lines, sweep segment lists, ...). Depending on its use the dialog is opened with different file locations and data types. File locations (directories) are remembered when the dialog is closed. To restore default directories use the System System Configuration Resets dialog.  

Open / Recall

Recalls an existing setup from a file. The analyzer opens a standard Windows™ Open File dialog box to select the file from all NWA setup files (*.zvx) stored on the file system.

It is not possible to open the same setup in different windows. If an opened setup is changed and an attempt is made to open the same setup again the analyzer displays a warning:  

Yes overwrites the changes in the opened setup, No closes the message box, leaving the opened setup unchanged.

It is possible to create and open several setup files with the same contents but different names or locations. To open/recall a setup file (*.zvx) you can also use the Windows Explorer and simply double-click the file or drag and drop the file into the NWA application. The imported setup becomes the active setup.

Remote control:

MMEMory:LOAD:STATe 1,"<file_name>"

Open File Dialog

Specifies the name and location of a particular file (e.g. a NWA setup file) to open:

Recent File

Is a placeholder which is replaced by a list of the last 4 setups stored in the current or in previous sessions. Clicking an item in the list opens the corresponding setup.

Use the setup list in the Window menu to switch between different open setups.

Remote control:

MEMory:CAT? (returns a list of the loaded files).


Ends the analyzer session. The analyzer prompts you to save setups with unsaved changes.

This command is equivalent to the Close command on the application Control menu.