CONFigure...    Related Topics

This subsystem creates and deletes channels or traces and assigns channel or trace names. The commands are device-specific.


Command tree: CONFigure

















Returns the numbers and names of all channels in the current setup.


Channel number. This parameter is ignored because the command returns all channels.  



String with comma-separated list of channel numbers and names, see example below. If all channels have been deleted the response is an empty string ("").


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only.




Create channel 2 and assign the channel name "New Channel".  


Query all channels and their names. As a default channel no. 1 is created on *RST, the response is '1,Ch1,2,New_Channel'.

CONF:CHAN:NAME:ID? 'New Channel'

Query the channel number for the channel named "New Channel". The response is 2.  


CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:NAME '<Ch_name>'

Assigns a name to channel number <Ch>. The channel must be created before (CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>[:STATe] ON). Moreover it is not possible to assign the same name to two different channels. CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:CATalog? returns a list of all defined channels with their names.


Number of an existing channel.  



Channel name, e.g. 'Channel 4'.


*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.



See CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:CATalog?



CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:NAME:ID? '<Ch_name>'

Queries the channel number (numeric suffix) of a channel with known channel name. A channel name must be assigned before (CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>NAME '<Ch_name>'). CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:CATalog? returns a list of all defined channels with their names.


Channel number. This suffix is not relevant and may be omitted (the command returns the actual channel number).



Channel name, e.g. 'Channel 4'.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.



See CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:CATalog?



CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:TRACe:REName '<Tr_name>'

Assigns a (new) name to the active trace in channel <Ch>.  


Channel number.  



Trace name, e.g. 'Trace 4'.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query.



*RST; :CONF:CHAN:TRAC:REN 'Testtrace_1'

Reset the analyzer to create a default trace in channel 1 and set this trace as the active trace. Rename the trace 'Testtrace_1'.  

CALC:PAR:SDEF 'Testtrace_2', 'S11'

Create a new trace which will become the active trace in channel no. 1.

CONF:TRAC:REN 'Testtrace_1', 'Testtrace_3'

Rename the first trace (which is currently not active) 'Testtrace_3'.  


CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>[:STATe] <Boolean>

Creates or deletes channel no. <Ch> and selects it as the active channel. CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:NAME defines the channel name.

A channel created with CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>[:STATe] ON can be configured but has no trace assigned so that no measurement can be initiated. Use CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine "<Trace_name>,"<Parameter>" to create a new channel and a new trace.  
In remote control it is possible to remove all channels. This is in contrast to manual control where at least one channel with one diagram area and one trace must be available.


Number of the channel to be created or deleted.  



ON - Create channel no. <Ch>. If the channel no. <Ch> exists already, it is not modified but selected as the active channel
OFF - Delete channel no. <Ch>.  

*RST value

ON for channel no. 1 (created on *RST), OFF for all other channels.   


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.  



See CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:CATalog?



Returns the numbers and names of all traces in the current setup.


Trace number. This suffix is ignored; the command returns a list of all traces.



String with comma-separated list of trace numbers and names, see example below. If all traces have been deleted the response is an empty string ("").


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only.



*RST; :CALC2:PAR:SDEF 'Ch2Trc2', 'S11'

Create channel 2 and a new  trace named Ch2Trc2.  


Query all traces and their names. As a default trace no. 1 is created upon *RST, the response is '1,TRC1,2,Ch2Trc2'.


Query the trace number for the trace named "Ch2Trc2". The response is 2.  


Query the trace name for trace no. 2. The response is 'Ch2Trc2'.  


Query the channel name for trace Ch2Trc2. The response is 'Ch2'.  


Query the channel number for trace Ch2Trc2. The response is 2.  



CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:CHANnel:NAME? '<Trc_name>'

Queries the channel name for an existing trace named '<Trc_name>'.


Trace number. This suffix is ignored; the trace is referenced by its name.



Trace name, e.g. 'Ch2Trc2'.


*RST value

– (a trace name must be specified whenever the query is used)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only.



See CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:CATalog?



CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:CHANnel:NAME:ID? '<Trc_name>'

Queries the channel number (numeric suffix) for an existing trace named '<Trc_name>'.


Trace number. This suffix is ignored; the trace is referenced by its name.  



Trace name, e.g. 'Ch2Trc2'.


*RST value

– (a trace name must be specified whenever the query is used)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only.



See CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:CATalog?



CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:NAME '<Trc_name>'

Assigns a name to an existing trace number <Trc>. Note that it is not possible to assign the same name to two different traces. CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:CATalog? returns a list of all traces in the active setup with their names.


Number of an existing trace.  



Trace name, e.g. 'Ch2Trc2'.


*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.



See CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:CATalog?



CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:NAME:ID? '<Trc_name>'

Queries the trace number (numeric suffix) of a trace with known trace name. CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:CATalog? returns a list of all traces in the active setup with their names.


Trace number. This suffix is not relevant and may be omitted (the command returns the actual trace number).



Trace name, e.g. 'Ch2Trc2'.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.



See CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:CATalog?



CONFigure:TRACe<Trc>:REName '<Old_Tr_Name>', '<New_Tr_Name>'

Assigns a new name to a trace. The trace does not have to be the active trace.


Trace number. This suffix is ignored; the trace is identified via its <Old_Tr_Name>



Old trace name, e.g. 'Trace 1'
New trace name, e.g. 'Trace 2'


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query.



See CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>:TRACe:REName