Trigger Settings    Related Topics

Trigger Settings opens a dialog to specify the operation that the analyzer carries out after receiving a trigger event.

The dialog is divided into the following panels:

The Trigger Settings are valid for all trigger modes except Free Run. Some trigger settings are incompatible with other measurement settings; see below.  

Triggered Meas. Sequence

Selects the measurement cycle or sequence of actions to be triggered.

See also background information in section Alternating Sweeps.

Some sweep settings are logically incompatible with a particular selection of the Triggered Meas. Sequence:

The period of the trigger events should be adjusted to the triggered measurement sequence. If the analyzer receives a trigger event while the last sequence is still running, the trigger event is skipped and a message Trigger event missed is displayed.

Remote control:


Trigger Delay

Specifies a delay time between the trigger event and the start of the measurement. If the triggered measurement sequence is a Partial Measurement, it is possible to define source port-specific trigger delays. For an overview of trigger timing scenarios see background information in section Alternating Sweeps.

The delay time entered must be zero or positive, so that the trigger event precedes the start of the measurement (post-trigger).

Remote control:


