Errata corrige Page I |
Paramagnetic relaxation in inorganic complexes. I. Inhomogeneous hyperfine broadening Pages 5-11 L. A. Dalton, L. L. Dalton, L. R. Dalton |
Solvent effects on the infrared spectra of chromium, Molybdenum and tungsten hexacarbonyls. Pages 12-16 R. J. H. Clark, B. Crociani |
Ethyldiphenylphosphine-gold derivatives with intermetallic bonds Pages 24-26 F. Cariati, L. Naldini, G. Simonetta, L. Malatesta |
Studies on the coordinate bond. VII. Ferrous complexes of α-iminocarboxylic acids, Pages 27-33 P. Krumholz |
Spectra and structure of some pentavalent trimethyl-triphenylarsenic derivatives Pages 34-40 M. H. O'Brien, G. O. Doak, G. G. Long |
Redox catalysed substitution reactions of trans-dichlorobis (ethylenediamine) cobalt (III) ions in aqueous solution Pages 41-48 A. R. Norris, M. L. Tobe |
An I.R. and D.T.A. study of the hydrates of the metal sulfates of Cu2+ Co2+ Ni2+ Cd2+ Mn2+ Zn2+ and Mg2+ Pages 49-54 L. Ben-Dor, R. Margalith |
Carbon compounds of the transition metals, VII; The structure of a γ-lactone bridged cobalt carbonyl (triclinic modification). Pages 61-64 O. S. Mills, G. Robinson |
Investigation on some bis (cyclopentadienyl) derivatives of titanium Pages 65-67 F. Calderazzo, J. J. Salzmann, P. Mosimann |
On the spin equilibrium in bis(2,2′,2″-terpyridine) cobalt(II) salts Pages 68-72 John S. Judge, W. A. Baker Jr. |
Synthesis of fluorometallates in methanol. The solid solution NH4MnF3 − NH4ZnF3 Pages 73-75 Sandra L. Roscoe, Helmut M. Haendler |
The role of the excited-state geometry in the photochemical isomerization of bis(glycinato) platinum (II) Pages 76-80 F. Scandola, O. Traverso, V. Balzani, G. L. Zucchini, V. Carassiti |
Molybdenum (VI) dioxidedihalide complexes Pages 93-96 W. M. Carmichael, D. A. Edwards, G. W. A. Fowles, P. R. Marshall |
On the synthesis and the P.M.R. spectra of (methylthio) methyl germanes and stannanes Pages 97-99 E. V. Van den Berghe, D. F. Van de Vondel, G. P. Van der Kelen |
Ligand effects on the bonding mode of the selenocyanate ion in palladium (II) complexes. I. Pages 100-104 John L. Burmeister, Henry J. Gysling |
Some methylpolysilicon sulfates Pages 105-108 Makoto Kumada, Sajiro Maeda |
Hexacoordinated amine compounds of silver (I) and thallium (I) Pages 109-112 George T. Cochran, Joe F. Allen, N. P. Marullo |
Substituted pyridine N-oxide complexes. VI Spectral and magnetic properties of some 4-substituted pyridine N-oxide complexes with transition metal perchlorates Pages 113-119 Robin Whyman, William E. Hatfield, John S. Paschal |
The infrared spectra of the diamminemetal (II) tetracyanoniccolate (II) benzene and aniline clathrates Pages 120-126 T. Miyoshi, T. Iwamoto, Y. Sasaki |
Stereochemistry in CF3PCl3F: Trifluoromethyltrichlorofluorophosphorane Pages 127-128 James E. Griffiths |
Nucleophilic substitution at silicon and germanium: hydrolysis of organo-acetates. Pages 129-133 R. H. Prince, R. E. Timms |
A survey of the reaction of the coordinated nitrite ions of the nitro-ammine-Co (III) complexes., Pages 134-138 M. T. Beck, L. Dózsa |
Copper (II) complexes with a subnormal magnetic moment Pages 139-140 Shoichiro Yamada, Yoshio Kuge, Kuniko Yamanouchi |
Nickel (II) and cobalt (II) complexes of cis - 1,2, bis (diphenylphosphino) ethylene Pages 141-144 H. N. Ramaswamy, H. B. Jonassen, A. M. Aguiar |
Some cobalt complexes with a multidentate substituted phosphine Pages 145-148 J. G. Hartley, D. G. E. Kerfoot, L. M. Venanzi |
Substitution of coordinate phosphines in planar nickel (II) complexes Pages 149-151 L. Cattalini, M. Martelli, P. Rigo |
Cyclic germanosilthianes Pages 152-154 Kurt Moedritzer, John R. Van Wazer |
Infrared spectra and thermal decomposition of metal nitrites and nitrates Pages 155-160 K. C. Patil, R. K. Gosavi, C. N. R. Rao |
The structure of binary metal dimenthylglyoximates containing nickel, palladium, or platinum Pages 161-164 L. F. Lindoy, S. E. Livingstone, N. C. Stephenson |
Diphenyl sulphoxide complexes of some divalent metal ions Pages 165-168 J. Gopalakrishnan, C. C. Patel |
Negative ions mass spectra of some boron hydrides Pages 169-171 Richard E. Enrione, Robert Rosen |
Kinetic studies of group VII metals carbonyls-IV-dimerisation and substitution reactions of Mn(I) and Re(I) pentacarbonyl halides. Pages 172-176 Franco Zingales, Mauro Graziani, Felice Faraone, Umberto Belluco |
Studies of the circular dichroism of bisdiamine complexes of cobalt(III). Pages 177-181 B. J. Norman |
Glycollates of samarium reactions of samarium isopropoxide with glycols Pages 182-184 B. S. Sankhla, R. N. Kapoor |
N. Thiocarbamoyi N′. Phenylguanyl hydrazine and its metal complexes Pages 185-188 A. Dutta Ahmed, P. K. Mandal |
The cis-effect of anionic ligands in nucleophilic substitution reactions on planar platinum(II) complexes. Pages 189-192 L. Cattalini, M. Martelli |
Place and valence of the cations in Mn3O4 and some related manganates Pages 193-201 F. C. M. Driessens |
Some complexes of oxovanadium(IV) Pages 202-204 J. G. H. du Preez, F. G. Sadie |
Interrelation of magnetic and spectroscopic properties for d0, d2 and d3 electron structure in the VII th transition group of elements Pages 205-208 B. Je |
The crystal and molecular structure of μ4-oxohexa-μ-chlorotetrakis(pyridine copper (II)), Cu4Cl6O.4C5H5N, a polynuclear copper complex Pages 209-216 B. T. Kilbourn, J. D. Dunitz |
Far infrared spectra and stereochemistry of dimethylsulfoxide complexes of tin(IV), Pages 217-221 Toshio Tanaka |
Mechanism of base hydrolysis of some rhodium(III) complexes Pages 223-227 A. Panunzi, F. Basolo |
Far-infrared spectra of metal-olefin complexes. I. Potassium μ-1,3-butadiene-bis(trichloroplatinate(II)) Pages 228-230 M. J. Grogan, K. Nakamoto |
Vibrational and electronic spectra of transition-metal carbonyl complexes. II. An examination of the significance of approximate C---O stretching force constants Pages 231-235 L. M. Bower, M. H. B. Stiddard |
The infrared spectra of the digermanyl halides, Ge2H5X, and related species Pages 236-238 K. M. Mackay, P. Robinson, R. D. George |
Magnetic and spectral studies of some five-coordinate Mono(2, 2′, 2″,-terpyridine) complexes of Co(II) and Ni(II). Pages 239-244 J. S. Judge, W. A. Baker Jr. |
Magnetic and spectral studies of some anomolous Mono-(2, 2′, 2″,-terpyridine) complexes of Co(II) and Ni(II) Pages 245-248 J. S. Judge, W. A. Baker Jr. |
Catalytic activity and complexation. II. Complex agents, affecting the entrance of the substrate into the coordination sphere of the catalyst Pages 249-254 P. R. Bontchev, B. G. Jeliazkowa |
The kinetics of reactions of some chloro-aminepalladium(II) complexes with hydrochloric acid. Pages 255-264 A. J. Poë, D. H. Vaughan |
Magnetic and spectral studies on a binuclear Ni(II) - dimethylaminoethanethiol complex Pages 265-266 P. C. Jain, H. L. Nigam |
Molten lithium-potassium nitrate eutectic: The reactions of some compounds of chromium Pages 267-270 B. J. Brough, D. H. Kerridge, S. A. Tariq |
Substitution reaction of [Rh(NH3)5OCOCCl3]2+ with the methoxide ion, Pages 271-274 F. Monacelli |
General expressions for group overlap integrals involving f-orbitals. Pages 275-277 S. F. A. Kettle, A. J. P. Pioli |
Isorotatory points and racemization Pages 278-280 P. Dowley, K. Garbett, R. D. Gillard |
The mechanisms of halide interchange reactions of hexahalogenoplatinate(IV) complexes. The PtBr2−6-I− reaction. Pages 281-286 E. J. Bounsall, D. J. Hewkin, D. Hopgood, A. J. Poë |
Octahedral metal carbonyls: Reactions and bonding. VI Derivatives of some octahedral metal carbonyl complexes containing bidentate ligands Pages 287-293 R. Dobson, L. W. Houk |
Long range spin-spin coupling in kojato complexes of tin(IV) and their infrared spectra Pages 294-296 J. Otera, Y. Kawasaki, T. Tanaka |
The crystal and molecular structure of bis(glyoximato)palladium(II) Pages 297-302 M. Calleri, G. Ferraris, D. Viterbo |
The substituent angle in CnRn - Transition Metal π complexes Pages 303-306 S. F. A. Kettle |
Redox reaction mechanisms of platinum (IV) complexes Pages 307-310 A. Peloso, R. Ettorre, G. Dolcetti |
Adducts of coordination compounds. IV.-Nitric acid Adducts of ammine complexes of trivalent metals Pages 311-314 R. Ugo, R. D. Gillard |
Clusters of gold compounds with 1,2Bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane Pages 315-318 F. Cariati, L. Naldini, G. Simonetta, L. Malatesta |
The metal-metal interaction in coordination compounds. Magnetic properties. I. The dn dn electron systems with negative exchange integral. Pages 319-323 W. Wojciechowski |
The metal-metal interaction in coordination compounds. Magnetic properties. II. The dndm electron systems with negative exchange integral. Pages 324-328 W. Wojciechowski |
The metal-metal interaction in coordination compounds. Magnetic properties. III. The dn dn and dn dm electron systems with positive exchange integral. Pages 329-334 W. Wojciechowski |
Association constants of cadmium ion with chloride in molten LiNO3 and in mixtures of LiNO3 with KNO3 from measurements of the solubility of silver chloride Pages 335-339 T. P. Flaherty, J. Braunstein |
Kinetics of monosubstitution reactions of phosphane-, arsine- and stibine-ligands with CO(CO)3NO. Pages 340-346 G. Cardaci, A. Foffani, G. Distefano, G. Innorta |
The crystal structure of (hydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetato) aquoferrate(III) and gallate(III) Pages 347-354 C. H. L. Kennard |
Absorption spectra of post-transition group halide complexes Pages 355-359 R. A. Walton, R. W. Matthews, C. K. Jørgensen |
Coordination compounds with thioxane oxide and thiacyclohexane oxide as ligands. Their use in determination of coordination numbers to oxygen ligands for non-transition metal cations Pages 360-364 J. O. Edwards, R. J. Goetsch, J. A. Stritar |
The metal-ion induced rearrangement of 2-(2-pyridyl)benzothiazoline Pages 365-370 L. F. Lindoy, S. E. Livingstone |
The trans-effect in octahedral complexes. III. The kinetic and thermodynamic trans-Effects of NH3 in rhodium(III) complexes Pages 371-377 A. J. Poë, K. Shaw, M. J. Wendt |
High pressure - high temperature syntheses. I. The preparation of mercury metaborate, Hg4O(BO2)6 Pages 378-380 C. H. Chang, J. L. Margrave |
Cyclic Inorganic Compounds. V. Cholorobromotriphosphonitriles Pages 381-386 G. E. Coxon, D. B. Sowerby |
Far infra-red absorption spectra of layer silicates Pages 387-392 M. Ishii, T. Shimanouchi, M. Nakahira |
The crystal structure of cis-N-methylcarboxamido methylamine tetracarbonyl manganese(I), Mn(CO)4 (NH2CH3)(CONHCH3) Pages 393-396 D. M. Chipman, R. A. Jacobson |
Hexachloroplumbate(IV) salts Pages 397-398 R. D. Whealy, D. R. Lee |
Preparation of some nitro-amine complexes of nickel and their properties Pages 399-402 A. Takeuchi, K. Sato, K. Sone, S. Yamada, K. Yamasaki |
Reduction reactions of trans-PtL2X4 complexes. Influence of the uncharged ligands L on the reduction reaction rates Pages 403-406 A. Peloso, G. Dolcetti, R. Ettorre |
Competition equilibria of exchangeable substituents between methylsilicon and methylgermanium moieties Pages 407-412 K. Moedritzer, J. R. Van Wazer |
Proton magnetic resonance spectra of malonato-containing cobalt (III) complexes Pages 413-414 H. Yoneda, Y. Morimoto |
Synthesis and x-ray data of a stable in air crystalline modification of chromium(II) phthalocyanine (Cr-α-Pc) Pages 415-418 C. Ercolani, C. Neri, P. Porta |
Crystal structure of diphenyllead-dichloride Pages 419-423 M. Mammi, V. Busetti, A. Del Pra |
A refinement of the crystal structure of tetraphenyl-lead Pages 424-428 V. Busetti, M. Mammi, A. Signor, A. Del Pra |
Substituted benzoic acid complexes of copper(II) Pages 429-431 R. Whyman, W. E. Hatfield, C. S. Fountain |
Catalytic activity and complexation. III. Kinetics of the Oxine activation of a catalytic reaction of vanadium(V) Pages 432-434 B. G. Jeliazkowa, P. R. Bontchev |
Molecular orbital theory for metal-ammine complexes. I. [Cu(NH3)6]2+, [Cu(NH3)4]2+ and [Ni(NH3)6]2+ Pages 435-442 S. I. Shupack |
The preparation and properties of some mixed binuclear rhodium(II) acetato-β diketonato compounds Pages 443-447 S. Cenini, R. Ugo, F. Bonati |
Electrophilic substitution reactions of tricarbonylarenemetals Pages 448-450 D. A. Brown, F. J. Hughes |
The intermetallic bond in some carbonyl compounds with a heterogeneous metal-metal bond Pages 451-461 R. Ugo, S. Cenini, F. Bonati |
Molecular orbital calculations on vanadocene ferrocene and nickelocene Pages 462-466 J. H. Schachtschneider, R. Prins, P. Ros |
The exchange reaction between [Rh(NH3)5OH2]3+ and solvent water Pages 467-470 F. Monacelli, E. Viel |
The polarographic behavior of transition metal compounds in dimethylsulfoxide and N,N-dimethylformanide. III. Vanadium and chromium compounds Pages 471-474 M. Michimayr, V. Gutmann |
Resolution of endo-dicyclopentadiene and interaction of DL-asec-butyl alcahol with enantiomeric aendo-dicyclopentadiene in platinum and palladium chloride complexes Pages 475-478 A. Panunzi, A. De Renzi, G. Paiaro |
A study of the reaction between bismuth(III) iodide and amine hydriodides Pages 479-481 R. D. Whealy, J. C. Scott |
Electrochemical preparation of π-C5H5Fe(CO)2H and some other metal hydrides by simultaneous formation and protonation of the parent anion Page 482 D. Gre |
Structure determination. : By P. Yates, University of Toronto, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., 1 Park Ave. New York, N.Y. 1965. 256 pp. $8.50 Cloth Edition. $3.95 Paperback Edition. Page 492 Ferruccio D'Angeli |