FT-IR and 1H NMR spectroscopic studies of C2′- endo, C3′-endo sugar ring conformations in 5′-GMP and 3′-GMP nucleotides and their platinum complexes Pages L3-L5 Koji Okamoto, Victor Behnam, Minh Tan Phan Viet, Moschos Polissiou, Jacques-Yves Gauthier, Stephen Hanessian, Theophile Theophanides |
An FT-IR and 1H NMR spectral study of sugar ring conformations in guanosine and in several platinum(II) complexes Pages L1-L2 Koji Okamoto, Victor Behnam, Jacques-Yves Gauthier, Stephen Hanessian, Theophile Theophanides |
Binding of indium, used in the perturbed γ-γ angular correlation studies, on DNA and DNA moieties Pages 1-4 E. G. Sideris, C. A. Kalfas, N. Katsaros |
95Mo NMR spectra of MoO2(C8H7N2S)2 and X-ray crystal structure of Mo2O4(C8H7N2S)2(C3H7NO)2 Pages 5-8 Pamela Carr, Brian Piggott, Swee Fatt Wong, Richard N. Sheppard |
Spectroscopic evidence for the coordination of oxygen donor ligands to tetraphenylporphinatozinc Pages 9-13 Joseph V. Nardo, John H. Dawson |
Synthesis of vanadylporphyrins revisited Pages 15-17 S. Bencosme, M. Labady, C. Romero |
Reactivity of some coordinated ligands containing sulphur towards nucleophilic substitution reactions. Part I. Reaction of [(substituted 1,2-ethanediylidene)bis(S-methylhydrazine-carbodithioate)NN′SS′(-2)] nickel(II) and palladium(II) chelates with secondary amines Pages 19-25 M. F. Iskander, L. El-Sayed, A. El-Toukhy, A. K. Chehata |
Xanthine complexes with 3d metal perchlorates Pages 27-33 Chester M. Mikulski, Matthew K. Kurlan, Monica Bayne, Michele Gaul, Nicholas M. Karayannis |
Saccharose complexes of manganese in different oxidation states Pages 35-40 L. Nagy, T. Gajda, K. Burger, T. Páli |
Emission polarization study of the interaction of stellacyanin with tris(2, 2′-bipyridine)osmium(II) Pages 41-45 Ann M. English, Claire M. Achkouti |
The palladium(II) promoted hydrolysis of methyl, ethyl and isopropyl glycylglycylglycinate Pages 47-51 Robert W. Hay, Mahesh P. Pujari |
Binding study of the drug cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) to Gp5′ and dGp5′ by high resolution proton and carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy Page 52 Moschos Polissiou, Minh Tan Phan Viet, Maurice St-Jacques, Theophile Theophanides |
A dinuclear iron(II,III) mixed valence complex with the dinucleating ligand, [2,6-bis[bis(2-benzimidazolylmethyl)aminomethyl]-4-methylphenol: a model for pink uteroferrin and semi-methemerythrin Pages L9-L10 Masatatsu Suzuki, Akira Uehara, Kazutoyo Endo |
The crystal and molecular structure of a monohydrated dipicoline magnesium tetraphenylporphyrin complex Pages L11-L14 Ong Chin Choon, V. McKee, G. A. Rodley |
Complexes of hydroxamates. Part 1. Interaction of methioninehydroxamic acid with iron(III) in aqueous solution Pages 53-59 Mohamed S. El-Ezaby, Hayat M. Marafie, Mansour M. Hassan, Husam M. Abu Soud |
Complexes of magnesium(II) and other divalent metal ions with adenosine 5′-triphosphate and 2,2′-dipyridylamine in aqueous solution Pages 69-73 Renzo Cini, Arnaldo Cinquantini, Renato Seeber |
The interaction of H+, Zn(II) and Cu(II) with adenine and 9-methyladenine Pages 75-82 R. Tauler, M. J. A. Rainer, B. M. Rode |
Models for ferrous cytochrome b5: Sign inversions in the magnetic circular dichroism spectra of bis-imidazole ferrous porphyrin systems Pages 83-86 Edmund W. Svastits, John H. Dawson |
Complexes of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) with 3′AMP and 2′AMP Pages 87-90 P. Puig, A. Terron, V. Moreno |
Effects of steric crowding on porphyrin conformation. Synthesis, crystal structure and molecular stereochemistry of μ-oxo-bis[(5,15-dimethyl-2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octaethylporphinato)iron(III)] Pages 91-97 Kiong-Lam Lay, Johann W. Buchler, Jonathan E. Kenny and, W. Robert Scheidt |
The interaction of copper(II) with S-methylcysteine. Crystal and molecular structure of bis(S-methyl-L-cysteinato)copper(II) Pages 99-104 Erich Dubler, Norbert Cathomas, Geoffrey B. Jameson |
Adenosine adducts with first row transition metal perchlorates Pages 105-112 Chester M. Mikulski, Robert Minutella, Nancy De Franco, Guillermo Borges Jr., Nicholas M. Karayannis |
Rapid procedure for the isolation of cytochrome c peroxidase Pages 113-116 Ann M. English, Monique Laberge, Mark Walsh |
Complexes of vitamin B6. XVII. Crystal structure and molecular orbital calculations of the dichloro-bis-pyridoxol palladium(II) complex Pages 117-125 M.A. Makhyoun, N.A. Al-Salem, M.S. El-Ezaby |
Metalloporphyrins obtained in aqueous solution based on the 5,10,15,20-tetra-p-(N,N-dimethyl)anilinporphyrin Pages 127-131 W. Szulbinski, M. Lapkowski |
Caffeine complexes of mercury(I): crystal structure of [Hg2(caffeine)2(NO3)2] Pages 133-136 M.A. Romero-Molina, E. Colacio-Rodríguez, J. Ruiz-Sánchez, J. M. Salas-Peregrin, F. Nieto |
Prediction by computer modelling of the precipitation of stone-forming solids from urine Pages 137-145 Peter William Linder, John Charles Little |
Some μ-oxo compounds of iron-hemiporphyrazine. Synthesis and properties Pages 147-154 I. Collamati, E. Cervone |
Cyclic peptide-metal salt adducts. I. crystal structure of the hexaquocopper(II) perchlorate cyclosarcosylsarcosine 1:2 adducts Pages 155-159 Ettore Benedetti, Alfonso Bavoso, Benedetto Di Blasio, Vincenzo Pavone, Carlo Pedone |
Accumulation of elemental gold on the alga Chlorella vulgaris Pages 161-165 Michael Hosea, Benjamin Greene, Robert Mcpherson, Michael Henzl, M. Dale Alexander, Dennis W. Darnall |
Low temperature electrochemistry of metalloporphyrins in dichloromethane: characterization of transient species Pages 167-173 A.M. Bond, D.A. Sweigart |
The palladium(II) promoted hydrolysis of the methyl esters of glycyl-L-leucine, glycyl-L-alanine and L-alanylglycine Pages 175-179 Robert W. Hay, Mahesh P. Pujari |
On the reactions of amino acids, including D-penicillamine, with some metals and alloys Page L15 Stuart H. Laurie |
Towards a hemocyanin model. Relation between molecular and electronic structure in binuclear complexes: effect of bridging group length and angle between metal planes Pages L17-L19 Ray J. Butcher, Greg Diven, Gary Erickson, Garry M. Mockler, Ekk Sinn |
Resonance Raman spectra of cucumber basic blue copper protein ‘plantacyanin’ Pages L21-L22 Takeshi Sakurai, Satoshi Sawada, Akitsugu Nakahara |
Interaction of (dien)Pd(II) with double-stranded poly(I)·poly(C): a kinetic and structural investigation Pages L23-L24 R. Menard, M. Zador |
Characterisation of metal binding sites for 8-azaadenine. Formation and X-ray structural analysis of methylmercury(II) complexes Pages 181-187 W. S. Sheldrick, P. Bell |
The interaction of soil fulvic acid and chromium(VI) produces relatively long-lived, water soluble chromium(V) species Pages 189-191 Stephanie L. Boyko, David M. L. Goodgame |
The copper-molybdenum antagonism in ruminants. III. Reaction of copper(II) with tetrathiomolybdate(VI) Pages 193-196 Stuart H. Laurie, David E. Pratt, J. Barrie Raynor |
Aurothionein formation from Zn, Cd-thionein and Et3PAuCl, but not Et3PAuSATg (auranofin) Pages 197-199 C. Frank Shaw III, James E. Laib |
Synthesis and in vitro antitumour activity of PtCl2 complexes of pyridine- and quinoline-amine and -imine ligands and of carbocyclic ethylenediamine ligands Pages 201-207 Henri Brunner, Manfred Schmidt, Helmut Schönenberger |
Platinum(II) complexes with D-glucosamine and its derivatives Pages 209-212 J. Kuduk-Jaworska, B. Je |
Anti-tumor activity of two binuclear gold(I) complexes with bridging dithiolate ligands Pages 213-216 C. Frank Shaw III, Andrew Beery, Gian Carlo Stocco |
Distinction of the two type I coppers in bovine ceruloplasmin Pages 217-220 Takeshi Sakurai, Akitsugu Nakahara |
Mutagenic activity of some platinum complexes with monodentate and bidentate amines Pages 225-229 Mauro Collucia, Mario Correale, Domenico Giordano, Maria A. Marrigiò, Silvana Moscelli, Franseco P. Fanizzi and, Giovanni Natile, Lucinna Maresca |
Spectroscopic studies of pig kidney diamine oxidase-anion complexes Pages 231-236 David M. Dooley, Michele A. McGuirl |
The uncatalysed and the copper(II) promoted hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenyl L-leucinate Pages 237-241 Robert W. Hay, Arup K. Basak |