Aminoacidate dechelation upon imidazole proton ionization in a mixed ligand metal chelate,N-car☐ymethyl-L-histidinatovalinatocopper(II) Pages 1-2 Min H. Kim, Michael A. Antolini, Robert Nakon |
A study on adducts of bis(8-quinolinato)-oxovanadium(IV) with substituted pyridines by infrared spectroscopy Pages 3-4 Concetta Giancola, Mauro Isola, Lucio Senatore |
Crystal structure of chloropentakis(pyrimidine-2-thionato)diplatinum(III): A dinuclear Pt(III) complex obtained from a Pt(IV) precursor Pages 5-6 David M.L. Goodgame, Alexandra M.Z. Slawin, David J. Williams, Paula W. Zard |
Autoxidation of thiols catalysed by a tetraaza[14]annulene–cobalt(II) complex Pages 7-9 Kazunori Sakata, Shigeru Wada, Mamoru Hashimoto |
[Fe2S2(MoS4)2]4−: The first complex with two MoS42− ions coordinated to a ferredoxin type central unit Pages 11-13 Achim Müller, Achim Hildebrand, Michael Penk, Hartmut Bögge, Eckhard Bill, Alfred Trautwein |
X-ray structure of the peroxodiphosphate ion [P2O8]4− in {Na2(H2O)9}2[P2O8] Pages 15-16 Richard D. Powell, Andrzej C. Skapski |
Electronic structure of synthetic iron(III) porphyrins in pyridine and pyridine Pages 17-20 V.P. Shedbalkar, L.B. Dugad, S. Mazumdar, S. Mitra |
Production of ultrafine gold and silver particles by means of a gas evaporation and solvent trap technique Pages 21-24 Yahachi Saito, S. Nakahara, Boon K. Teo |
Complexes of chromium(II) and iron(II) with hexamethylphosphoramide Pages 25-29 Mushtaq A. Babar, Leslie F. Larkworthy, Brian W. Fitzsimmons |
Tin-119 NMR studies on diorganoyltin(IV)dihalides and triorganoyltin(IV)halides; Formation and stereochemistry of adducts Pages 31-36 Ray Colton, Dainis Dakternieks |
Chiral metal complexes. 26. Metal complexes of the new stereospecific tetraamine ligand 3R,4R- and 3S,4S-diphenyl-1,6-di(2-pyridyl)-2,5-diazahexane Pages 37-44 Ronald R. Fenton, Robert S. Vagg, Peter A. Williams |
Chiral Metal Complexes. 27. Stereoselectivity in the synthesis and reaction of coordinated aminomalonic acid derivatives Pages 45-56 Ewan F. Birse, Michael A. Cox, Peter A. Williams, Frederick S. Stephens, Robert S. Vagg |
Chiral metal complexes. 28. A stereoselective synthesis of proline Pages 57-61 Ewan F. Birse, Peter A. Williams, Robert S. Vagg |
Chiral metal complexes. 29. A crystallographic study of the stereoselective hydrogenation of 1,2-dehydroproline coordinated to cobalt(III) Pages 63-69 Ewan F. Birse, Peter A. Williams, Frederick S. Stephens, Robert S. Vagg |
Synthesis and characterization of two isomers of Os3(CO)10(C5H4N-2-C(H) Pages 71-84 Robert Zoet, Gerard Van Koten, Kees Vrieze, Albert J.M. Duisenberg, Anthony L. Spek |
The crystal structure of 1,4-bis-(4-pyridyl)butadiyne and a study of its complexes with cobalt(II), nickel(II) and copper(II) Pages 85-90 J.R. Allan, M.J. Barrow, P.C. Beaumont, L.A. Macindoe, G.H.W. Milburn, A.R. Werninck |
Some multinuclear NMR studies of the macrocyclic effect Pages 91-96 Ngozi O. Okoroafor, Alexander I. Popov |
Photoproducts from the photolysis of tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) chloride in dimethylformamide Pages 97-100 Sergio G. Farina, William Yuey, Christa Ambrose, Patrick E. Hoggard |
The preparation and structure of tris[bis(pyrazolyl)borate]indium(III) Pages 101-104 Brian K. Nicholson, Ralph A. Thomson, Frazer D. Watts |
Coordination chemistry of β-ketoamides: Synthesis of copper(II) complexes, x-ray structure of bis-(1-N-benzylamino-1,3-butanedionate)copper(II) and nucleophilic behavior of the metal-β-carbonylenolate ring toward cyanogen and benzoyl cyanide Pages 105-111 B. Corain, E. Scanagatta, M. Basato, G. Valle, S. Sitran, A.C. Veronese |
Oxidation reaction of the copper(I) phenoxo complex [(phen)(Ph3P)Cu(OPH)]: The formation of the copper(II) derivative [(phen)Cu(OPh(OC6H4-2-(OH)], having a catecholate group derived from phenol hydroxylation reaction Pages 113-118 Girolamo La Monica, M. Angela Angaroni, Franco Cariati, Sergio Cenini, G. Attilio Ardizzoia |
Reactivity of tricarbonyl(η5-cyclopentadienyl)(dimethyldithiocarbamato)tungsten towards coordinatively unsaturated species Pages 119-122 Pradeep Mathur, B.H.S. Thimmappa |
Surface coordination chemistry of noble-metal electrocatalysts: Oxidative addition and reductive elimination of iodide at iridium, platinum and gold in aqueous solutions Pages 123-131 Jose F. Rodriguez, John E. Harris, Michael E. Bothwell, Thomas Mebrahtu, Manuel P. Soriaga |
Confirmation of the structure of (UO2)3(CO3)66− by 17O NMR Pages 133-134 Deigo Ferri, Julius Glaser, Ingmar Grenthe |
Chemiluminescence of Tb(IV) reduction in solution and sensitization thereof with UO22+ ions Pages 135-140 V.P. Kazakov, V.V. Rykova, L.A. Khamidullina, D.D. Afonitchev |
Mixed ligand complexes of technetium. II. [Tc(dppe)2(R-NC)2]+ complex (dppe = bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane; R = tert. butyl, cyclohexyl Pages 141-142 U. Abram, S. Abram, R. Beyer, R. Muenze, L. Kaden, B. Lorenz and, M. Findeisen |
The trans-effect in the monomeric dioxygen adduct of the dipyrido[14]annulene---cobalt(II) complex Pages 143-145 Kazunori Sakata, Yasuyuki Hayashida, Mamoru Hashimoto |
Synthesis, structre and spectroscopy of a new dinuclear iron---sulfur compound (Et4N)2[Fe2(1,2-OSC6H4)4]·2CH3CN Pages 147-149 Beisheng Kang, Linghong Weng, Daxu Wu, Liangren Huang, Fang Wang, Zhi Guo, Hanqin Liu |
Laser induced vaporization mass spectrometry of a high melting multidentate chelating ligand and its Ni(II) bisdeprotonated complex Pages 151-157 Gino Paolucci, Walter Cecchetti, Riccardo Polloni, Giampietro Frison and, Pietro Traldi |
Dirhodium(II,II) tetra-acetate complexes with sulphur donors. The crystal structure of [Rh2(O2CMe)4(L)2] (L = N, N-dimethylthioformamide or N, N-dimethyl O-ethylthiocarbamate) Pages 159-168 Giuseppina Faraglia, Rodolfo Graziani, Luciano Volponi, Umberto Casellato |
Metal---metal bonds extended over a porphyrin ring. II. Resonance raman and far-infrared spectra of metalloporphyrins containing In---M bonds Pages 169-175 Joanna Goral, Leonard M. Proniewicz, Kazuo Nakamoto, Yoshio Kato and, Satoru Onaka |
Crystal and molecular structures of tetranuclear metal clusters of copper(I) trithioperoxybenzoates Pages 177-183 J. A. Schuerman, F. R. Fronczek, J. Selbin |
11B NMR studies of the thermal decomposition of ammonia---borane in solution Pages 185-190 J. S. Wang, R. A. Geanangel |
The electronic structure and Mössbauer spectra of Iron(II)---Phthalocyanine complexes as a studied by semiempirical MO---LCAO calculations Pages 191-197 V. Valenti, P. Fantucci, F. Cariati, G. Micera, M. Petrera, N. Burriesci |
The synthesis and characterization of some Ru(II) complexes containing carbon monoxide and isocyanide groups Pages 199-202 Rina Tannenbaum |
The crystal and molecular structure of bis(2,2′-dipyridylamine-N,N′)di(nitrato-O)cadmium(II); Solid state 113Cd NMR, components and orientation of the chemical shift tensor relative to the donor ligands Pages 203-208 E. A. H. Griffith, Hui-Ying Li, E. L. Amma |
Cobalt(III) complexes with racemic polyamine ligands 1. Isomers formed using 5,5,7(R,S),12,12,12,14(R,S)-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (tetb) Pages 209-213 K. F. Mok, Donald A. House |
Influence of the nature of the solute and the carrier surface on the Mössbauer effect in aqueous solutions trapped in a silicate carrier Pages 223-226 K. Burger, Zs. Nemes-Vetéssy, A. Vértes and, M. Suba, D. Knausz |
Mixed ligand complexes containing β-diphosphoramides. I. Substitution of DMSO by NIPA in solvates of Cd(II). A cadmium-113 NMR study Pages 227-232 L. Rodehüser, T. Chniber, P. Rubini, J. -J. Delpuech |
Synthesis and characterization of triaminecobalt(III) complexes and acid hydrolysis kinetics of fac-[Codpt(H2O)nX3−n]n+ (X = Cl, Br; n = 0,1,2) Pages 233-240 Salah S. Massoud, Ronald M. Milburn |
Kinetics of the oxidation of bromide ions by bis(2,2′-bipyridine)manganese(III) ions in aqueous perchlorate media Pages 241-246 Malcom P. Heyward, Cecil F. Wells |
Synthesis of some mixed seven-coordinate complexes of the type [MI2(CO)3LL′] (M = Mo or W;L = pyridine or substituted pyridines; L′ = PPh3, AsPh3 or SbPh3) Pages 247-250 Paul K. Baker, Stuart G. Fraser, Martin J. Snowden |
Solution behaviour of a monooxorhenium(V) complex of 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane Pages 251-253 David Parker, Partha S. Roy |
Platinum(II) complexes with aryl tellurols and diaryl ditellurides: Syntheses and spectral investigations Pages 255-260 Bishan L. Khandelwal, Kalipada Kundu, Sushil K. Gupta |
Some TCNQ simple and complex salts of nickel and copper macrocyclic complexes Pages 261-264 Hsu-Kun Wang, Yong-Sheng Chen, Jin-Shan Li, Ling-Jun Bai |
Magnetic and luminescence characteristics of dinuclear complexes of lanthanides and a phenolic schiff base macrocyclic ligand Pages 265-272 Ishenkumba A. Kahwa, Joel Selbin, Charles J. O'Connor and, Jonathan W. Foise, Gary L. McPherson |
Partial hydrolysis of homodinuclear macrocyclic complexes of lanthanides with a 2:2 phenolic schiff's base and the crystal and molecular structure of resulting open mononuclear 3:1 schiff's base complexes of praseodymium(III) and neodymium(III) Pages 273-281 Ishenkumba A. Kahwa, Frank R. Fronczek, Joel Selbin |