Cristallochimie des structures tétraédriques. : Erwin Parthe, translated by J. Coing-Boyat. Pp. XV + 349. Paris, Gordon and Breach, 1972. Page I D. Clemente |
Mixed complexes of bivalent cations containing methyliminodiacetate and glycinates Pages 5-7 J. Israéli, R. Volpé |
Spectral and magnetic properties of some thioacetamide complexes of CoII and NiII Pages 8-10 K. K. Chatterjee |
Metal chelates of dithiocarbazic acid and its derivatives. III. Complexes of the tridentate schiff base α-N-Methyl-S-methyl-β-N-(2-pyridyl)methylendithiocarbazate with some 3d metal ions Pages 11-16 M. Abkar Ali, S. E. Livingstone, D. J. Phillips |
The far infra-red spectra and bonding of some five and six coordinate complex tin ions Pages 17-22 M. K. Das, J. Buckle, P. G. Harrison |
Thiazolidine-2-thione complexes with group VI B metal-carbonyls Pages 23-28 D. De Filippo, F. Devillanova, C. Preti, E. F. Trogu, P. Viglino |
Stereochemistry of β-diketone complexes of cobalt(III). VIII. Optical activity of (β-diketonato)bisethylenediaminecobalt(III) cations Pages 29-32 L. J. Boucher |
Photochemical substitution reactions of manganese nitrosyl tetracarbonyl Pages 33-38 D. P. Keeton, F. Basolo |
Metal chelates of dithiocabazic acid and its derivatives. IV. Complexes of the tridentate schiff base α-N-Methyl-S-methyl-β-N-(6-methylpyrid-2-yl)methylendithiocarbazate Pages 39-44 M. Akbar Ali, S. E. Livingstone, D. J. Phillips |
Surface complexes of nitrous oxide adsorbed on α-Cr2O3 Pages 45-48 E. Borello, L. Cerruti, G. Ghiotti, E. Guglielminotti |
Positively charged ligands. The donor properties of the 1,1,4-trimethylpiperazinium(+1) cation Pages 49-53 A. S. N. Murthy, J. V. Quagliano, L. M. Vallarino |
Ammoniates of plutonium(III) and (IV) halides Pages 54-58 J. M. Cleveland, G. H. Bryan, R. J. Sironen |
The structure of catena-μ-ethylenediaminecadmium(II) tetracyanoniccolate(II) dibenzene clathrate: Cd(en)Ni(CN)4.2C6H6 Pages 59-64 T. Miyoshi, T. Iwamoto, Y. Sasaki |
Octahedral metal carbonyls. XXI. Carbonyl and metal-carbon stretching spectra of monosubstituted group VIB metal carbonyls, Pages 65-71 R. A. Brown, G. R. Dobson |
Electron-transfer series of the [M---N4] type. Complex derived from the quadridentate ligand 1,3-di(2-aminophenylamino)propane. Pages 72-76 E. B. Fleischer, A. E. Gebala, P. A. Tasker |
A LCAO-MO CNDO study of the molecular properties of the phosphoruspentachlorofluorides Pages 77-80 C. Brun, F. Choplin, G. Kaufmann |
Kinetics of ammonation of trans-dichlorobis(triethylphosphine)platinum(II), trans-dichloro(triethylphosphine)-ammineplatinum(II), and trans-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) Pages 81-87 R. G. Gunther, Don S. Martin Jr. |
Complexes of N-(2-benzothiazole)2-pyridinaldimine with COII and NiII salts Pages 88-92 A. Montenero, C. Pellizzi |
Cobalt(II) thiocyanate species sorbed on ion exchangers Pages 93-96 C. Heitner-Wirguin, N. Ben-Zwi |
The crystal structure of bis-(cyclopentamethylenedithiocarbomato) FeII dicarbonyl Pages 97-105 J. S. Ricci Jr., C. A. Eggers, I. Bernal |
Protonated forms and metal complexes in aqueous solutions of S-methylisothiocarbohydrazide Pages 106-112 A. Braibanti, G. Mori, F. Dallavalle, E. Leporati |
Metal complexes of some hybrid bidentate ligands containing tertiary arsine and primary amine donor groups. II. Compounds of nickel and copper Pages 113-122 B. Chiswell, R. A. Plowman, K. Verrall |
Linkage isomerism of the sulfate ion in ditoluenesulfinato-bis(2,2′-bipyridyl) complexes of iron(II), cobalt(II), and nickel(II) Pages 123-128 E. König, E. Lindner, I. P. Lorenz, G. Ritter |
MO studies for transition metal complexes with polydentate ligands. IV. On the influence of the macrocycle size and conjugation extension in CoIII complexes Pages 129-134 G. De Alti, V. Galasso, A. Bigotto |
Bridge-splitting reactions of rhodium carbonyl chloride with monomeric and polymeric ligands Pages 137-140 L. D. Rollmann |
The nature of bonding and the structure of pentacyanonitrosylcobaltate(III) on the basis of infra-red and electronic spectroscopy Pages 141-144 B. Je |
Metal complexes of 8-amino-7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin. I. Chromium(III), iron(III), cobalt(III), nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes Pages 145-149 D. K. Rastogi, A. K. Srivastava, P. C. Jain, B. R. Agarwal |
A note on the nickel(II)-mercury(II)-thiocynate system Pages 150-152 R. D. Gillard, M. V. Twigg |
MO studies for transition metal complexes with polydentate ligands. V. On the influence of the nature and arrangement of the donor atoms in NiII planar complexes Pages 153-156 G. De Alti, V. Galasso, A. Bigotto |
Substitution reactions of indenyl and tetrahydroindenyl iron carbonyl complexes: A kinetic study Pages 157-160 D. J. Jones, R. J. Mawby |
The structure of trimethylphenylammonium nonachlorodirhodate(III) and a survey of metal-metal interactions in confacial bioctahedra Pages 161-172 F. A. Cotton, David A. Ucko |
Uranyl complexes containing polydentate schiff bases Pages 173-176 L. Cattalini, S. Degetto, M. Vidali, P. A. Vigato |
Far-infrared spectra of mercaptoalkylamine complexes with NiII and PdII Pages 177-181 C. W. Schläpfer, K. Nakamoto |
Zerovalent platinum chemistry. VIII. The reactions of nitric oxide with tris- and tetrakis (triphenylphosphine) platinum(0) Pages 182-184 S. Cenini, R. Ugo, G. La Monica, S. D. Robinson |
Proton magnetic resonance spectra of six-coordinate iron(II), cobalt(II), and nickel(II) complexes with pyridine-n-oxide and benzamide Pages 185-187 I. Bertini, D. Gatteschi, A. Scozzafava |
Potassium isocyanatopentacyanocabaltate(III): Synthesis and spectral studies Pages 188-190 M. A. Cohen, J. B. Melpolder, J. L. Burmeister |
The crystal structure of phenylmercury(II) acetate Pages 191-194 B. Kamenar, M. Penavi |
What is the reason for the cis configuration of diaquo-cu2+-(2,2′-bipyridyl)2 in aqueous solution? Pages 195-196 H. Sigel |
Chalcogen derivatives of iron carbonyls. V. Kinetics and mechanism of CO exchange and of substitution reactions of Fe3(CO)9XY complexes (X and Y=S, Se, Te with X≠Y) Pages 205-210 R. Rossetti, P. L. Stanghellini, O. Gambino, G. Cetini |
Cobalt(II) complexes of 2,6-Lutidine N-oxide Pages 211-221 D. W. Herlocker |
Mechanism of the disubstitution reaction between monosubstituted complexes of Fe(CO)2(NO)2 and phosphine ligands Pages 222-226 G. Cardaci, S. M. Murgia |
Spectroscopic studies of substituted imidazole complexes. III. 2-methylbenzimidazole complexes of divalent cobalt, nickel, copper, and zinc Pages 245-247 D. M. L. Goodgame, M. Goodgame, G. W. Rayner Canham |
Magnetic interaction in binuclear copper(II) complexes: Preparation and structure of the schiff base complex derived from pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde and 3-aminopropanol Pages 248-252 J. A. Bertrand, C. E. Kirkwood |
Metal complexes of thiopolycarboxylic acids. V. Ethyliednetetrathiotetraacetic acid Pages 253-258 P. Petrá |
Molten lithium-potassium nitrate eutectic: Stabilisation of permanganate Pages 259-263 B. J. Brough, D. A. Habboush, D. H. Kerridge |
Studies on the disposition of carbonato group in cobalt(III) complexes Pages 264-266 V. S. Sastri |
Magnetically perturbed mössbauer study of the products obtained by rapid crystallization of a schiff base iron(III) dimer Pages 267-270 W. M. Reiff |
Spectrophotometric study of the reversible iodine-thiocyanate interaction Pages 271-274 I. Országh, Gy. Bazsa, M. T. Beck |
Metal complexes of some hybrid bidentate ligands containing tertiary arsine and primary amine donor groups, III. Compounds of Pd and Pt Pages 275-283 B. Chiswell, R. A. Plowman, K. Verrall |
Far-infrared spectra of octahedral NiII Halide complexes containing nitrogen and sulfur donors Pages 284-290 C. W. Schläpfer, Yutaka Saito, K. Nakamoto |
Electron spin resonance studies of the reaction product between hydridodinitrogentris(triphenylphosphine)cobalt(I) and olefins. I. Pages 291-295 S. Tyrlik, K. Falkowski, K. Leibler |
The preparation of the bidentate urea complex [Co(urea)4](NO3)2 Pages 296-298 P. S. Gentile, P. Carfagno, S. Haddad, L. Campisi |
The acid dissociation constant of the tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) ion Pages 299-302 G. Navon, R. Panigel, D. Meyerstein |
Kinetic studies on the reactions of dichloro1,2-bis(phenylselenoethane)palladium(II) with amines Pages 303-306 L. Cattalini, J. S. Coe, F. Faraone, V. Marsala, E. Rotondo |
The electronic structure of square-planar nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes Pages 307-313 D. J. Royer, V. H. Schievelbein, A. R. Kalyanaraman, J. A. Bertrand |
The solution behaviour of nickel(II) halide complexes of 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane (dpe): The existence of five-co-ordinate [Ni(dpe)2X]+ species Pages 314-316 R. Morassi, A. Del |
Spectroscopic studies of substituted imidazole complexes. IV. Complexes of cobalt and nickel with 2-(2′-pyridyl)benzimidazole and 2-(2′-pyridyl)imidazoline Pages 317-322 D. M. L. Goodgame, A. A. S. C. Machado |
Photochemistry of complex ions. XI. Trans-Pt(NH3)4Br22+ Pages 323-328 P. D. Fleischauer, A. W. Adamson |
A topological approach to the electronic structures of some polynuclear zinc species Pages 329-331 J. J. Cox |
Effects of metal-ligand charge transfer on the mass spectra of bis(N,N-diethyldithiocarbamato) complexes. An application of the shannon-swan rule Pages 332-334 J. F. Villa, D. A. Chatfield, M. M. Bursey, W. E. Hatfield |
Addition compound of alkoxy Tin(IV) trichloride with some phosphoryl and amine-oxide ligands Pages 335-338 R. C. Paul, V. Nagpal, S. L. Chadha |
Reactions of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine nitroxide radical with Tin(IV) halides Pages 339-342 Y. Takaya, G. Matsubayashi, T. Tanaka |
ZnII, CdII, HgII complexes with diethylenetriamine synthesis and properties Pages 343-346 G. Cova, D. Galizzioli, D. Giusto, F. Morazzoni |
On the formalism of treating the linear nitric oxide ligand as NO+ Pages 347-348 J. B. Raynor |
The crystal structure of the 2:1 complex between antimony tribromide and pyrene Pages 349-354 G. Bombieri, G. Peyronel, I. M. Vezzosi |
Some group IVb complexes of iridium Pages 355-358 F. Glockling, J. G. Irwin |
The mechanism of formation of nickel(II) complexes in methanol Pages 359-362 R. J. Matthews, J. W. Moore |
Complex iridium(III) hydrides with dithiocarbamate and xantate groups Pages 363-365 A. A. Araneo, T. Napoletano |
Molten lithium-potassium and sodium-potassium nitrate eutectics: the stabilisation of manganate(VI) and manganate(V) Pages 366-370 B. J. Brough, D. A. Habboush, D. H. Kerridge |
Complexes of 1,8-naphthyridines. X. Complexes of 1,8-naphthyridine with rare earth nitrates Pages 371-375 Russell J. Foster, David G. Hendricker |
X-ray emission spectra and electronic structure of the disulphide anion Pages 376-378 G. Wiech, W. Köppen, D. S. Urch |
A mössbauer study of the tin-manganese bond Pages 379-382 S. R. A. Bird, J. D. Donaldson, A. F. Le C. Holding, B. Ratcliff, S. Cenini |
Trivalent phosphorus derivatives of cobalt carbonyls. I. Infrared and N.M.R. studies of new substituted tetracobaltdodecacarbonyl complexes Pages 387-390 D. Labroue, R. Poilblanc |
Polytertiary phosphines and arsines. VI. Some metal complexes of the mixed phosphine-diarsine bis(2-diphenylarsinoethyl)phenylphosphine Pages 391-394 R. B. King, Pramesh N. Kapoor |
Proton ionisation constants of some α-amino-acids containing sulphur atoms in the chain Pages 395-400 A. Braibanti, E. Leporati, F. Dallavalle, G. Mori |
Deuterium isotope effect on the kinetics of aquation of dichloro(β,β′,β″-triaminotriethylamine)cobalt(III) ion Pages 401-402 Sybil G. Zipp, Stanley K. Madan |
Potentiometric and spectrophotometric investigations of nickel-triethanolamine complexes Pages 403-407 G. A. Bhat, R. S. Subrahmanya |
Complexes of some 2-substituted thiazoles Pages 408-410 E. J. Duff, M. N. Hughes, K. J. Rutt |
Structural characterization of a basic trinuclear ruthenium acetate Pages 411-419 F. A. Cotton, J. G. Norman Jr. |
Chloro- and bromo-(alkene)iridium(I) complexes Pages 420-426 A. L. Onderdelinden, A. van der Ent |
Stereochemical studies of metal chelates. VIII. Absolute configuration and circular dichroism of cobalt(III) complexes with 4,7-diaza-1,10-diaminodecane (3,2,3-tet) derivatives Pages 427-434 M. Saburi, C. Hattori, S. Yoshikawa |
Equilibrium relations of alpha-aminoacid mixed complexes of transition metal ions Pages 435-439 A. Gergely, I. Sóvágó, I. Nagypaál, R. Király |
The magnetism of di-μ-N,N′-m-phenylenetetrakis(salicylideneiminato)dicopper(II) Pages 440-442 David Y. Jeter, William E. Hatfield |
Isomeric macrocyclic tetramine complexes of cobalt(III). Some problems of stereochemistry and chemical reactivity Pages 443-452 N. A. P. Kane-Maguire, J. F. Endicott, D. P. Rillema |
Complexes of quinoline and isoquinoline with some zinc(II), cadmium(II) and mercury(II) salt Pages 453-458 I. S. Ahuja, A. Garg |
Polymeric complexes between nickel(II) and 2-mercaptoethanol and 3-mercapto-1,2-propanediol Pages 459-462 H. F. De Brabander, L. C. Van Poucke, Z. Eeckhaut |
Infrared and raman spectral studies of γ-butyrolactam complexes of antimony(III), bismuth(III) and mercury(II) halides Pages 463-466 S. T. Yuan, S. K. Madan |
Spectrophotometric and conductometric studies on the interaction between trivalent phosphines and 2,2′-bipyridyl in solution Pages 467-470 K. Tanaka, T. Tanaka |
Naphthalene sensitization of the charge transfer photochemistry of the ferrocene-chloroform system Pages 471-474 O. Traverso, F. Scandola, V. Carassiti |
Trivalent phosphorus derivatives of cobalt carbonyls. II. Synthesis and physico-chemical studies of new cations in the hypothetical pentacarbonyl cobalt(I) series Pages 475-479 S. Attali, R. Poilblanc |
Five-coordinate cobalt(II), four- and five-coordinate nickel(II), and six-coordinate cobalt(III) complexes of the flexible diphosphine ligand 1,3-bis(dimethylphosphino)propane, Pages 480-486 John C. Cloyd Jr., Devon W. Meek |
Ditertiary phosphine oxides complexes with NiII and CoII halides Pages 487-490 F. Mani, M. Bacci |
Oxovanadium(IV) complexes containing bidentate nitrogen-sulfur and oxygen-sulfur ligands Pages 491-498 A. Hodge, K. Nordquest, E. L. Blinn |
Intermediate chromium(V) complex species and their role in the process of chromium(VI) reduction by ethylene glycol Pages 499-503 P. R. Bontchev, A. Malinovski, M. Mitewa, K. Kabassonov |
Synthesis of various(amino)diacetatoboranes Pages 504-506 G. J. Barrett, D. T. Haworth |
Octahedral metal carbonyls. XXV. Kinetics and mechanism of reactions of (ethylenedisphosphine)tetracarbonylmolybdenum(0) with lewis bases, Pages 507-512 G. R. Dobson, A. J. Rettenmaier |
The infrared spectrum of matrix isolated cuprous chloride Pages 513-514 S. Nunziante Cesaro, E. Coffari, M. Spoliti |
Interatomic exchange and σ-bonding of outer 3d and 4s-orbitals Pages 519-522 G. L. Bendazolli, F. Bernardi, P. Palmieri, C. Zauli |
The magnetism of potassium dioxalatocuprate(II) dihydrate and ammonium dioxalatocuprate(II) dihydrate Pages 523-525 D. Y. Jeter, W. E. Hatfield |
The nature of binuclear dinitrogen complexes of rhenium(I) and rhenium(V) in solution Pages 527-530 Donald J. Darensbourg |
Oxidative-addition reactions of d10 nitrosyl complexes Pages 531-542 G. Dolcetti, N. W. Hoffman, J. P. Collman |
Metal chelates of dithiocarbazic acid and its derivatives. V. complees of the NNS ligand 2-(2,3-diaza-4-methylthio-5-thiahexa-1,3-dienyl) pyridine with 3d metal ions Pages 552-558 M. Akbar Ali, S. E. Livingstone, D. J. Phillips |
Ternary complexes in solution. XIII. Mixed-ligand complexes of copper(II) or zinc(II) with 2,2′-bipyridyl and thioether carboxylates or some of the sulfoxide or sulfone derivatives Pages 559-563 Helmut Sigel, Rolf Griesser, Donald B. McCormick |
An investigation into the mechanisms of the substitution reactions by ethylenediamine and diethylenetriamine in tetrachlorogold(III) Pages 564-566 P. van Z. Bekker, W. J. Louw, W. Robb |
The multidentate chemistry of Manganese(II).I. Hybrid tridentate ligand complexes Pages 567-570 B. Chiswell, K. W. Lee |
Complexes of cobalt(II) with chloride and thiocyanate ions in dimethyl sulfoxide Pages 571-574 Kenneth R. Magnell, Warren L. Reynolds |
Schiff base formation and activation at a ferrous center Pages 575-576 D. J. Farrington, J. G. Jones |
The rate of hydrolysis of (NH4)2RuNOCl5 and (NH4)2RuNOCl4OH Pages 577-582 E. E. Mercer, A. B. Cox |
Metal complexes of tridentate hybrid ligands. II. Cobalt and nickel complexes of ligands containing the donor sequence As---N---S Pages 583-590 B. Chiswell, K. W. Lee |
The structure of (+)-dinitrobis-(L-arginato)cobalt(III) nitrate dihydrate Pages 591-597 W. H. Watson, D. R. Johnson, M. B. Celap, B. Kamberi |
The chemistry of thetris(2,2′-bipyridyl)iron(II) cation in strongly acidic media Pages 598-600 Gordan B. Briscoe, Mary E. Fernandopulle, William R. McWhinnie |
Optical activity of nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes with l-aminoacids in the UV spectral region Pages 601-606 C. Ibarra, R. Soto, L. Adán, A. Decinti, S. Bunel |
Four- and five-coordinate nickel(II) complexes of the flexible triphosphine bis(2-diphenylphosphinoethyl)phenylphosphine Pages 607-612 J. C. Cloyd Jr., D. W. Meek |
Solvent effects on the formation equilibria of cobalt(II)-chloride system in acetone-water mixture Pages 613-618 V. Carunchio, U. Biader Ceipidor, A. Messina |
Transition metal complees of diethanolamine and N-methyldiethanolamine Pages 619-622 M. N. Hughes, B. Waldron, K. J. Rutt |
New planar cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes Pages 623-628 P. S. Zacharias, A. Chakravorty |
Deprotonation of metal complexes derived from ligands containing pyrrole, pyrazole and indene residues Pages 629-634 B. Chiswell |
Complexes of osmium with metal-nitrogen multiple bonds Pages 635-637 B. Bell, J. Chatt, J. R. Dilworth, G. J. Leigh |
Ethoxy pyridine- and methylpyridine-2-phosphonato scandium(III), yttrium(III) and lanthanide(III) chelates Pages 639-643 N. N. Speca, N. M. Karayannis, L. L. Pytlewski |
Stabilization of oxidation state two of copper in thiourea complexes Pages 644-646 A. Montenero, C. Peiizi |
Palladium(II) halide complexes. I. Stabilities and spectra of palladium(II) chloro and bromo aqua complexes Pages 647-651 L. I. Elding |
The kinetics of the chromium(II)-catalyzed aquation of the pentaaquopyridinechromium(III) ion Pages 652-654 M. Orhanovi |
Bis-carbene complexes of palladium(II) Pages 655-659 B. Crociani, T. Boschi, G. G. Troilo, U. Croatto |
The facile hydrogenation of the aryldiazonium functional group to hydrazine, amine, and ammonia derivatives Pages 660-662 L. Toniolo |
Coordination compounds of hydrazine derivatives with transition metals. V. Square planar nickel(II) complexes with hydrazine-S-methyl dithiocarboxylate schiff bases Pages 663-668 L. El-Sayed, M. F. Iskander, A. El-Toukhy, S. E. Zayan |
Electronic effects in the reactions of coordinated isonitriles; bis-carbene complexes of platinum(II) and palladium(II) Pages 669-670 J. Chatt, R. L. Richards, G. H. D. Royston |
Uranyl complexes with potentially tridentate schiff bases Pages 671-673 M. Vidali, P. A. Vigato, G. Bandoli, D. A. Clemente, U. Casellato |
Reactions of trimethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate and dihalo-bis-ligandplatinum(II) complexes Pages 674-676 P. M. Treichel, K. P. Wagner, W. J. Knebel |
Electronic spectrum and stereochemistry of the pentachlorovanadate(IV) ion Pages 677-679 C. W. G. Russell, D. W. Smith |
Electrochemical characteristics of dimethyl sulfoxidebenzene solutions of cobalt, copper, and nickel hemiporphyrazines containing oxygen Pages 680-682 Charles G. Birch, Reynold T. Iwamoto |
Palladium(II) halide complexes, II. Acid hydrolyses and halide anations of palladium(II) chloro and bromo aqua complexes Pages 683-688 L. I. Elding |