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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 10
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-107, (May, 1974)

EuFCl—A new mixed-halide rare-earth compound
Pages 1-4
V.G. Lambrecht Jr., M. Robbins, R.C. Sherwood
L'oxyde double Fe2WO6. I. Structure cristalline et filiation structurale
Pages 5-11
Jean Senegas, Jean Galy
The crystal structure of Na7Mg4.5(P2O7)4
Pages 12-19
F. Hanic, Z. Žák
Single-crystal studies of β-Ag2HgI4
Pages 20-28
K.W. Browall, J.S. Kasper, H. Wiedemeier
Preparation of the ordered perovskite-like compounds Ba4M3LiO12 (M = Ta,Nb): A powder neutron diffraction determination of the structure of Ba4Ta3LiO12
Pages 29-35
B.M. Collins, A.J. Jacobson, B.E.F. Fender
Protonic conduction in NH4H2PO4
Pages 36-38
Charles T. Perrino, Paul Wentrcek
Vibrational spectra of 1:2 ordered perovskites
Pages 39-45
G. Blasse, A.F. Corsmit
Transitions dans une serie de clathrates de thiourée et d'urée avec encages cycliques
Pages 46-50
René Clement, Jocelyne Jegoudez, Charles Mazieres
X-ray diffraction study of the superstructure deformation due to Pb substitution in Ca2MnO4
Pages 51-55
J.M. Moreau, G. Ollivier
Structures à antiphases periodiques des phases intermediaires apparaissant lors de la decomposition du spinelle non-stoechiometrique dans les systèmes Ga2O3-MgO et Al2O3-NiO
Pages 56-65
P. Bassoul, A. Lefebvre, J.C. Gilles
Sur de nouveaux composés oxyfluorés des terres rares de structure pyrochlore
Pages 66-71
Jean Grannec, Hugues Baudry, Jean Ravez, Josik Portier
An electron microscope study of the FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 system and of the nature of iron-doped rutile
Pages 72-94
L.A. Bursill
Etude cristallochimique du vanadate NaSrVO4 et de son homologue NaSrCrO4
Pages 95-101
Sonia Drai, Roger Olazcuaga, Gilles Le Flem
The transformation of CsCl type ⇋ NaCl type. Part II: Orientation relations in phase transformations CsCl type → NaCl type in ammonium halides
Pages 102-107
S.W. Kennedy, J.H. Patterson, R.P. Chaplin, A.L. Mackay

Issue 2, Pgs 109-181, (June, 1974)

Electrical conductivity and defect structure of Nd2O3+x
Pages 109-115
Keiji Naito, Toshihide Tsuji, Katsumi Une
Photomagnetic effects in single-crystal Ru-doped lithium ferrite
Pages 116-121
H.D. Jonker
Structural variation in the Y3−cPrcScFe4O12 garnet system
Pages 122-127
P.D. Dernier, E.M. Gyorgy, W.H. Grodkiewicz
The preparation, phase relationships, and Eu-151 Mössbauer spectroscopy of europium tungsten bronzes and related phases
Pages 128-136
C.S. Dimbylow, I.J. McColm, C.M.P. Barton, N.N. Greenwood, G.E. Turner
Magnetic investigations on AlB2 type structures
Pages 137-141
K.S.V.L. Narasimhan, H. Steinfink
The preparation and properties of BaTa0.8S3, BaNb0.8S3, and BaTa0.8Se3
Pages 142-144
P.C. Donohue, J.F. Weiher
The preparation and characterization of CdIr(OH)6 and ZnIr(OH)6
Pages 145-150
Robert F. Sarkozy, B.L. Chamberland
Linear-chain antiferromagnetism in the compounds MII(N2H5)2(SO4)2 with M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu
Pages 151-166
H.T. Witteveen, J. Reedijk
Préparation, sites de symétrie et photoluminescence de l'ion Bi3+ dans les antimoniates de terres rares Y2BSbO7 (B = Ga, Lu, Y)
Pages 167-174
G. Boulon, J.P. Faurie, C. Madej
The crystal structures of AuTe2Cl and AuTe2I
Pages 175-181
H.M. Haendler, D. Mootz, A. Rabenau, G. Rosenstein

Issue 3, Pgs 183-293, (July, 1974)

Oxidative nonstoichiometry in perovskites, an experimental survey; the defect structure of an oxidized lanthanum manganite by powder neutron diffraction
Pages 183-194
B.C. Tofield, W.R. Scott
A systematic derivation of VIA VIBX3 structures
Pages 195-205
C.J.J. Van Loon
Vibrational spectra and structural considerations of compounds NaLnTiO4
Pages 206-210
G. Blasse, G.P.M. Van Den Heuvel
Thermodynamic study of the system NbO2-Nb2O5 at high temperature
Pages 211-218
J.F. Marucco
The solubilities of copper and manganese in β-rhombohedral boron as determined in CuB∼28 and MnB∼23 by single-crystal diffractometry
Pages 219-231
Sven Andersson, Bengt Callmer
Crystallographic studies of the role of Mg as a stabilizing impurity in β-Ca3(PO4)2. The crystal structure of pure β-Ca3(PO4)2
Pages 232-248
B. Dickens, L.W. Schroeder, W.E. Brown
The preparation and characterization of CdVO3 prepared at ambient and high pressure
Pages 249-251
B.L. Chamberland, P.S. Danielson
A solid-state cell study of oxygen activities in the Fe-Ti-O system
Pages 252-259
R.R. Merritt, A.G. Turnbull
Propriétés magnétiques et electriques en relation avec leur structure, des composés MMo2S4 (M = V, Cr, Fe, Co)
Pages 260-269
R. Chevrel, M. Sergent, J.L. Meury, Dang Tran Quan, Y. Colin
Röntgenographische, thermoelektrische, und IR-spektroskopische Untersuchung des Spinellsystems LixMn1−xV2O4
Pages 270-273
von D. Arndt, K. Müller, B. Reuter, E. Riedel
Etude des propriétés cristallographiques, diélectriques et d'optique non linéaire de quelques nouvelles phases de composition BaxLi5−2xNb5(1−y)Ta5yO15 et de structure bronzes oxygénés de tungstène quadratiques
Pages 274-281
Jean Ravez, Annie Perron, Jean Pierre Chaminade, Paul Hagenmuller, Loïc Rivoallan
Phases de structure du type fluorine dans le systéme KF-ErF3
Pages 282-287
M. Labeau, Y. Le Fur, S. Aleonard
On the mechanism of conductivity of ammonium salts
Pages 288-293
E.F. Khairetdinov, V.V. Boldyrev, A.I. Burshtein

Issue 4, Pgs 295-378, (August, 1974)

Dielectric relaxation losses in lead chloride and lead bromide: Localized dipoles
Pages 295-301
W.E. van den Brom, J. Volger
Nitrato- and fluoroboracites M3B7O13NO3 and M3B7O13F
Pages 302-311
Tom A. Bither, Howard S. Young
Multiple phases in the system MgF2-Nb2O5 an electron microscope study of intergrowths, defects, and disordered crystals
Pages 312-322
J.L. Hutchison, F.J. Lincoln, J.S. Anderson
Photolysis of zinc azide in the solid state
Pages 323-331
S.R. Yoganarasimhan, R.K. Sood
Infrared and permittivity studies on alkali perchlorates
Pages 332-340
S.K. Syal, S.R. Yoganarasimhan
Thermodynamics and phase relationships of the ternary lanthanum-uranium-oxygen system
Pages 341-350
E. Stadlbauer, U. Wichmann, U. Lott, C. Keller
Mössbauer study of the FeV2O4-Fe3O4 system
Pages 351-356
Masanori Abe, Masao Kawachi, Shōichiro Nomura
Phase analysis studies of titanium-chromium oxides derived from rutile by crystallographic shear
Pages 357-370
D.K. Philp, L.A. Bursill
Magnetoelectric compounds with two sets of magnetic sublattices: UCrO4 and NdCrTiO5
Pages 371-376
M. Greenblatt, R.M. Hornreich, B. Sharon
Author index
Pages 377-378