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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 60
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-138, (1 November, 1985)

Editorial Board
Page i
Structural study of copper-nickel aluminate (CuxNi1−xAl2O4) spinels
Pages 1-5
C.Otero Areán, J.S.Díez Viñuela
Structure cristalline du tétramétaphosphate de nickel-ammonium heptahydraté: Ni(NH4)2P4O12 · 7H2O
Pages 6-12
A. Jouini, M. Dabbabi, A. Durif
Contribution to the crystal chemistry of tetrametaphosphates(II)
Pages 13-19
M.T. Averbuch-Pouchot, A. Durif
The luminescence of α- and β-LaNb3O9
Pages 20-28
H.C.G. Verhaar, H. Donker, G.J. Dirksen, M.J.J. Lammers, G. Blasse, C.C. Torardi, L.H. Brixner
Solid state reactions in the quasibinary system Ga2Te3CdTe
Pages 29-40
M. Bredol, V. Leute
The crystal structure of barium lead hexaaluminate phase II
Pages 41-50
N. Iyi, Z. Inoue, S. Takekawa, S. Kimura
Chemical composition and crystal structure of β-alumina type R+-gallate (R+ = K+, NH+4)
Pages 51-61
H. Ikawa, T. Tsurumi, M. Ishimori, K. Urabe, S. Udagawa
Crystal structure of β-CaNi5D0.77 by rietveld analysis of neutron powder-diffraction data
Pages 62-67
L.D. Calvert, B.M. Powell, J.J. Murray, Y. Le Page
The structural interrelationship between the three polymorphs of Rh2O3 and Rh2S3, Rh2Se3, and Ir2S3
Pages 68-73
K.R. Poeppelmeier, J.M. Newsam, J.M. Brown
Koplanaritätsbeziehungen in der Sauerstoffkoordination am dreiwertigen Antimon: neue Ausnahmen zu den Regeln der Elektronenpaarabstoßung
Pages 74-77
W. Börner, M. Trömel
Structures isomorphes MeX2O4—Evolution structurale entre 2 K et 300 K de l'antimonite FeSb2O4: Elasticité et ordre magnétique anisotropes
Pages 78-86
R. Chater, J.R. Gavarri, A. Hewat
Titanates de cuivre substitués à structure bixbyite: Les composés Cu1−xTi1−xFe2xO3 (0.15 ≤ x ≤ 0.33)
Pages 87-94
Paule Mouron, Philippe Odier, Jacques Choisnet
Corrélations conductivité protonique—Structures dans le difluorure et le pentafluoroantimonate III d'hydrazinium: Structure cristalline de N2H6SbF5
Pages 95-100
H. Barbes, G. Mascherpa, R. Fourcade, B. Ducourant
Preparation of ferric tungstate and its catalytic behavior toward methanol
Pages 101-106
W.T.A. Harrison, U. Chowdhry, C.J. Machiels, A.W. Sleight, A.K. Cheetham
Préparation et étude d'un oxysilicate de fer de valence mixte Fe7(SiO4)O6 (iscorite)
Pages 107-114
Ali Modaressi, Bernard Malaman, C. Gleitzer, R.J.D. Tilley
The phase diagrams of Ag2X-AgY (X = S, Se, Te; Y = Cl, Br, I): Mixtures and the structure of Ag5Te2Cl
Pages 115-122
R. Blachnik, H.A. Dreisbach
Cationic interdiffusion in some garnets
Pages 123-127
V.V. Pan'Kov, L.A. Bashkirov
Pressure dependence of the Grüneisen parameter of silver bromide
Pages 128-130
P.C. Sharma, P. Mohazzabi, K.P. Roy
Phase relationships in the uranium-palladium-sulfur system: I. Characterization and crystal structure of UPd2S4
Pages 131-134
A. Daoudi, H. Noel
Phase transition in V5O9
Pages 135-138
A.V. Salker, H.V. Keer, E.B. Mirza, V.V. Deshpande

Issue 2, Pgs 139-267, (15 November, 1985)

Proton motion in HNbO3 and HTaO3
Pages 139-144
M.T. Weller, P.G. Dickens
An X-ray and neutron powder diffraction study of the Ca2+xNd8−x(SiO4)6O2−0.5x system
Pages 145-158
J.A. Fahey, W.J. Weber, F.J. Rotella
Alkali fluoride containing fluorozirconate glasses: Electrical properties and NMR investigation
Pages 159-164
J.M. Reau, J. Senegas, H. Aomi, P. Hagenmuller, M. Poulain
Kinetics of liquid-solid ion-exchange reactions of transition metal ions in tin(IV) phosphate
Pages 165-171
Pritam S. Thind, Jatinder S. Gandhi
The preparation, structure, and conductivity of scandium-substituted NASICONs
Pages 172-181
M.A. Subramanian, P.R. Rudolf, A. Clearfield
Synthesis of vanadium sulfides under high pressure
Pages 182-187
Masao Yokoyama, Masahiro Yoshimura, Masataka Wakihara, Shigeyuki Somiya, Masao Taniguchi
Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of MnBr2 · 4D2O and MnCl2 · 4D2O
Pages 188-194
J.E. Moore, R.A. Butera
Magnetic susceptibilities of UO2-ThO2 solid solutions
Pages 195-202
Yukio Hinatsu, Takeo Fujino
Single crystal structure determinations of BaTiAl6O12 and Ba3TiAl10O20
Pages 203-208
G.D. Fallon, B.M. Gatehouse, P.J. Wright
Crystal structure of KSbP2O8
Pages 209-213
Y. Piffard, S. Oyetola, S. Courant, A. Lachgar
Anhydrous deuterium β-alumina: Powder neutron diffraction studies at 4.2, 298, 573, and 720 K
Pages 214-229
John M. Newsam, Anthony K. Cheetham, Bruce C. Tofield
Thermal analysis and IR spectroscopic studies on Na β-alumina
Pages 230-236
B. Mani
Gibbs energy of formation of cobalt divanadium tetroxide
Pages 237-243
K.T. Jacob, S.Shashidhara Pandit
Magnetic susceptibilities of UO2-ZrO2 solid solutions
Pages 244-251
Yukio Hinatsu, Takeo Fujino
An outline of the stucture of 7Bi2O3 · 2WO3 and its solid solutions
Pages 252-257
A. Watanabe, N. Ishizawa, M. Kato
The luminescence of trigonal bipyramidal NbO5−5 and TaO5−5 and a comparison with other niobates and tantalates
Pages 258-261
G. Blasse, M.J.J. Lammers, H.C.G. Verhaar, L.H. Brixner, C.C. Torardi
On the relationship between coefficients of thermal expansion and heat capacities of simple cubic metals
Pages 262-263
P. Mohazzabi, V.G. Harris
Cation exchange selectivity of layered titanates, H2Ti3O7
Pages 264-267
H. Izawa, S. Kikkawa, M. Koizumi

Issue 3, Pgs 269-412, (December, 1985)

Unusual valences and fast electron exchange in MoFe2O4
Pages 269-282
A. Ramdani, C. Gleitzer, G. Gavoille, A.K. Cheetham, J.B. Goodenough
Anion intercalation and exchange in Al(OH)3-derived compounds
Pages 283-288
I. Sissoko, E.T. Iyagba, R. Sahai, P. Biloen
Calculation of the crystal field parameters of praseodymium ethyl sulfate and praseodymium trichloride
Pages 289-296
Y.Q. Jia, S.H. Lin, Leslie S. Forster
Chemical bonding interactions in Zr2Al
Pages 297-304
R.J. Kematick, H.F. Franzen, D.K. Misemer
The structure Tl3SbS3, Tl3SbSe3, Tl3SbS3−xSex, and Tl3SbyAs1−ySe3
Pages 305-315
Arne Olsen, Peter Goodman, Harold J. Whitfield
Synthèse en monocristaux et structure du monouranate de sodium β-Na2UO4
Pages 316-319
Madeleine Gasperin
Microdomains in the reduction of Ca2LaFe3O8+z
Pages 320-331
J.M. González-Calbet, M. Vallet-Regí, M.A. Alario-Franco
Structure and properties of Y5Mo2O12 and Gd5Mo2O12: Mixed valence oxides with structurally equivalent molybdenum atoms
Pages 332-342
C.C. Torardi, C. Fecketter, W.H. McCarroll, F.J. DiSalvo
The crystal structure of Hg2FeF5(OH)2 · H2O
Pages 343-346
E. Courant, J.L. Fourquet, R. De Pape
Crystal structure determination of BaNd2Ti3O10 using high-resolution electron microscopy
Pages 347-357
A. Olsen, R.S. Roth
Disorder in the crystal structure of NaNi4(PO4)3
Pages 358-365
J.B. Anderson, J. Moring, E. Kostiner
Intercalation of primary diamines and amino acid in the layer structure oxide HTiNbO5
Pages 366-375
A. Grandin, M.M. Borel, B. Raveau
Relative stabilities of layered perovskite and pyrochlore structures in transition metal oxides containing trivalent bismuth
Pages 376-381
A. Ramanan, J. Gopalakrishnan, C.N.R. Rao
Spinel, YbFe2O4, and Yb2Fe3O7 types of structures for compounds in the In2O3 and Sc2O3-A2O3-BO systems [A: Fe, Ga, or Al; B: Mg, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, or Zn] at temperatures over 1000°C
Pages 382-384
Noboru Kimizuka, Takahiko Mohri
Author index for volume 60
Pages 385-386
Cumulative subject index volumes 56–60
Pages 387-412